Incommunicado – Displeasure
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Displeasure
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Jan 29, 2012 @ 12:31am
Location   A bar on DS5
Timeline   SD39 (Backpost) 21:35

Miranda stepped into the Box of Delights, vaguely hoping nobody would recognise her from the recent battle with a Romulan. She peered around the room, again to no surprise not recognising any of the people. She let out a sigh and walked over the bar, the Andorian barkeep was busy elsewhere so this gave her time to take in her surroundings and choose a victim of whom to extract gossip from with a friendly drink. Across the room stood a blank looking Cardassian, sitting alone at a table, he was exactly what Miranda was looking for. "Barkeep" she shouted to the Andorian as he rushed over and nodded at her, "Get that Cardassian a drink on me". The Andorian nodded again then took off to pour the drink and gift it to the unsuspecting Cardassian. As the barkeep reached the table with the oddly shaped glass, he quietly spoke to the Cardassian in a timid voice, if not to provoke him "From the woman at the bar..", he then quickly paced away from the table.

Getal picked up the glass and examined it, before placing it back down on the table, and continuing on with his own drink. He payed the woman who had gifted him the drink no attention, or even a glance in that direction.

Miranda saw this and thought to herself 'Strange.. That usually works..', she pursued to watch him for a while longer.

Tharek knew that this woman was looking at him, almost intently. He flicked his gaze up momentarily to meet her eyes, and shot a look that sought out her intent. Getal then broke the look, and called the bartender over with a wave of his hand, to collect the glass and return it to the female. "Give her the message of 'I'm not interested.'"

Miranda glanced at the bartender as he arrived to her with the drink, she then got up and walked over to the table, leaving the bartender where he stood, still grasping the unwanted beverage. Miranda sat down calmly on the seat opposite the Cardassian, although whilst doing this he was still intent upon not looking at her, "Not one for accepting gifts are we?" she bluntly said.

"Not in my line of work." He replied bluntly.

"And what is in your line of work?", Miranda coldly replied in response whilst still glaring at the Cardassian.

"Ambassador and Vi'kar Gul to the Cardassian Union. Tharek Getal." He replied just as coldly. "If you have any sense little girl, you would leave me to my drink. I rather doubt you have anything I want, that I already have."

Miranda shrugged her shoulders. "Friendship by the sound of it." She retorted as she slid off the stool and made her way back to the bar to finish her own drink.

Tharek smiled momentarily at the girl. Either she didn't understand the height of the Vi'kar Gul rank, or she was playing with fire. Brave girl. "On second thought. I will have a drink." He called out to her.

A grin stretched across Mirandas lips but not that the Gul would see as she rose her glass in the air and beckoned it to the bar without saying a word. She would have herself a little fun after all, especially as she had already decided that this particular Space Station was not for her and would be shipping out after seeing the Captain the following day.
Miranda sauntered to the bar and drew her leg up with purpose onto the high stool, placed both glasses in front of her and dragged a place mat across the bar top and slid it to her left and then dragged another towards her and placed both beverages on their respective mats as the Cardassian eased himself into the stool beside her.

"Your drink." She stated as she lifted her glass.

"Thank you." Getal bowed his head politely, before taking a sip of the thick, black liquid. "Now, what can I do for you, my dear?" He asked. Nobody would be talking to Getal unless they had something to ask of him, or threaten him.

With a definitive slowness to her turn, she faced him. "Do for me?" She questioned with a furrow of her high brow. Shaking her head she added, "Nothing. You looked lonely, and I thought you could either used the company, a drink or both." Her voice was calm and quiet. "What can I do for you though is the question." She eased her drink to her lips, wetting them with her tongue as she watched his steely eyes stare back at her.

Getal looked upon the girl with intrigue. "And just what can you do for me?" He asked, trying not to sound provocative.

Miranda took a calculated sip of her drink before placing the glass back onto the bar and placed one hand on her knee, just below the hem of her skirt and the other eased towards the Cardassians hand, but not quite touching it.
"O, I can think of one or two things, but I be honest. I cannot stand being on a station, so I will be leaving in the morning and I just happen to be taking a shuttle via Cardassia. Now, I hear it has been a while since you were home and well, a friend can make a delivery for you if needed, for a price of course." She purred through a knowing smile.

Getal's eyes widened in temporary surprise, only to be replaced by a small grin. "There is nothing on Cardassia for me. No letters to give. No parcels that need to be delivered. What do you think you could deliver for me?"

Miranda withdrew her hand and wrapped it around the glass, her fingers tapped idly on its side as she pondered.
"I guess" Her lips pursed as she shrugged her shoulders "there is nothing that I can do for you, but if you should change your mind or recall something that needs to be personally transported, you'd better let me know by o seven hundred tomorrow." She stated as she eased her legs back towards the bar and pushed her now empty glass towards the bartender and gave a single nod to refill it.

"I'll think about it." Getal said quietly. Contemplating her offer. A chance to send something physical to Cardassia. There was only one person he could talk to, about anything. Fi'ta Gul Elott Metak. Getal contemplated momentarily, before thinking immediately what he could send. Something to remind Metak of a person that helped him, as well as Getal.


Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon
Former Communications Operator
(Finished by Captain Tasha Tahir)

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador