Beg, Steal or Borrow – Three big matters
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Three big matters
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Aug 02, 2009 @ 11:27am
Location   Commanders Ready room
Timeline   SD 9 1415 hrs
Jarred walked across ops to the commanders ready room, he thought he could hear classical music of somekind playing through the door, Jarred pushed the door chime hoping the acting CO would respond.

Davies was lost in a world of his own as the tears tracked down his face. The melancholy march of a piece classical music was a release that his mother had used to do, to hide her sobs and now this particular dirge was being used in a similar fashion by the Commander.
He didn't hear the chime, or at least ignored hearing it over the ripping string section of this particular piece of music which he requested the computer to play at a high level, Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture from the third stanza, a piece of only 6 minutes and he wanted it to be his own few minutes of redemption.

Jarred tapped his comm-badge =^="Commander, its Lieutenant Wallace, you asked to meet with me about something"=^=

This time the Commander felt the vibration of his badge on his chest and blinked as he stood, dabbing at his eyes as he silenced the music.
=/= "Of course Lieutenant. I am in my office, say ten minutes?" He enquired as he scanned the room.

Ten minutes later Jarred returned the same PADD in hand, and pushed the door chime again.

David was ready for him, as the chime sounded. He had cleaned himself up a little to appear more presentable.
"Come." David shouted as Jarred entered the office.
"Lieutenant, sorry for the delay. Please take a seat." David pointed to the empty chair across from himself and moved a PADD over towards him. "I think you need to widen your horizons with a small exercise." The Commander said without explaining, allowing Wallace to read for himself.

Jarred looked at the commander, and the composed his thoughts, "The exercise itself seems to be interesting, I see that the Prometheus class ship is a new version, that should make things interesting, but why me?"

Watching the officer, David had to admit he didn't know why.
"Orders Mr Wallace. These were relayed to us, they don't come from me, but from Starfleet." David shifted in his seat. "It appears you are being groomed." He offered.

Jarred decided not to bother following up the question, "The exercise itself seems to be pretty straight forward, the Bunker Hill will defend against the Daedalus and the station will only provide support during the first part of the exercise. Looks like they want to repeat the scenario we just went through with the Romulans."

David leant forward on his clasped hands and furrowed his brow.
"The exercise sounds straightforward, but be sure that you have a full compliment of both crew and armament." He said clasping his hands together and placing them on his leg. "The Bunker Hill is docked ready to be decommissioned, so you had also bet Lieutenant Freeman to give her once over and Ensign Petro will accommodate you for most of what you need to be up and running." He advised.

Jarred set down the PADD and picked up the next one, "I was going through the inventory, I noticed we're two runabouts short."

"Two runabouts?" He enquired, his hands parted as he started towards the comms console at the desk, readying to call on Rianni Monteros.

"Before you call security and stage a station wide search, I was thinking after recent events we need something with a little more teeth on hand now, depending on nearby ships as well as any random starship that's docked." Jarred decided to drop the other shoe.

David shook his head, realising it may have looked as though he was going to call security.
"I was going to call Lieutenant Commander Monteros, as head of flight, she would know where all the stations ship would be, but yes, I am inclined to agree, a fully operating star ship, as a compliment to the stations defences would be a prudent course of action. What did you have in mind lieutenant?" David enquired, his interest peaked as he relaxed back into his seat.

"My father works at Utopia Planetia, last night he and I we talking and he said they moved another ship into storage, making the storage yard there almost at capacity now, there's two Hornet class ships sitting there, along with a bunch of other ships and prototypes, depending on what we can be approved for, I'd like recommend we acquire something." Jarred more or less pleaded his case.

David brought his hands up under his chin and studied Wallace for a moment. He could see the excited glint in his eye and knew he would have to let the Lieutenant have at last a little fun trying to rescue or at least reconnoitre some new ships.

"Very well Mr Wallace, you have my permission to see what we can use here on DS5." he leant forward a little, "but be sure to talk to Commander Monteros as well, I am sure that she would be equally excited to see some new ships come our way. If there is nothing else?" David asked with a slight bait in his tone.

"I'm just going to finalize my crew roster for the exercise, and then get in contact with Mars, having a short list of stuff will help in talking with Rianni." Jarred joked.

David grinned in reciprocation. "Very well Lieutenant. If there is nothing else I can help you with?" David said as he stood.

"No I don't think so Sir, the rest will have to wait until our opposition arrives." Jarred commented


Lt Jarred Wallace

Commander David Davies