Things Past – A Little Piece of Heaven
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   A Little Piece of Heaven
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Feb 10, 2012 @ 1:27pm
Location   Terok Nor
Timeline   2368

"So this is it," Imanil said, "Let's get you installed in your new position," then she laughed. "I make you sound like an appliance," she giggled, "How pompous of me."

He laughed along with her gently. "As long as you dust me regularly." Getal joked, as the ship jolted slightly, making Tharek aware the shuttle had attached to the station. He guided Imanil to the entrance of the shuttle and held her tight on his elbow.


The shuttle doors opened in a blink, and a small party of smiling Cardassian's greeted the couple. "Gul Getal! How good to see you again!" The voice was familiar to Getal, and he instantly smiled, holding out his arms for a casual embrace, between himself and Vi'kar Gul Elott Metak, one of Getal's oldest friends.

"It has been too long my friend!" Tharek immediately broke the embrace though, returning to his wife's side and putting an arm around her waist. "This is my wife, Imanil." He said, introducing his love.

Elott smiled and bowed politely. "So you're the woman behind Tharek Getal? You make sure he stays in line now." He joked.

Imanil's smile was both slight and slightly nervous, something she was going to have to get over as she was clearly going to be meeting several new people in the next days, some of them, like this man, friends, and others ... well others shouldn't even be able to glean the slightest hint that she was uncomfortable, as they would only use it against them both.

"We are of one mind," she said returning the bow, "Tharek does as he wishes, and I support his decisions," Imanil continued, her words entirely without irony. "Its a formula that would appear to guarantee anyone a blissful home life."

"Spoken like a true Cardassian woman!" Elott said, patting Getal on the shoulder roughly and giving him a wink. "Come, I'll escort you both to your quarters. I'm sure you're both dreadfully tired."

Tharek nodded with thanks to the older Cardassian, then turned to face his wife, and gave her a look that said 'I'm sorry'.

Imanil said nothing, she knew the sort of attitude to expect from others - they had discussed it, and she would appear to match those expectations. She turned away, but as she did so she gave Tharek the tiniest smile from an angle that she calculated would be visible to him.

"That would be appreciated, Vi'kar Gul," Imanil said, "I for one find space travel eminently tedious."

Elott started to move, and turned back to make sure Tharek and Imanil were following. "You know, Bajor isn't expecting you for another day at least, you could perhaps stay on Terok Nor and let me show you around, buy the new Mrs. Getal a drink, and have her and her husband share it at my table?" The older Cardassian said, becoming more formal.

"If my husband wishes it," Imanil said. She would like to see the station, not least to see what modifications had been made to the original design since it had come into operation, but that was her own, unspoken interest. He did not know how well acquainted she alreday was with this place.

Tharek could see the desire in Imanil's eyes as they darted about the station, even if they had barely got in. "I think, Vi'kar Gul, we will join you tomorrow night, before our departure to Bajor. Tonight, we will explore the station and rest. Tomorrow night you will have us at your table."

"That sounds like an ideal arrangement," Imanil agreed, "I hope you dont mind Vi'kar Gul. We are tired after our journey."

"Not at all." Elott said understandingly, seeing the exchange of looks from Tharek to Imanil. "Just make sure I share a drink with the Getals before you bugger off planet-side." The Vi'kar Gul stated, with a large pat on Getal's shoulder yet again.

Imanil could quite imagine what the man was assuming they preferred to do with their first evening of Terok Nor and said nothing. She was not ever going to be part of that part of his life, and had no desire to be. Her mother had tild her as much; that Tharek's peers would see exactly what they expected to see.

It took only a few minutes to get to Imanil and Tharek's quarters, having tried their best to avoid getting into lengthy conversation with the various dignitaries they came across. After a lengthy goodbye to Elott, the Getal's entered their quarters and sighed in unison. Tharek turned to Imanil and opened his arms, an invite for an embrace.

She hardly needed the invitation, she was just glad that she could be close to him again. Imanil slumped into Tharek's arms, heavily enough to unbalance him a little. "I wish we could have spent longer together in my father's house before we had to come," she admitted as her hands crept into his hair. "Are we expecting visitors or may I help you out of this?" she asked referring to the breastplate that was holding her further from her husband than she wished to be.

"I expect no more visitors." He said, affirming her thoughts. "Computer. No disturbances please." He said lightly. The computer chirped back, seeming almost happy about the command. He looked on at his wife, and unfastened his armour as he did.

"I know that look," Imanil said with a coy smile as she helped him. "You know that you would make a far superior Prefect than the commander of this station, don't you, Tharek." It wasn't really a question, merely one of Imanil's rather direct observations. "Maintenance appears awfully lax and there is something of the air of a holiday camp about the place," she added as she finally removed the plate he had loosened and laid it aside.

"I'm going to agree with you my love. I would have this place producing more than it's due product every week. But, that is not my place in Cardassian society. Mother Cardassia calls, and I obey with whatever task she gives me. This time, I'm managing the Kendra Province, not Terok Nor." He said, smiling.

"Oh, Tharek, I'm not questioning the order of things," Imanil said coming back to him and slipping her arms around him until there was not a wisp of air between them. "Kendra needs you, things are clearly out of control down there. Cardassia knows that you are needed to restore balance, I know that you are," she said.

He smiled lovingly. "That's all I need." He whispered, as he lent in for another kiss.


Professor Imanil Lemarrev Getal

Gul Tharek Getal