Beg, Steal or Borrow – Into Lockdown
by Commander Leksi Nayron & Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer

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Title   Into Lockdown
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Leksi Nayron & Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer
Posted   Fri Apr 17, 2009 @ 3:14pm
Location   Weiltzer Fleet Corps Offices
Timeline   Backpost - Immediatly after lock-down was ordered
Leksi paced around her office, as her assumed right hand man returned to the office. He handed her a list of the names of each ship in her fleet, and the person who commanded it. It was a long list.

"Sergeant, Mr Weiltzer is still on the station?" she asked, standing at the window and looking back at him.

"Yes, Commander, to my the best of my knowlege"

"Very well. Okay, thank you Sergeant. Stand by outside please, I may have more for you to do"

Harris nodded and walked out of the office. Looking at her desk, Leksi spotted a brand new commbadge. She picked it up and attached it to her uniform. She tapped it gently, and it made it's trademark beep.

=A="Commander Nayron to Fleet Admiral Weiltzer, come in please"=A=

"Commander Nayron, this is Weiltzer. What can I help you with?" asked Johan carefully, still trying to fit a personal meeting with the new 9421st Fleet Commanding Officer into his very crowded schedule. They were expecting another 6 ships to report within the next month, all assigned to the 9421st Fleet, and he had a lot of things to get in line first as well as inspections to be conducted on each ship as it arrived, not just the standard equipment and safety inspections among other things, but also a very thorough crew and uniform inspection along with an inspection of their reactions to simulated situations. The battle drills would take a long time for each ship and all six ships would be run through them separately. He had just finished scheduling the week long inspections based upon current scheduled arrival times, even though he knew the schedule would change as did the timeline for the arrivals.

"Sir, you should be advised, the station is going into lockdown. I have cleared out the offices of our staff, my aide and I are the only ones left here" said Leksi, pacing the office. "I recommend that you join us on the lower levels of the station. Our vessels are being locked down as we speak"

"I will be there as soon as I can Commander. I am currently finishing a few final things and securing my offices. I have already sent all of my staff down there. Also, your Executive Officer should be located down there by now. If she isn't there by the time you get there, I will leave it in your capable hands to handle the situation. As I'm sure you know by now, her record has more than its share of blemishes, however, because they rode a very gray line, she has managed to slip by with mostly reprimands and one court-martial. I actually need to speak with you privately at the first opportunity that is convenient for both of us. She is one of the many things we need to discuss privately. Anyways, I am nearly done here, and I should be heading that direction in about five to ten minutes. Also, Commander, I realize that standard protocol on Weiltzer ships is that when they enter lockdown, you take nothing with you, and this is another matter we need discussed. At least part of our company's offices here handle Intelligence related materials. As such, I want for you to contact the appropriate staff for those parts that handle it, I will start at the top of the list and you can start at the bottom. We will meet in the middle of the list. On a station this size, I don't want those items containing any Intel or used for strictly Intel purposes left unguarded or unsecure. What this means is that those sections of our company here, need to either post a rotating guard 24/7 during this lockdown, which I am guessing the Station Commander would not agree with, or take all Intel specific items with them into the lockdown and keep them secured with them at all times during the lockdown. If you don't concur with this, that's fine, it is mainly a recommendation, but we do need to get together and establish all protocols for all situations that could happen so that they can be implemented throughout the entire command. That is also part of our meeting. I will clue you in on a few more topics of discussion when I see you in the lockdown," stated Johan calmly while disguising his extreme fear of losing valuable Intel or having it stolen or having the information end up in the wrong hands.

"Very well, sir. I'll have the material found and kept safe. I'll redirect our Security Staff to find it" said Leksi. "I'm not sure what's about to happen, i'd advise you move quickly, sir. While the path is still open". She nodded to her aide, who left promptly to find the crews. "Any other orders, sir?"

"No," said Johan as he finished his paperwork and began heading towards the lockdown.

"Understood sir" said Leksi, "Safe Travels. Nayron out"


Fleet Admiral Johan Weiltzer
Commander Leksi Nayron