Beg, Steal or Borrow – Herrrre's the Klingons
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Herrrre's the Klingons
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sat Jul 25, 2009 @ 7:39pm
Location   Deck 615
Timeline   SD9 16:05

As Toran headed down the ramp connecting the HeD'not to the station; Toran was flanked by Loktor and Na'Shara, followed by Toran's personal guard and his aid carrying a silk wrapped bat'leth. Behind them was the rest of the his party the would be responsible for securing, inspecting and renovation whatever facilities that were provided by their Federation hosts. Once the Federation delegation was in view he smirked slightly as he had forgotten how short humans could be.

Gabriel was not happy with the fact that the Klingons had arrived early. It was typical of them to try to make a grand entrance instead of following procedure. He was beginning to have bad memories of his time posted on Qo'Nos.

Opaka would be in charge of the face-to-face interactions, but he was going to assign Lieutenant Fox to keep an overall eye on them. As he came into visual contact he made sure to check that his phaser was fully charged and activated.

"You won't need that, Commander," Jo'el asserted.

"Push come to shove, I'd rather have this standing between me and a Klingon instead of some diplomat." Gabriel replied.

Davies was unusually quiet. His mind was preoccupied with something and for now, he was staying tight lipped. He watched his feet rather than what was in front of him, but it would be interesting to see what the new ambassadorial party made of their welcome aboard the station. He fidgeted with his collar, his hem, his cuffs, anything than be drawn into another round of who hates whom and why. Nobody could see the tear forming in his eye as he stopped and bent down, pretending to clean some imagined speck of dirt off his boot.

"If push comes to shove, you'll probably need a mop," he replied, grinning not without a bit of irony.

Ayren stepped towards the group, noticing the Klingons' approach and annoyed at even the presence of weapons from their own party. What were these people thinking......"There will be no weapons necessary and I would like them to be out of site .." she said including everyone.

Gabriel looked at her, looked at the Klingons, and then looked at his phaser. . .it remained in the "on" position.

Ayren was just going to react, but then looked up at the approaching Klingons, thinking it actually ridiculous that anyone would think that a phaser would have made any difference in any case, or think it necessary under these circumstances.

Karen merely rolled her eyes at the posturing as she linked her fingers together behind her back and reminded herself of a few useful phrases should it be necessary for her to speak

As the delegation came to a stop, Loktor saw the obvious move by one of the fleeters to check his weapon. Leaning forward, he whispered, "My Lord.."

Toran silenced him simply by raising his hand. He knew what was on his officer's mind, but he paid the little fleeter no mind. Klingons were always armed anyway, so being greeted in a similar manner was of no importance to him. It was certainly nothing to be concerned about, not with 2000 troops at his back. So let the him shake in his boots at the approach of Klingon warriors. Besides, a true warrior always knows his weapons status; Toran actually found it humorous that he had to check.

The Ambassador had an exceptionally powerful mind and Ayren sensed his attitude. For A moment she almost chuckled, but then kept a straight face, letting her eyes wonder over the party. If she caught the eyes of Toran, he would know that she had heard his general line of thinking and that she agreed with him.

Looking at those assembled, he turned to Davies. "You must be Commander Davies? I am Toran, Head of the House of Moqrhat, I am Honored to serve both the Empire and the Federation as Ambassador to your facility."

Davies stood straight and tipped his head and then offered his hand in welcome.

"Toran of the house of Moqrhat. Deep Space Five and her crew welcomes you. Allow me to introduce my first officer, chief of security, our Chief Diplomat and our master at arms." David hand pointed out each member of staff and he allowed them each to introduce themselves.

Gabriel stepped directly to Toran and grasped his hand to shake it while maintaining eye-contact. "I am Dorian Gabriel the Chief of this Station's Security. There will be a meeting later this afternoon involving you and the other Ambassadors regarding security protocols onboard this station." Gabriel said. During his time serving on Qo'Nos, he had learned that it was best to be direct and to the point with Klingons, subtly was never their strong point.

