Judgement – 'She gets too hungry for dinner at 8....'
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   'She gets too hungry for dinner at 8....'
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue Mar 01, 2011 @ 10:43am
Location   Italian Restaurant - Antonio's - Level 144
Timeline   SD37 8pm

Chelsea got ready for her date with the CAG. This was cool. She dressed herself up as if it were the first time all over again, taking ages with her hair and make up and picking out a really special dress, killer shoes, VIP underwear.... she wanted it to be perfect.

"OW!" said Rick loudly from the floor of his office as he tried to as quickly as possible change from his flight suit back into civilian clothing. This of course had resulted with his suit caught up around his legs, resulting in him falling to the floor. By the time he was fully dressed, ish, he was leaving his office still trying to do up his tie, button up his shirt, and get his suit blazer on.

Finally ready, Chelsea went to the promenade decks and arrived at *XXXXX* on Deck 144. She was slightly late but only by a minute or two. She walked in and was approached by a waiter who she told she had a reservation in the name of Dunham and could he please tell her if Lt. Cmdr Dunham was already here?

The waiter told her the gentleman was not here yet and showed her to a table, romantically set out for two, in a discreet corner. Chelsea made herself comfortable, ordered some wine ready for when Rick arrived and, as the minutes ticked by, she became nervous for some reason, just as if it really were their first date. She decided to start on the wine while she waited.

Rick made his way to the table, a little out of breath and still combing his hair. "Hi" he said with a smile kissing her on the cheek and sitting down on the chair opposite her. For the first time he took in the whole picture before him. "Wow, you look amazing, really brilliant." He sounded very impressed, and also wished he had made more of an effort with his suit. He scratched the stubble on his chin, "Should've smartend up more, maybe had a shave....you started without me?" he looked at the glass of wine.

"I was nervous." she was too honest and then regretted it. She blushed. This was a strange feeling. Rick and Chelsea had already done so much together and been through the most incredible experiences from the danger of their holiday to the horror of his near-death escaping from the anomaly that had threatened the region, to the bizarre time-travelling episode that Rick had no memory of but she did.

They had just, only a day ago, been attacked by a pah-wraith inhabiting the body of her half sister. Even their wedding plans were complicated and fraught with problems, not least of which had been the arrival of both families before the date had even been set! Nothing had seemed simple nor had gone as planned.

Now, as Commander Villiers had been pulled by her JAG duties into the Court Room for several days, Chelsea was finding herself having to step up to Acting XO, even before she had got used to the idea that she'd been promoted to 2CO.

Yet after coping with all this without a blink of an eye, suddenly Commander Chelsea Adams, at the height of her career, riding on the crest of a wave of the happiest time of her life, was nervous about a date with her fiance?

At first it made no sense until it was considered that this was the very time that she had so much to lose.

This was the first 'normal' thing she and Rick had done together in a long while. She had seen him today, with different eyes as he had presented the AXO with a review of his department. She had seen the professional side of Rick, full on. As his doctor, this had previously been a one-sided issue. He had seen all of what she did but his work was behind closed doors to her in more than one way. Firstly it never usually found its way into her professional sphere, and secondly he never talked about it 'off duty.'

Even his little craft 'Chelsea' despite being named after her, was a mystery to the woman it was dedicated to. Now that it was space-worthy she had still never been invited out for a flight in it.... in fact, Rick hadn't taken her for that ride in his Valkyrie that he'd promised. There had never seemed to be enough time and now that Chelsea was stepping up to 2CO, even without the AXO part, she was concerned that she and Rick were only ever together under duress or at work.

This morning, she had looked at him with fresh eyes and it had allowed her to get back in touch with the way he made her feel when they had first met. There had never been a time when she hadn't been filled with pride and love for him but tonight she wanted to make special enough for him to be able to feel that way again too.

~What if this doesn't work though? What if this whole relationship is getting tired and stressful for him? What would I do if he got bored and moved on? What would I have to remember if he were to be KIA?~

These were the questions Chelsea had been asking herself and the reason she was already halfway through her second glass of wine on an empty stomach. Her hands were shaking slightly.

"Don't be silly, babe" she laughed. "You'd look great in a sack! Did I ever tell you how amazing *you* look? Because you do.... all the bloody time.... " she grinned slightly lop-sidedly.

“If I look great in sack......then you look amazing in the sack and I know you’re going to look amazing in that wedding dress.” Rick smiled mimicking his own copyrighted smile on Chelsea face, it soon however spread to an all out grin, he then took a sip of his drink.

“Speaking of weddings...” asked Rick formulating an idea into words, “I had an idea for the venue, I was thinking maybe the holodeck. We could recreate Rivendell?” He wasn’t sure if he had pronounced it right. “That’s the one isn’t it, where we had one of our first dates...I thought it would be quite special” He had a twinkle in his eye.

