Beg, Steal or Borrow – Family Concerns
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Family Concerns
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Tue May 12, 2009 @ 10:06pm
Location   Main Sickbay
Timeline   16:05
Gabriel glanced at Commander Davies as the man walked by him and out of sickbay. Gabriel was tempted to comment on the Commander's "sudden" loss of command, but he decided to wait until a more appropriate time, considering the calamity that had fallen upon the station.

Gabriel looked around the area and found whom he was searching for. "Dr. Adams," Gabriel said matter of factually. "I'm looking for Ms. Ayren Kelan, the Diplomacy Officer as well as the other involved in the attack. I believe she was brought here after the incident involving Commander Da`nal's family." He said.

"Ms Kelan is here Lieutenant, but she is recovering from her injuries and is unlikely to be well enough to be interviewed yet" Chelsea answered equally business-like in her manner.

"I understand that, but my investigation relies on gathering important evidence while it is immediately available. Whatever discomfort they *may* experience is minimal compared to possible loss of evidence." He replied.

"I am sure you will also understand that my priority is not one of evidence or investigation but of the health and welfare of my patients. If you would like to wait, I will check to see if Ms Kelan is up to this." Chelsea defended. She would have gone on doing so, had Ayren not appeared from a nearby cubicle.

Ayren had heard her name and moved in the direction of the voices. At seeing them she announced herself. "I am here, and I am fine. I will answer whatever is necessary," she said.

Chelsea rolled her eyes in disapproval but Ayren had given her consent to the questions and it was up to her, providing she was *actually* as fine as she claimed to be. Adams ran a medicorder over her and was satisfied so she left them to talk.

Gabriel looked at the woman who had just arrived. "Good, I'll need to speak to everyone involved in the attack, including the babysitter and the children." He said.

Ayren shook her head slightly, "Mr Gabriel, Akhil, the babysitter, is recuperating, you will have to conduct your interview at her bed, and the twins are only 3 months old. Though Klingon, they cannot really speak yet,' she informed him.

Gabriel noted the information on the Padd that he had with him. "Of course," he replied as he began walking towards Akhil's bed, but still continue to speak towards Ayren. "You say in your report that the intruders were after the children. Why would masked assassins risk life and limb to kill a pair of 3 month old children?" He asked as he finally arrived at Akhil's bed.

"I have no idea lieutenenat, but I had the impression that the children were not the main reason they were there," she said, still wanting to tell him that she thought they were after the children to harm Da'nal, but his next question came to fast.

"Is it possible that one of you were the intended target and the children were just incidental?" Gabriel asked Ayren.

Ayren shook her head firmly. "No, they were definitely after the children, we were just in the way," she replied. "Perhaps...." They were at Akhil's bed and she decided to wait to see where the question lead.

As the hypo hissed, the stimulant spread through Ahkil's system and she stirred. She was still stiff from her injuries, but pain was nothing new to her. Pain lets you know you are alive. Opening her eyes she looked to her visitors, smiling to see Aryen uninjured.

Gabriel looked at the woman as her eyes glanced around the room before settling on Aryen. "Hello, I'm Chief of Security Dorian Gabriel. I'm investigating the incident that took place during the attack on the station. According to initial reports, you claim to have no prior knowledge of the assassins that attempted to kill you all." He said as he read the Padd in front of him.

"Beyond his responsibilities in Starfleet, what type or organizations or individuals did Da`nal associate himself with before this attack occurred?" Gabriel inquired.

Looking at the man questioningly for a moment as her mind cleared. "I am not aware of any organizations that he has 'associated' himself with. The only individuals I am aware of other than Star Fleet Personnel is the family on of deceased mate. The father is a strong xenophobe, or so I was told, but they are on Earth."

"What about any enemies he may have made?" Gabriel asked further as he looked Aryen. "What about you? As the Chief Diplomacy Officer I'm sure you are aware of any problems involving Da`nal's affairs outside of Starfleet." Gabriel suggested.

"We have been in a battle as far as I know ," she said with slight sarcasm, but bit her tongue, "And Commander Da'nal had only arrived on the station earlier today. I have not had the chance to even look into his background. All I can say from experience that a man such as himself would have made quite a few enemies. However, you'd better ask him directly."

Ahkil to this moment to add to Aryen's responce. "The House of Varal has its rival in the Empire as due many Great Houses. Although they have what could be labeled as blood feud with a particular Romulan family. As to any other personal enemies I know of, there are none. And no one in the Empire would raise a hand against children." Her voice conveying the contempt she felt for the coward that would do such a thing.

Gabriel thought to himself for a moment before responding. "Nobody in the Empire you say? However, you did report that the attackers were Klingon?" He asked rhetorically. "It just seems to be too strong of a coincidence that someone attempts to kill his children on the same day that he begins a new post and while he is off the station during a "surprise" attack." Gabriel added.

"I have reason to believe that this attack was coordinated by someone close to Da`nal." Gabriel said to the women. "Any idea who Da`nal might have a strong disagreement or feud with inside of his circle?" He inquired.

Ahkil shook her head. "No, none. The only enemies tha would do something this cowardly would be Romulans. That is who just attacked the station."

Ayren frowned slightly confused. "I had never mentioned that the attackers were Klingon, I said they were Romulan, definitely, I sensed them even them even before they were there." she said firmly

At this moment Dr Adams returned and noticed that Akhil's door was open. Walking in she glanced at the party inside and closed the door behind her.

"I did not give authorization for this patient to be woken" she said, very worried that her responsibility for Akhil's care had been undermined in this way.

"Who gave her a stimulant?" Her eyes swept the room.

A junior medic blushed and stepped forward. "I was asked to wake her and I didn't think to check the authority of the officer, I'm sorry"

"You *will* be if this ever happens again!" Chelsea gave him a look that would have fried Sarogan eggs without a pan. "Wait in my office" she ordered and the junior fled.

Checking Akhil over with a mediscanner Chelsea turned to Gabriel. "Fortunately for you, Lieutenant, this patient has suffered no ill-effects from this monstrous intrusion into her recovery schedule".

"Now if you've finished risking lives and ignoring Medical protocol - I can quote you the Regulations you've violated if you wish?" she knew he didn't wish, so she went on. "I'll thank you to complete your investigations either elsewhere or later" she planted her feet firmly and waited for him to leave, hoping he wouldn't be difficult about this because it occurred to her it would be rather awkward trying to send for Security in the circumstances!

Ahkil looked to the Doctor. "I thank you for your concern, but... I may be old but I'm not finished yet...we Klingons are of a heartier stock than most."

Gabriel smirked as he finished inputting the information into his Padd. "Thank you, you've been helpful to the investigation. If I have more questions. . ." He said as he turned to Dr. Adams.

"I'll be sure to find you." He said as he looked into Dr. Adams' eyes. He turned and proceeded to exit the Sickbay through the adjacent doors.


Joint post between:

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer


Lt Chelsea Adams


Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer


Akhil (NPC played by Da`nal)