Unity – Confessions of an Eavesdropper
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Confessions of an Eavesdropper
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Mon Dec 21, 2009 @ 11:57am
Location   Science Lab 1
Timeline   SD 16.45

Dunham left security at a fast pace. Though he had a long list of things to catch up on, since his brief incarceration; including going to see the worried Doctor Adams. He never the less had a higher priority on that list to attend to first.

That was going to see Lieutenant commander Tovon. Dunham was feeling guilty over the confrontation between Gabriel and Tovon in the Cells of security only hours ago. He had remained silent as they had 'discussed' Lieutenant Tan. Even though Dunham wasn't sure what angle Mr Tan was coming from these days. He did know him to be a good officer and a decent man. So Dunham made his way to Science Lab 1, were he knew that Tovon spent most of working and free time, to speak up on and Tan's behalf and to confess to overhearing their confession. It was after all in his opinion bad Karma not to.

Dunham made his way through the domain of the science department, baffled by the various experiments and scientific data. He soon found Tovon hard at work over a computer read out screen. “Sir” he asked tentatively.

Greo looked up from the computer screen. Even though problems had been solved and the anomaly had gone away there was reems of data to look over. Most of it was fascinating. He had rarely had the chance to see data from a subspace flexure, let alone one that had a temporal signature. He also had all the data from the core behind him to check out. With all this going on it took him a second to recognise Dunham, numbers were still floating before him.

"Ah Rich! How are you doing?" Greo hadn't seen the flyboy in a while and found he was genuinely pleased to see him.

Dunham took the commanders hand in a happy and warm hand shake. "I'm not doing to bad sir. Congratulations on your promotion." Dunham paused as he took in the site of the large Romulan computer core. He pointed his finger towards it. "Is that the core we recovered?"

"It is indeed, I have been working on decompiling the relevant data and assembling it in the right order." He paused and looked at his friend. "There is some interesting stuff in this baby."

"I see." Dunham took a deep breath to try and relax himself. He was a little nervouse about what he had to say next. "Sir I have a bit of a confession to make. When you went to see Lieutenant Commander Gabriel in the brig a few hours ago. I was their also. In the cell oppoiste. I'm sorry I did not say anything in the moment. But by the time I got the nerve to say something it was all over."

"Ah I see." Greo moved back to the computer screen. "Well that's a little unfortunate. I suppose I should tell you that the whole cloak and dagger approach was really for the sake of Mr Gabriel. I felt he'd respond better to that approach. Which he did just not how I imagined." He looked at Rich again. "I'm just trying to find out what the hell is going on around here. Maybe you can help me?"

"Of course sir. Anyway I can." He said with a smile. He took out a gum from his pocket and chewed it thoughtfully. "How can I be of assistance?"

"I'm not sure at the moment, things are still up in the air." He figured Rich new all he had said to Gabriel, but another thought had occured to him.

"There was something I was hoping you could help me with. I need a ship."

"Sounds like fun. What kind of ship did you have in mind? something big or something small? You know a Lieutenant Commander you do have the authority to take out one of the wallace class garrisson vessels."

"A garrison vessel might be a bit overboard. I was thinking more of a runabout with a scientific payload. Would you be up for piloting me around the system? I wanted to check the anomaly's effects on local space."

"Yeah no problem." said Dunham giving a thumbs up, and leaning back on one of the control panels. "But that thing is closed now right? its not going to open again? Because I ain't flying through that thing again."

"Don't worry Rich, I'm pretty sure we'll never see that particular flexure again." He paused and picked up a PADD from the computer desk. "I'm going to put a mission spec into the Commander tonight for launch in the morning, I'm sure it will help smooth things along if your name was down for pilot."

Dunham nodded in agreement. "Five by five" he said with a smile.

"Well thanks Rich," he paused looking the man in the eye, "and if you can keep the other matter under your hat, maybe we'll have something to talk about on our little trip?"

Dunham made a theatrical show of putting an imaginary object on his head and hiding it under mimed hat. “No problem sir.” He said with a smile.


LT Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer