Interlude – Playing dumb
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Playing dumb
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Aug 29, 2010 @ 2:03pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 29
Dorian entered the loud and colorful bar. He had become accustomed to the constant buzzing of voices, shouts, and gambling. Personally, he never saw the value in such an installation. Outside of the fact that they possessed authentic alcohol he never understood why a person would willfully give away their hard-earned money at the mere chance of gaining more. He didn't focus too much on the quandary as he made his way over to the bar.

Yolanthe came over to the security chief, no ex security chief, she corrected herself. They'd stripped him of his commission, at least temporarily and judging from his rant last week, that had cut him to the core. So she was going to be nice to him. "What'll it be, sugarplum?"

"Saurian Brandy" Dorian requested as he continued to observe the room.

She found the bottle and poured. "There you go. How's life on civvie street? Getting used to it?"

"Thank you." He said as he took the glass and began to sip from his casually. "You know, it is somewhat liberating to not have to wear the same uniform everyday." he said in a conversational tone. "To be able to walk down the halls and galleys and everywhere else on this station as a normal person." he added.

"It's fascinating some of the things you can see or even *hear* about when you are just a regular person amongst the denizens of this station." He added with a somewhat genuine smile.

"A bar tender once told me, listen twice as much as you talk and the world will beat a path to your door. Mind you, he was an el-aurian, so I guess it came naturally." and because she had been listening, she took the bait and asked the question he wanted her to ask. "And what have you heard?"

"Well, there's the different recreational activities that take place throughout the station. There's your holodecks for example. There's the promenade viewing windows." He said as he took another sip. "In fact! I've heard about various recreational activities that some people participate in the *lower decks* of the station." He added as he leaned against the bar to observe the other visitors.

"Have you heard anything similar about those types of activities?" He asked nonchalantly.

So that was it. He wanted to know about the not-terribly-legal gladiator matches that she'd taken Tharek to. But she knew the first rule about that, and she wasn't going to break it. Afterall, you could take the man out of the uniform, but she doubted you could take the uniform out of this man. "There's over twelve hundred decks on this station. That's a lot of lower to choose from."

"From what I hear it's the *very lower decks*" Dorian replied.

She shrugged. "I understand there's a racquetball court somewhere round the four hundreds."

Dorian laughed as he turned back towards the barkeep and took another drink from his glass. "Ya know, I didn't think your kind had a talent for playing dumb." He said through a tempered smile.

She leaned down on one elbow, and looked him in the eye. "And what, Mr. Gabriel, makes you think I'd know anything about something like that?"

Dorian studied the woman for several moments before responding. "First, it is *Commander* Gabriel. Second, you're judge by the company you keep." He said as he downed the remaining contents of his glass and brought it down forcefully onto the countertop.

"A Gorn friend of mine will be picking up the tab." He said as he slid a padd across the bar with the name of 'Na'Tlar' across the top of it.

"I hear he won't be needing his credits anytime soon." Dorian said in his typical serious tone and stood to leave the bar. "G'day Ms. Ibalin."

"Wait, Commander." She looked at the pad, recognised the name of the gladiator the Cardassian ambassador had so brutally dispatched. So he did know about the fighting and wasn't just fishing for information. "I don't believe you'd know Na'Tlar from my doorman, let alone be friends with him. What are you really after?"

Dorain stopped and allowed a slight smile to dance across his face. He slowly turned around and walked back towards the bar and looked the woman in the eye. "I'm after the culprits involved in this crime. I know that the Romulan's newest thug and that Cardassian were involved in this." He said as he walked to the bar and placed both hands on the bar.

"I won't tolerate aliens coming onboard my station and thinking that they can kill, maim, or otherwise abuse citizens of this station." he said as he maintained eye contact with her. "Now, what do you know about these fights?" he asked in a serious tone.

"I know that if you step up, you understand the risks. There's always the chance that each bout will be your last. It's part of the thrill, the reason why we fight. No-one forced Na'Tlar to step into the ring. He chose to. No-one's been abused. There's been no crime."

"Did you see the Romulan and Cardassian participating in the fight that killed Na'Tlar?" He asked pointedly.

She thought about it. "No." She had most definitely not seen t'Merek and Getal in that particular round.

He continued to stare into the woman's eyes as he nodded. "Very well Ms. Ibalin, I won't take anymore of your time. But don't say that I didn't give you a chance to make things easier on your friends." He said as he turned again and started back out of the door.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security (on leave)