Intermission – A shocking surprise and confussion
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   A shocking surprise and confussion
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Tue Aug 06, 2013 @ 1:27am
Location   BII Offices
Wayne could not believe what he was reading, it simply was not something that should have been possible and yet here it was staring him right in the face.

Major General Wayne Howard Bradshaw
Chairman of Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated


General Bradshaw you are hereby requested and required to present yourself to the station commander of DS5 to be reactivated into the service of the SFMC.

Once you are reactivated you will assemble your staff and hold yourself in readiness to accept an upcoming assignment as yet to be determined.

respectfully yours

Field Marshal Collin Hawkins
Commanding officer 2nd Corps SFMC

Wayne could not believe this. He knew Collin when he had been a brigadier general though something seemed off about the whole situation.

he opened up his terminal and sent off a quick message.

Captain Tahir and Col. Darson

I would respectfully request a meeting with both of you to discuss something that has recently come to light that could affect all three of us. I await your answer and will make myself available to you to meet where ever you wish.

Wayne Bradshaw

He leaned back and now all he had to do was wait this had to be a prank but if it was not and he had been reactivated he would need to talk to both of these officers.

There was one more thing that he could do though it was not normal still Collin had at one time been his Jr. officer he would still word this letter carefully.


I recently recieved a recall notice that seemed to come directly from you. There is something off about this notice though and I want to know if this is an honest notice or if someone is joking with me in very bad taste. If the order is valid I will of course comply even though I have been out of the service for several years now.

respectfully yours

Wayne bradshaw