Cascade – A drive to the shoulder.
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A drive to the shoulder.
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Oct 18, 2012 @ 7:24pm
Location   Holodeck, Sick Bay
Timeline   SD69, 1100H - BACKPOST

"Ouch!" David yelled as he fell off the wall from 5 meters as he was attempting to work on his bouldering skills on the holodeck.

David had been running some natural formation programs with varieties of mountains to climb, sides of cliffs to climb, rivers to swim, and even trees to climb. He fell after roughly half an hour of working on different natural walls when his left forearm had given out and he fell on his left shoulder.

He was glad to have been only 5 meters and not 10 meters above the ground or else he would have been more badly injured. He managed to get up and shake off most of the initial shock. "End program" David said.

He proceeded out of the door and to the nearest turbolift. "Sick bay." He said. He entered a large room, similar to a starship's sick bay but a bit larger. More like a hospital on Earth, perhaps. He approached the first person in uniform he saw.

"Hi." He said as he gave out a light "ouch" trying not to move his left shoulder.

"Hello" Chelsea replied, looking at the man in front of her, taking in the fact that he was clearly protecting his left arm and his left shoulder was lower and at an un-natural angle."

She held out an arm indicating the nearest biobed for him to approach with the intention of taking a look. She picked up her med-corder and asked if he could sit comfortably, scanning him from the neck downwards to start with as she waited for him to answer or to sit down.

"What happened" she asked as she held up the scanner and passed it in a careful pattern across the front of him and then around to the side, finally to his back. She then added a scan of his skull for good measure before logging the information and doing a second run for detail.

Once this was done she would check the lower limbs and all of his organs but first things first. This shoulder was clearly out of its socket and needed to go back and have the ligaments regenerated.

"I was on the holodeck trying out challenging bouldering walls and changed the difficulty as I went. My arm gave out when I relaxed my concentration for a second and I fell about 5 meters to the ground onto my shoulder." David explained.

Chelsea administered an analgesic with a hyperspray and began to manipulate the joint back into it's rightful place before regenerating the torn ligaments to hold it there. Carefully reconstructing the whole of the shoulder, she then asked the unidentified Ensign to flex his arm outwards and circle it.

"I'm Chelsea Dunham, Chief Medical Officer... " she held out her hand to shake his, making him use the newly repaired arm and testing the strength of the squeeze he could apply on her hand. "That should do it.... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" she asked.

"Ensign David Straggard, I'm the propulsion specialist aboard the station. Pleased to meet you." David felt his shoulder was still a bit tender as he shook her hand, but maneuverable. "Thank you." David said.

"My pleasure. Always happy to help." Chelsea smiled and did a quick scan of the rest of him to make sure he hadn't injured any other parts of his body in his fall.

Five meters seemed a fair way to fall though, she wondered if she should ask if he should have had safeties on it.

He clearly hadn't been using climbing ropes but then he was an adult and an officer, she really shouldn't worry about basics. It was a protective but un-necessary and unpopular trait that made the CMO want to suggest more care. Most took it as nagging if she ever did *advise* them so she had given it up on the grounds that this was a big universe and these were basically warriors that she was in charge of fixing up.

"Are you a keen climber?" she asked as the scan registered and uploaded to the main console.

"I am." David almost felt insulted but he knew better than to react. "I challenged myself on the holodeck with a changing bouldering wall. Seemed I overestimated my strength and lost my grip. Do you climb?" David asked.

"I'm a total amateur. I climb rarely and only as a form of excercise and a way of enjoying something different and challenging but I don't mean the sort of challenge that I think you're talking about. I've seen the way some experts climb like mountain wolves, completely one with the terrain no matter how steep it is. That sort of thing is way out of my league." she answered and then added. "This result shows that you haven't done any harm other than the shoulder so you're all fixed. Please give it a 24 hour period of rest before putting it under load or undue strain."

"Thank you, doctor." David said. He got up from the medical bed and started to move his shoulder. He felt better.

"No problem Ensign." Chelsea replied with a smile and stood aside to allow him to leave as she put away the med-kit and replenished the items used.


A JP between:

Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist


Commander Chelsea Dunham
CMO & 2XO - DS5