Beg, Steal or Borrow – There is always a Method to the Madness (pt. 2)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Arrival Kaia

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Title   There is always a Method to the Madness (pt. 2)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Arrival Kaia
Posted   Thu Feb 12, 2009 @ 3:58am
Location   Deck 72 - Marine Complex
Timeline   SD8: 08:50hrs

A hulking Klingon wearing the unmistakable rank insignia of Sergeant Major, exited the complex, and glowered down at Lt. Gabriel, “Lieutenant,” He growled, “I am First Sergeant Rajuc. Major Darson is expecting you, and is waiting for you in the MTAC…I am to escort you and your...cohorts...there immediately. Please follow me.”


Gabriel glanced at the larger man and stepped to the side so Kaia and Wallace could enter first.

With a low huff, Rajuc turned and strode through the entrance the Marine HQ, and guided the three others through the hustle and bustle of an entire battalion of Marines running drills, cleaning weapons, and generally looking as if they were preparing for a conflict of some sort.

Eventually, they came to the large open space at the center of the HQ, and Rajuc lead them off to the side where the massive armored doors of the Restricted Section were. He signed in and the doors opened. As the entourage entered the checkpoint he said, “Please surrender all weapons you have on your person at this time.”

"As if a little girl like me would need a weapon..." She said with a smirk as she walked past.

Jarred's comm-badge chattered again and he excused himself to deal with the message. Jarred rejoined the group staying back since this was no longer his show.

He followed behind the trio while observing the entrance to the large area. He still couldn't figure out why the Marines could just be tossed in a shuttle bay with cots and a replicator instead of spending Starfleet resources on this massive hulk waste.

After Gabriel and Wallace had been relieved of their weapons and Kaia had been searched thoroughly, they were passed through the checkpoint. The hallways here were much quieter, more clinical. All metal instead of carpet on the ground, as well as being several degrees colder that the other parts of the HQ. Eventually, they came to the next heavily armored door, labeled MTAC.

Rajuc accessed the biometric security, and after a few seconds, the doors slid open. He walked inside, followed by the trio, and started down the ramp that ran along one of the sides of the room. Darson was sitting in his large chair, staring broodingly at the large screen that depicted the immediate space surrounding DS5.

"Hello Darson, I trust that my prisoner is still in good health while being in your care?" Dorian inquired.

Darson looked over to him slightly and said, “It depends…am I holding any of your prisoners? I know mine are in fine condition…maybe you shouldn’t misplace yours. Ms. Kerran though, it right here. I invited her to come and eat some take out I had delivered.” And sure enough, Natrina was there, sitting at the conference table.

Gabriel was beginning to hate Darson. However he did recognize that compared to the alternative of relying on this station's security staff, he really had no choice but to go with the devil he knew. He walked over to the conference table and took a seat.

"Please, everyone, have a seat. We have a lot to discuss concerning what has transpired over the past few days." He said in a more relaxed tone.

Natrina spoke, "Spare us the repetitive, and boring lecture on what happened the last few days and get to the point before I converse with legal counsel. For what purpose would a Federation Intelligence Officer, who is widely regarded by some in Starfleet as a loose cannon, enlist the aid of a Federation Marine that even I would respect in wit and intelligence not to be associated with the said intelligence officer, and for the extent purpose of arresting us on the allegations of theft? Isn't that a task for Ms. Rakka? If it is, then the Nausicaan is even dimmer witted than I thought if this can happen without her knowledge." The Bartender said with a smirk.

Gabriel reclined slightly in the chair before he responded. ~hmm. . Corinthian leather . . . I wonder how many credits that set Starfleet back? ~ Dorian thought to himself.

"Natrina. Natrina . . . Natrina, I'll admit that my department might have been a bit . . . zealous in its execution of the search warrant. However even you recognize the existence of the circumstantial evidence that we possessed. In fact, I'm sure that your legal counsel will instruct you that my department only needs probable cause to validate an arrest. Especially if we have evidence that a particular individual was onboard a Starfleet vessel without authorization." Gabriel said in a jovial tone.