Toran took the hand Gabriel offered and grinned at his grip. Though the man appeared as a typical, young human male there was a strength there that was....well more than human. He continued to look the man in the eye. Toran was curious, there was something about him that needed investigation. "I look forward to your meeting, Lt. Commander Gabriel."

"qaqItlhneS," Karen said quite simply.

Nodding at the greeting, "qa tlho'. You must be the Commander's First Officer."

Karen returned the nod, "Correct. I have that honour. Commabder Karen Villiers." There was not really anything else to be said - if she needed to have anything further to do with the delegation that would be the time for words and detail, not here.

"Ambassador," Jo'el said with a curt bow of his head. "I am Lt. Opaka Jo'el. It is a distinguished pleasure to make your acquaintance. The House of Moqrhat is an honored one, both in the Empire and among those of us with less than pronounced brows." While he was attempting humor, Jo'el knew better than to grin up at Toran like an idiot waiting to be stabbed.

Toran grinned, deciding he liked this Bajoran immediately as his hand came down on the man's shoulder. "Ridges do not make the warrior. Your people's fighting skills and cunning are well known, more than compensating for 'less pronounced brows'."

Jo'el nodded. "I hope your staff will allow me the privilege of joining them for training exercises while they are on the station."

"I'm sure Commander Loktor would be more than happy to work you into the training cycle."

Loktor watched the Bajoran, "This should be interesting....~ "I will see to it personally, that he has his opportunity."

"Commander," Jo'el acknowledged Loktor and returned to his spot.

Lastly Ayren stepped forward. "qaqItlhneS", she said. "I am Ayren Kelan, Chief Diplomatic Officer, welcome to DS5", she said in perfect Klingon. "I will be honoured to assist you in any way possible. She had noticed the woman flanking the Ambassador watching her, but chose to ignore it for now.

~Ahhh, so this is the one.~ Bowing his head slightly, "The Honor is mine Miss Kelan."

Once all the Federation officer's had introduced themselves, Loktor stepped to the side. "Allow me to introduce my officers. Commander Na'Shara, First Officer of the Imperial Klingon Vessel HeD'not; Commander Loktor, my garrison commanding officer; Ambassadorial Aide Marok."

The Commander nodded his acknowledgement to each and hoped that the observation deck was ready to greet them with a few traditional Klingon dishes and maybe a beverage or three.

"If you will follow Ambassador Kelan, she will escort you to our observation deck. Commander Gabriel will be able to give you any information you require." Davies stated with a single nod to the station Security Chief.

David held Karen's elbow, a signal that he wanted to hold her behind for a few minutes.

Karen felt the slight pressure on her arm and held back, "Commander?" she asked quietly.

David lifted his head in a nod, waiting for the delegation to move out of earshot, if not out of sight before he moved around in front of Karen. He took a final glance over his shoulder.

"Commander, this may be an odd request, but Loktor, the Garrison Commander looked very, very familiar. Now I know I should not ask, especially of a JAG officer, but I am asking you as an Executive officer, to delve a little into his past."

David shook his head from side to side in a meaningful manner whilst curling his bottom lip over the top of his upper lip and gently rubbed his ear. "I recognise him and for the life of me, I just cannot figure out where from and before you ask," he shrugged, "I would ask outright, but I do not want to be the cause of disharmony before the Klingons have settled." His eyes searched Karen's, not knowing her well enough to read her yet.

"I have a contact or two I could ask," she said in a thoughtful tone, "or did you want me to dig up a flask of blood-wine and ask him personally," she suggested half-joking. "They'll not like it if they think we're investigating them ... and our man Gabriel won't be too happy either - takes the idea of any investigation he isn't part of as a personal affront. OK, I'll see what I can do," she said as though that decided it for her.

"If a flask of blood wine is what it takes, then yes, please." Davies muttered thankfully, "But keep it to just us, I don't want anybody else knowing, after all, I may be wrong and I would hate to be right under the circumstances." He said in earnest.



CO: Commander David Davies

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Ayren Kelan

XO: Commander Karen Villiers

Ambassador Toran
Klingon Ambassador

Cmdr Loktor - NPC by Toran

Cmdr Na'Shara
NPC by Ayren