"BABE!" she exclaimed in amazement. "That's *such* an awesome idea! Do you think the families would get ... aw, what the heck... let 'em... it's our day. I love that idea." she squeezed his hand, full of plans already.

“I had another idea; I thought we could take the Chlesea on her official maiden voyage together, we could use it to go on our honey moon....where are we going on our honey moon?”

"I don't mind, anywhere where it'll be just the two of us..... in fact.... judging by 'the Chelsea's' history I expect we could end up spending it floating in space in a pair of encounter suits, surrounded by the pieces where she fell back apart again." she teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Anyway, she already had her maiden flight. You took her out already - Jana told me all about it. You can't have forgotten - I understand i was lucky not to have been invited!!" she winked at him, pretending to be quite relieved about missing the test-flight

"ahhhhhh, well that doesn't count it was a test flight....sort of, and we needed a non-federation starship for the op we were doing, besides she really wasn't ready to fly then, but she is now, hence why it will be her official maiden flight" he grinned.

"Riiiiiiiiiight!" she rolled her eyes and looked unconvinced on either score.

“Oh, and don’t think I haven’t forgotten your Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter piloting lessons, will get some practice on the Chelsea on the way to the honey moon and then when we get back, you can get on the stick in one of my fighters.” He smiled

"As opposed to getting *stuck* in the Chelsea?" she wasn't letting him off that easily but he ignored the comment and went on as if she hadn't made it. She would find out later, no doubt.

“If I could get them working......” He looked at Chelsea’s slightly puzzled expression then dismissed it with a wave of his hand. “Starfleet command sent us some specs to upgrade the internal isolinear data feedback compensators, which we did, but the loop is generating feedback across the isolinic module compensator fusing the circuitry, half the deckhands down in the barn are having to do some major re-wiring.”

"AAAHHH! Just like the........." She stopped, silenced by the smouldering look that seared from his awesome eyes, melting her to a state of almost jibbering. ~Jeez! No-one should be as smoking hot as he is! It's against the laws of nature! ~ she thought to herself as she covered the effect he had on her by eating more of her dinner.

"Ok," he said after he had given her a look, "We're going to take the Chelsea....and I got something in mind for the honeymoon, but its going to be a surprise ok."

"Whatever you say, dear... " she mumbled into her pizza, trying not to smirk.

Rick got the edges of the smirk on her beautiful rose lips, he played along with a smile, "What was that honey, I didn't quite catch that?"

"I said, Whatever you say dear" she replied honestly, looking at him innocently.

A look to die for, thought Rick to himself, he loved that look and it was difficult to keep up his train of thought, as long as she didn't do that pout and the bite of her lower lip he was sure he could keep his mind in control and on topic. "You were being sarcastic about my ship?"

She frowned softly, drawing her brows together and looking defensive. There had to be a pout to show the wounded, mistreated look. "How could you think such a thing?" she reproached but the smirk wasn't far away.

"Because your jealous....." he smiled, and they both knew that he was provoking her into a response.

"Okay. So what if i am?" she knew that to counter him would play into his hands so she went the other way and took him off guard. "What are you going to do about it?" she smirked, slipping off her shoe and rubbing her ankle up his calf gently under the table out of sight of the waiter.

"You are a mischievous little minx aren't you..." said Rick with a smile. "What am I going to do about it....guess I'm going to have to marry you, make you my wife and make a good woman out of you."

Chelsea laughed. "Good luck trying to make a good woman out of me.... although.... could it maybe be fun trying?" she shot him a sultry look. "... but how does that rid me of my rival?"

"Well" he said with a grin and a chuckle "thats ok...I get to take a ride in both of you." he said it before he thought, and he thought it was funny.

"Ugh" she showed her distate, pulled a face, and pushed her almost finished plate away from her.

"Why don't we skip dessert? We could go to the flight deck and you could show me your pride and joy...... and i could admire her and realise why she's the more attractive and successful at getting your attention." she pretended to pout.

Yeah, on reflection it was a crass and not very funny joke, but god damn if he could just resist that pout just once......nah, that was never going to happen....he loved it. A lot! He smiled, "ok let's go and introduce you to chelsea."

Chelsea had been being slightly sarcastic but she could see the irony in how this was turning out. She couldn't be peeved with him, he was too incredible and she loved him so much that she'd have accepted 'Groll the Yemarian Maurauder' as a house-guest if Rick announced they were old friends and this was his wish.

They took their leave of a startled Antionio and left him looking mournfully at his stunning dessert trolley full of the sorts of delightful edible temptations that would melt the resolve of Groll himself.

