Judgement – A face only a mother could love...
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   A face only a mother could love...
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Thu Nov 03, 2011 @ 8:31pm
Location   Adometar, Hăzăk region of Cardassia Prime
Timeline   2360

"But mother!"

"No buts. You finish the rest of your work, and then you can play with the Keldon model." Mel'ot spoke to her small child, resisting the urge to smirk at his persistence.

"But, what if I get to play with the model for just a little while, and then I'll write my report, on the model itself?" The young Getal threw his mother wave after wave of puppy dog eyes and whimpering, his last attempt at retrieving his beloved model.

"You know the deal Tharek. Education is paramount, everything else is secondary." Tharek's mother laughed lightly, and took the small child into her arms. "Your going to be a good politician when your older Tharek, you know that don't you? I'll tell you what. I'll tell you a story, and then you get straight to work. Sound fair?"

Tharek nuzzled himself against his mother, curled into a ball in her lap, like a small pet showing affection to it's owner. Getal's full attention was on his mothers eyes, waiting for her to begin the story.

"This is the story of Cardas, the hero of Cardassia three." She looked down on her son, and smiled as he listened intently to her words. "The story tells, that Cardas was just like you as a boy. Eager, excitable and itching to go out into the world to fulfill Cardassia's wish."

Tharek's eyes only widened as his mother revealed that this hero was similar to himself, and it only made his eyes brighter, and his nuzzling more thorough.

"Cardas grew up as a proud, handsome and honourable Cardassian, honouring the State and protecting Cardassia to the maximum of his abilities. That is, of course, until the day everything was taken from him. His family, his parents, his home. Everything Cardas held dear was stolen from him, by no more than common pirates. This infuriated Cardas. What happens to people who steal, Tharek?"

Tharek thought for a second, then responded in a slow tone. "People who steal are brought before the State, and punished in a swift and just manner."

"Exactly. Except, Cardas didn't use the State to bring the criminals to justice. He took it upon himself to find them and punish them. He used a ship, with a loyal crew, and found the scum. Although, he didn't kill them."

"What did he do mother?" Tharek asked intently.

"Calm down Tharek, I'm just coming to that part." Getal's mother smiled down at her eager child. "Cardas brought them back to Cardassia. He wanted them to pay, but he knew the State could do a far better job then he ever could. He presented the scum to the Chief Archon, and their fate was decided. They were forced to work in the Hutet labour camp, under the sting of a Cardassian whip."

Tharek's eyes lit up more and more with each word. "What did Cardas do after he handed the pirates to the State?" He asked, hanging on every sentance.

"He done exactly what every Cardassian should do. He obeyed the State, and was happy for it. He was a proud, honourable Cardassian. And I can see much of him in you Tharek." Mel'ot smiled, holding Getal closer. "He started a new family, and was taken in by his spouses parents. Everything was right for Cardas once more. And what, do you think son, is the moral of this story?"

Getal thought for a small moment. "Um... Obey the State and you'll be rewarded?"

"Besides that?"

"Um... Um... " Tharek muttered, hoping his mother would finish his sentance for him.

"Those who do wrong, are punished eventually. Obedience to the State is above all, no matter what emotions are present. Good always triumphs evil, and Cardassians, always prevail." She said, rubbing a motherly hand over his hair. "Now, are you going to get on and finish your assignment?"

"Yes mother, I'll do it right now!" He said, keeping to his end of the agreement.

"Good boy. You make me so proud Tharek." Mel'ot said, almost as a whisper, but loud enough so the child could hear. After her words, she left Tharek's room and returned to her husband, J'trey, as they prepared to voyage off on a new placement, and having to leave Getal once more in the company of Delet Loker, his cousin. A Legate already, mainly through the Obsidian Order. Of course, this information was shielded from both J'trey and Mel'ot Getal. They assumed Loker was a trustworthy person, when he was far from it.

Little did the parents of Getal know, that this would be one of the few last times they would gaze upon their child. One of the few last times that they would witness their child, and what he would eventually turn in to. He would turn into the very thing they taught him was evil and wrong. Getal had become the scum in the stories he was told when he was a child.

Veçok edikouv Tharek Getal, veçok edikouv Cardăsa