Kaia raised her voice, "But we HAD authori-"

"But let's look beyond that, I didn't bring you all here to get fashion tips from Darson. I brought you all here to discuss how we are going to handle this "situation" that we have involving the Legacy's Transwarp Drive and Natrina's establishment." He said in a more serious tone.

"Maybe I've got an incomplete picture, but I'm still not seeing the connection you're trying to draw between those two things." Kaia commented. "Maybe you could start with that."

"Oh. . . I’m sorry, but is the word dumb written across my forehead?" He said as he feigned a wiping motion.

"I think that's just as good,” Kaia replied, pointing to his lapel pin. "Regardless of your head, you still have an evidence file full of nothing."

"I'm not some looming Nausican with an IQ lower than my shoe size, I know exactly why you were onboard the Legacy and I know that the so-called "hi-jacking" was a setup." He said as he sat up straight. "Yer right, I MIGHT NOT be able to directly prove that you broke into Starfleet property and stole any technology, but. . . “He said as he let the silence linger.

"I can make your lives and your businesses a living hell." He added.

"It's a pity we live in a galaxy of truths, rather than one of facts." Kaia answered, unimpressed with his positioning.

"Not to poke a hole in your balloon of inflated authority," She jabbed, "But what could you do to make my life or business a living hell? I just got out of sickbay a few days ago for, and let me enunciate this, EXPLOSIVE DECOMPRESSION. And my business? I haven't had a single customer in months. What are you going to do? Give me less business than I've got? Wrap me in red tape to do a job nobody is paying me to do anyway? If you want my help, ask for my help, but don't try to threaten me by telling me that you're going to put me exactly where I already am."

Natrina spoke, "And you cannot keep my bar closed forever, sooner or later, the Federation Court will investigate how it was closed, and find you to pay the price."

"You are correct, I can't keep it closed forever, but it will take a while for a Federation Court to grant an injunction on my investigation, but even then I have the right to appeal which will take up to several months to completely play out." he responded. "Or . . . we can work together to resolve this issue in a quicker manner." He stated.

"Darson if you would please," Gabriel said as he slid an isolinear chip across the table towards Darson so he could input it into his console and bring it up on the screen in front of them.

Darson snapped his fingers, and an enlisted Marine technician scrambled out of the pit, picked up the isolinear chip, and brought it over to him. He wordlessly displayed its contents on the large screen.

"As you all are aware, the pirate threat within this sector has grown recently. It has gotten to the point where commerce and travel within this sector is disrupted because of fear of being attacked and ransacked by the various pirates who operate here." Gabriel said as he narrowed the viewing screen to a certain location.

"Through my investigation I have been able to ascertain that the Pirate base of operation is within this general vicinity, which as you all know is only several hundred kilometers from the boundaries of the Neutral Zone." he continued. "Kaia and Natrina, This is where you come in. Your vessel was involved with the pirates that attacked the Legacy. Therefore, it is in the best position to track down the vessel's sensor trails directly to their base of operation." He added.

"Assuming that's where they went." Kaia responded. "This much time after the incident, that'll be a challenge even for my ship."

"My investigation has determined that the Pirates are operating out of a cloaked base within that region. The plan is for your vessel to lead us to this location," Gabriel said as he clicked to a different portion of the screen. "At that point, you and your marines will come into play Darson." Gabriel said. "You will lead a strike force into the base and completely disable and/or permanently incapacitate the base." he stated. "While Darson's men are handling that, Kaia will upload from the pirate base all the information that they possess on the Federation Transwarp Drive." He concluded.

"Any questions?" He asked.


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant J.G.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer

Jarred Wallace
ACIO Deep Space 5

Owner of Xenology Survey Services
Deep Space 5
"No plan, no technology, is so perfect as to truly be idiot proof."

Natrina Kerran
Former Obsidian Order Spy