As they walked hand in hand along the corridors, Chelsea felt warm and blissfully happy. When they got to the Flight Deck and "The Other Woman" as Chelsea had laughingly referred to "The Other Chelsea", the CMO had a pleasant surprise in store.

"Oh..... " she breathed, putting out her hand tentatively and running her fingertips along the shining new hull protection-covering that Rick had lovingly *re-painted*. "Rick! She's BEAUTIFUL!" Chelsea was genuinely taken with the sweet little craft with her shiny new make-over.

"You've transformed her into someone so much lovelier than she was in her old neglected state..... " she sighed, so impressed.

"Pretty much like you did with the original Chelsea too....... you're a miracle worker. We're both so lucky you came into our lives..... aren't we Chelsea?" she patted the craft and looked up at her, stepping back again to take in the full silhouette. She might have been 'little' as spacecraft went, but she was an imposing sight from only 5'6" tall. The original Chelsea had to crane her neck from so close by.

"I love her!" she stated frankly and turned to Rick. "I really do... no more teasing... i do!" she now had to work hard to convince him she wasn't just saying that.

Rick smiled, "Would you like to take a look inside ma'am" he said bowing and gesturing politely with both hands to the ramp that was opening down to let them in.

"Why thank you, kind sir" she responded with a curtsey and allowed herself to be 'helped' to the ramp even though it was neither steep nor difficult. It was all part of the 'ceremony'.

With broad smiles, Chelsea met Chelsea and remained as impressed with the inside as she had been with the outer views.

"Wow." She breathed as she stood aside to allow him to show her the details and work he had done. "You've done SO much to her. She's like a new ship!"

Rick took Chelsea around the ship, limited to its two decks there was not much to show; he talked as he went along. "Power flow to the plasma coils had to be re-fitted, re-aligned quantum filament alignment in the fabric of phase transition circuits. The warp core got reconfigure along with the flow of gravitons from the isolinear processors, to manipulate the graviton wave int to the anti-matter injectors, and I harmonized the dilithium matrix." Rick was getting lost in the flow

"Did a re-jig of the photonic quantum actuator, by re-oscillating the frequency domain, in the neutrino network, then jury rigged the magnatomic alternating configuration of the oscillating E-M array, to produce a veteron network to stablise the warp field through a auxiliary neutrino conduit, knocked the kinks out of the hull, new lick of paint and.....what?" he said as he saw the look he was getting from Chelsea

"You!" she grinned at him adoringly. "I just LOVE it when you technobabble, I can't keep my hands off you when you talk dirty like this.... I don't know how i kept myself under control this morning when you were doing it." Her look was one of pure moulton lust.

"And I got this for you...." he took a large bottle of champagne "to break over the hull."

"No good changing the subject." she told him. "And anyway, that's a damn waste... open it and we'll drink some first, to toast to the new woman you've made of Chelsea..... " she left the innuendo hanging there.

Rick replicated a couple of champagne flute glasses. He stood there a moment looking at chelsea in her very, very, very special (sexy) dress "I will have to make note of that...blimey what would happen if you were going out with an engineer?"

"Nothing. He wouldn't have the Dunham charm or the Dunham looks... unless you have any secret brothers in Gold trim?" she smirked, taking the glasses while he opened the bottle to pour and perching against the back of a luxuriously upholstered bench seat which was facing away from them.

He slowly walked over to her, handing Chelsea a glass of champagne, stepping into her personal space he said "Readjust the transfered matter stream with quantum bridge. Calibrate the optical gel pack with adaptiv paraphoretic photon. Regulate the teraphasic security bypasses with isolinear clamps. Neutralize the Dermatiraelian pulse compression wave with Lexorian transducer...."

Biting her lip, Chelsea moaned softly and slid her thigh against his leg, looking up at him from beneath long dark lashes. Lifting her arms she entwined her fingers into his hair, pulling him down towards her.

She put the glasses on the side and leaning backwards, tipped herself over the seat-back into the deep upholstery of the chair but kept her hold on Rick as she kissed him in full fall, dragging him with her over the edge and into the well of the seat.

Upside down in a melee of limbs and giggling, realising they had left the doors open behind them, Chelsea stopped and looked up at Rick. "Do you have a remote thingie to close the door? It's just there's a draught.... " she fibbed about the draught but blew gently onto the moist skin of his throat where she had just kissed it softly.

Smirking at him she muttered. "... before we go any further..... wouldn't want anyone walikng in on us, you know, like say.... Pilots, Security or...... she made the slightest growling noise in her throat..... Engineers...... "

From his slightly precarious position, one hand fumbled around behind him on the controls for the door lock. There was a hissing sound of hydraulics, then a loud clamping noise as the door magnetically sealed. There was then a beep, beep noise, like that of a car alarm being set.


Second Officer/Chief Medical Officer
Commander Chelsea Adams


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham