Unity – Not again?
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Not again?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Dec 22, 2009 @ 10:29pm
Timeline   SD15/16
{Five KM away from DS5}

"Do they detect us?" R'vek tr'Khellian asked his tactical officer as they approached closer and closer to DS5, he'd hoped to arrive undetected and maybe give Dorian Gabriel a little scare.

"No, Sir." The Uhlan at tactical replied, "We remain undetected by their sensors."

"Very well then." R'vek nodded, "Send for Lady Eleni and Lt. Ashara, I'll want them on the bridge for this."

"Yes, Sir." The Uhlan replied, sending a message to the Admiral's suite.

R'vek didn't have to wait long for his new wife and his daughter to join him on the bridge, they were as excited about this as he was, "Eleni, darling, are you ready to see Rianni?"

"I've been ready to see my little lamb since I left her last time." Eleni replied, the question was so obvious that it didn't even really require asking, but she wasn't about to let there be any ambiguity to her desires.

"And I am ready to finally meet my sister, father." Ashara added without even needing to be asked. She left their side and took over tactical, "Ready to decloak at your command, Admiral."

"Very good, Lieutenant." R'vek replied with a laugh, "Decloak now."

"Yes, Sir." Ashara obeyed, decloaking the massive warbird off of DS5's port side.


"Oh good," Rh'vaurek said with little enthusiasm, his people had detected the movement of the ship, he kept a close eye on who came, went and moved through this sector; for him the arrival came as no surprise. It was not welcome however, the man was some relative of Isha's and was sure to try and upset the order of things in Rh'vaurek's consulate; still, one grew lax without a little opposition.

The Klingons, who had conveniently absenced themselves knew it was coming, the Cardassians knew it was coming, and they too had arranged 'manouvres' so that the station would be at its most vulnerable, they just did not know when, but the station itself had remained in blissful ignorance - of course they would discover that the Consulate had indeed sent notice of the arrival in good time but that the missive was somehow 'delayed' in the system.


With The Hed'not gone, and Na'Shara with it Lektor found himself occupied with the duties of maintaining the training schedules of the warrior that were now on the station. Toran had given instructions that their garrison was to corridinate with the Marines on the station and to basically ignore any directives that came from station's security...unless cleared by Toran himself. After walking in the heated exchange between Lord Toran and the Marine CO, Lektor wasn't sure how long that relationship would last...if it worked at all.

Now he found himself in the Station's fighter bay looking for a Commander Monteros. After asking a crewman he approached an introduced himself. "Commander Monteros?"

Rianni, heartbroken beyond words by Ayren throwing her away the way she had, was in no mood for this Klingon's crap, but had to deal with it anyway because it was the Federation's policy to cooperate with their allies, "Yeah, I'm Monteros."

"Commander Lektor, I'm in command of the Klingon Garrison here. I thought that perhaps a few of my people could work with some of your pilots. Klingons don't normally train to use individual fighters but with this new posting it might be advisable to...get some training in. One never knows what the Romulans might pull again."

That was the last straw for Rianni, between Ayren and Gabriel and all the other crap she'd been putting up with of late she just couldn't take any more. Seething she spun on him and screamed, pointing to her ears as she did so, "HEY, FRACKHEAD! I AM A ROMULAN!!" She tried to stop for a breath but couldn't her rage burning her so badly, "If you've got a problem with Romulans take it somewhere else, pal!"

Lektor stood his ground. Let her yell and scream at him, at least for now. "Well from what I read you were one those commanding a vessel that stood against the Romulans that attacked the station. Seems you don't have a problem firing on your own kind....

He was cut of by the stations alarms and a voice came over the comm. "RED ALERT - Romulan War bird off the port quarter!"

"Red alert over one vessel? Are all you Federation types this jumpy?"

"Watch who you're slandering, Klingon." Rianni spat back, for some reason being called a 'Federation type' had become an ultimate disrespect to her, "All right, all pilots to their fighters, I want everyone ready to launch in one minute. Commander, we might be under attack again, care to join me in doing something about it?"

L: Folks, can we round this one up please. I'm off into the city today and when I get back I plan to post this so if you want to add anything further please try and get it in. For once we're all on US time.