Judgement – Is security secure beside severe?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Is security secure beside severe?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Fri Nov 12, 2010 @ 11:38pm
Location   Brig
Timeline   SD35 13:45
The Captain felt a pang of guilt as the door shut behind and she stepped up to the woman at the desk that sat outside the brig.

She glanced at the red coloured door and how she had been in here quite often to question prisoners, but this was a new experience for her, to visit someone, just for a chat. She then remembered how she had called in here for a chat with the Lady Moldriva a few months back, but that was an entirely different set of circumstances.

She cleared her throat, making more of an announcement than readying herself to speak.
"Captain Tasha Tahir to see Commander Gabriel." She stated with a plain and unerring tone.

The security officer knew the Captain, but still had protocols to follow. "Forgive me Captain, but do you mind." She said as she rose from her seat and held open a tricorder to scan for weapons.

She stepped backwards as the scanner checked her for concealed weapons, not that she was carrying any, but felt a little perturbed at having to, despite procedures.

"Thank you. Commander Gabriel is in the cell one." She advised, sliding herself back around he desk, shielding the fact that she was not particularly pleased that she had to keep her chief locked up.

Tasha nodded as she moved toward the door and it slipped apart and the first thing she noticed, was the smell.
It was the aroma of neglect, on both a personal level and that of the domain of the prisoners. She wrinkled her nose as a sign of disgust. She would take this up later. She moved forward to the first cell on the left, which was at least brightly lit and inside sat Gabriel, reading a PADD.

The hum of the forcefield ceased, signalling that it was safe for her to enter.
"Commander." She said, attracting his attention as she took a single step forward and the hum resumed behind her.
She felt the hairs on the back of neck rise and she felt both ashamed and angry that her Security Chief was caged away in here.

Gabriel set aside his padd and stood at attention as the Commanding Officer entered the cell. "Captain." he said in a crisp tone.

Tasha waved him down. "At ease Dorian." She said his forename without thinking as she sat down beside him.
"How are you doing?" Tasha enquired, expecting a flippant reply.

"In less than a month, I've had to handle a terrorist attack by Marquis fanatical in addition to a former Superior Officer trying to kill me. Now to add icing to the cake, a damn Romulan has come onboard my own station and accused me of murder and that damn desk-jockey of an Executive Officer is supporting this farce!" he said as his anger betrayed his usually calm demeanor.

"Needless to say, I am not doing well, Captain." he said through clenched teeth.

Tasha swallowed. She heard the anguish in his voice and she sympathized. The flippancy was not there, but anger certainly was.

She clasped her hands together. "I know we have not always seen eye to eye, far from it on occasion, but as a man, I have a great deal of respect for you. You are my best officer, short tempered, but still my best." She admitted as she angled herself towards him. "Dorian, this is going to sound contrite, but Commander Villiers is putting together the best defence she can and despite everything, she wants to help you. I want to help you, but you also have to help yourself." Her eyes looked deep into his. She was being as honest as she could as well as trying to get him to see that Karen was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Help me!?!" he said more so than asked in an angry tone. "Help me!? She allowed a frigging Romulan to come onto this station and falsely accuse me of murder, strip me of my position, and throw me in my *own* brig!" he said as his chest rose and fell with the pent-up frustration and anxiety that he had contained for several days.

"I have given my life to defend the Federation and THIS is how I'm rewarded!?!" He asked rhetorically as he paced back and forth within the contained cell.

Tasha felt ashamed. He had done everything he could but so had Isha and though she felt that the Romulan ambassador had a sense of what was right and wrong, this felt wrong and for all the wrong reasons.
"I don't know the intricacies of the charges, but I am sure that the truth will out and Ms t'Khellian has the station and it's crews interests at heart." Her hands went upwards in his defense but her reply didn't sit comfortably with her and judging by Dorian's face, it didn't with him either.

That was certainly not the response he was looking for, from his Commanding Officer, nor any other human being that wore the same uniform as he once proudly did.

"I have lost EVERYTHING because of that Romulan and her sycophantic lackeys that surround her. I could understand one of those creatures being a part of this entire scheme. It is in their nature to lie, manipulate, and utterly destroy lives. it's in their nature, they're beholden to such a miserable existence. But I never thought I would ever experience a Human turning against her own kind simply to serve her alien masters." He said in an incensed tone.

Her hands came to her hips as her lips tightened as she fought to quell her own anger at his response to her.

"Commander, that was both unjust and uncalled for. The Romulans are not my masters, I neither sing nor dance for them. I have not turned against any member of my crew and right now, I am trying to persuade you to help yourself, but it appears all you wish to do is alienate yourself against every person aboard this station, whether they are Romulan, Terran, Martian or imaginary." She bit hard on her teeth, trying to sound diplomatic, but failing as she shook her head with despondence. "Well, suit yourself. Wallow in your own self pity, but the deeper you wallow, the more cause you give to your persecutors and I choose that word carefully!" She turned on her heel away from Dorian, holding back the tears of frustrations and anger and moved towards the forcefield.

"They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist." Dorian said over the Commanding Officer's shoulder.

"When it was time for them to come for me, there was nobody left to speak up." He said as he took his seat on the cot behind him.

Tashas' chin hit her chest as the forcefield dropped and she moved outside the cell and as the shield rose, without turning, she spoke softly.

"When you looked over your shoulder walking along the sand, you saw one set of footprints. They were not your own, they were where I carried you and I'll speak for you." She strode away form the cell and back to the officer on duty.

She held her stare for moment, anger in the pit of her stomach and bile rising up into her throat.
"I want you to contact Lieutenant Trellis and under my authority, I want Commander Gabriel escorted out of this brig and into his quarters where he is to be kept under constant supervision." She spoke trying to maintain an authoritative voice, but it still rose a little when she said supervision.

The officers lips parted in surprise. "But ma'am, it was agreed..."

"I don't care what the agreement was. I will not have a member of my command staff locked in the brig. My orders stand Warrant Officer." The captain was not going to allow a junior officer to question her authority as she turned on her heel and left the brig, leaving the stunned security to call upon her acting commanding officer.

Captain Tasha Tahir


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security