Unity – A Gathering Storm?
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   A Gathering Storm?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 7:51am
Location   Arboretum
Timeline   SD16 13:30

Greo rubbed his temples, gently releasing the stress that was building behind the very peaks of his neck ridges. The pile of PADDs lay scattered on the bench around him and the sweet fragrance of Remi tulips hung around him. They had been his mother's favourite flower, one of the few things he remembered about her. When he had seen on the computer that the arboretum had an entire bed of them he had been compelled to come see and smell them.

A slight tear rolled across the lumpy grey skin of his face as he thought of his mother. He quickly wiped them away. A flash of memory showed him young human children laughing and screaming 'crocodile tears' at him. He had learnt a long time ago that crying was a sign of weakness. He straightened himself up and opened his eyes.

"Control yourself." Greo muttered, trying still his emotions. It had been a trying week. He had commanded a starship for an hour, found a time travelling data core, sealed a temporal rift and now he had been promoted. He had needed a moment to himself.

Although as he thought about it he realised that something was very wrong. The Romulan attack itself was bad enough, but Greo had heard rumours that there had been trouble within the station at the time. Also the Bunkerhill incident rang ill in his mind. A tricobalt device did not just reprogram itself, someone would have to be infinitesimally unlucky or accurately technical to produce the temporal rift that he had helped seal. And now? Well he had heard that there was fighting going on on the Promenade.

It seemed as though there was something eating at the core of the station he was going to make his home. Just like the anomaly that had threatened DS5 from without, Greo was not about to let something tear this place apart. He needed a solid foundation, a place to grow into and to finally make his home away from the memory of his mother and father.

He looked at the PADDs and realised that sitting here reading the same reports would not expose anything new, anything secret or useful. He would need to find out for himself. Maybe having been promoted would come in useful. He stood up and walked to a nearby computer terminal.

"Computer." Greo stated. "Please locate Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel."

"Lieutenant Commander Gabriel is in holding cell 4 in the main Security office."

Greo was a little surprised to hear that the chief of security was himself locked up. Well let's see what Gabriel has to say about this, he thought as he gathered his belongings and headed toward the security centre.

As he made his way he saw security officers rushing past him. Something was going on again. He started to hurry, making sure no-one saw him. Anyone on the station could be a saboteur or spy and suddenly Greo was reminded of a time in his youth when all around him had labelled him 'Maquis'. He slid from doorway to doorway, grief and confusion replaced by worry and suspicion.


Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer