Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Just thought you'd like know . . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   Just thought you'd like know . . .
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Mon Dec 01, 2008 @ 2:36am
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   2010hrs
"Hmmmm. . . .the good Doctor has quiet a story about himself." Dorian said to nobody in particular. He was leaning back in his chair as he reviewed the file belonging to the station's Chief Medical Officer. Dorian himself had very rarely stepped foot into that part of the station. It usually took an act of God signed by Federation Counsel to make him go for his regular physicals. Growing up, Dorian never managed to catch any of the typical childhood sicknesses that most human children seemed to catch or developed. He always figured his parents, whoever they were, had healthy genes to pass down to him.

He stood up from his chair while grabbing his jacket off the back of it and proceeded to the nearest turbolift. For the most part Dr. Milarno's file seemed to be pretty standard of most officers. Grew up on Earth, moved to Betazed and eventually enrolled in the fleet to serve the Federation. However, the most recent entries seemed to have several classified entries related to his time on the station after the Boran outbreak. "How odd. . ." Dorian commented as the turbolift doors opened.

"Sick bay" he commanded.

Several moments passed as the lift accelerated towards its intended destination. Once the doors opened, Dorian hesitantly proceeded into the larger area. He looked around tentatively until he was approached by Dr. Milarno himself.

Ryan looked at him. "Can I help you?" he asked.

"uh...yeah, I'm here for my annual physical." He said as he observed the man.

"Oh erm yeah...sorry, just follow me..." Ryan started walking to the examination room. "I've never seen you in here before...something must be wrong?" he joked. "Nah you're the type to avoid places like this..." he observed

"True, but I figured that I might as well bite the bullet and get it over with instead of being *ordered* to do it." Dorian said with an uneasy smile. Truthfully, Dorian could've found a dozen excuses both legitimate or otherwise to get out of his physical, but he figured that if it would suit his immediate purpose, then there was no point in avoiding the minor inconvenience.

Ryan agreed and walked into the room. "If you'd like to take a seat on the biobed..." he said and turned to grab a PADD as he sat on the bed.

He looked at the lieutenants file. "When were you last sick lieutenant?" he asked, frowning.

"Wow, that's a good question. I mean . . .it's been so long since I've really been sick. I think probably during my tour of duty on Qo'Nos." He said to maintain conversation. "Man . . . Qo'Nos, that definitely was an experience that would drive anybody crazy." He said with a smirk. "You ever served with Klingons before?" He asked.

"No not really, but I can imagine what serving with one would be like..." he replied

"Yeah, well, there can be some ups and downs when dealing with those. But at least they weren't Romulans, now those are some shady bastards." Dorian said as the doctor began to scan him with whatever machine he was using on him. "I know we shouldn't speak bad about them seeing as how we're "allies" now, but ya know . . .some of them on board just give me that. . .ya know . . .funny feeling." He said

Dorian was aware of the relationship that both Doctors had developed with Isha and her friend Raedheol in the recent weeks. Dorian was concerned about the relationship simply because of the duplicitous nature of both Isha and her consort. Hopefully, Doctor Milarno would be able to provide information.

"Ah hell, look at me. There I go again, runnin' off at the mouth. I'm sorry I said that, I know it's wrong to think like that as a Starfleet Officer" Dorian said to try to lessen the impact of his previous statement.

Ryan brought a device over to the bed. "Can you put you're arm through the loop please?" he asked. "And no, actually I have a funny feeling about them too...especially that Raedheol...I just can't put my finger on it." he said. "Maybe it's just our imaginations on overload or something" he said chuckling.

"Yeah, maybe yer right." Dorian said as he extended his arm into the device. "I just sometimes get concerned about the stuff that goes on around that embassy, ya know? Like the phaser discharge I picked up a few weeks back, or how they have some of the oddest characters arriving, but not ever leaving. I worry for the sake of some of our crew, especially you guys in the science and medical. I'm sure you all are geniuses in your own right, but I don't know how much combat training you all get inside your labs." he joked.

"Trust me me and my staff are fully capable in defending ourselves if the situation calls for it"

"Maybe so, but me personally, if I were you I'd send a Security escort along with your assistant uh . . .Adams, I think is her name. Yeah, Adams, I'd be careful about shipping her off to that Embassy by herself at 3:00 in the morning. Like I said, too many strange things go on around that place." he said.

Dorian had been maintaining surveillance on the parameter of the embassy since the incident involving the Romulan Admiral "Galae 'Enriov Kllhe". It piqued his interest when he saw Dr. Adams enter the embassy so early in the morning, despite there not being any type of security alert being activated. Since Tahir had refused to allow him to place any type of monitoring devices within the embassy, he was forced to speculate as to what she had observed. Regardless, he was sure that the Good Doctor was less than aware of the event entirely.

"I didn't send her to the embassy I was asleep when the call came through...she decided to go herself..."

"Huh, wha . .? Oh no, I thought that. . .Ya know, sometimes I just run my mouth too much. Let me just stop now before I say something else. I'm sure Dr. Adams and that. .uh . . .Raedheol, I think that's the name she said, yeah. I'm sure Dr. Adams and Mr. Raedheol had a good reason for meeting together." He said as he began to sit-up and put his jacket back on.

"Yeah well..." Ryan said, his feelings of that night stirring again, the feelings of instant jealousy creeping up again. "I'm sure they have..." he said. "I'd say you are all done're in good health..."

As Dorian zipped his jacket partially he looked at the Doctor and noted the expression on his face. It was obvious that the mentioning of Dr. Adams and the Romulan struck a sore spot. It confirmed his belief that the Romulan Embassy was up to something more than diplomacy. Although he was beginning to wonder what really was going on between those three. At any rate he had other matters to attend to.

"Thanks Doc, I appreciate it!" Dorian said with a smile as he exited SickBay.

Lieutenant J.G.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ryan Milarno
Chief Medical Officer