Judgement – Security checks are a pain
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Security checks are a pain
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 8:20am
Location   DS5 - Docking bay
Timeline   SD33 - 08:00

Draylin Tal would never describe himself as a very social person, despite others seeing him as such. He was, after all, polite, well-mannered, charming and very laid back and easy going. On the surface anyway. But deep down, there were few things that could make the El Aurian's skin crawl like the sight of a big crowd. Especially one he had to join. So when the ex-convict saw the people gathering outside the exit of the transport they'd arrived on, he felt a headache coming on.

Letting out an inaudible sigh, Draylin took one brave step forward, coming into contact with several other passengers on their way through Security. Another part of this thrilling little expedition he'd been dreading. Well, perhaps dreading may be too strong of a word. He wasn't really bothered; he just didn't like being late. Before any more dwelling could be done on the matter, it was finally Draylin's turn to slide his ID against the scanner. Taking out his only real ID, the blond man slid it through quickly and didn't look at all surprised when the machine began to beep frantically, startling the other few passengers around him. Draylin rolled his eyes at how surprised and worried they looked, sure it may be a mistake. After all, how, in their perfect little world could they have shared a transporter with a Security risk?

A smirk appeared on Draylin's face and he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the thought of what their reactions may have been if they'd known why that little machine beeped.

Ensign Meljan looked at the console before and then checked a second time. He understood the necessity of keeping track of individuals who have served time incarcerated, but the information before him seemed to be more than what he was normal. 100 years in confinement? The man before him did not look a day over 40.

"Sir, I'll need you to step over to the side." The ensign said in his most authoritative voice.

"Whatever for?" Draylin asked, sarcasm and surprise actually mixing in his tone.

"Sir, I'll be able to explain all of that to you once you step over here to the side." He repeated as he made a motion for another officer to join him.

"Alright," Draylin said with a small, respectful nod to the ensign before stepping over to the indicated place.

Once the officer was close to him, Meljan leaned in close and whispered, "This guy set off the T.R.A.C.K. system. It said he was incarcerated for 100 years." He said incredulously.

"Great, you better phone this one in to Commander Gabriel." the older officer stated.

"You didn't hear? Gabriel got busted and is sitting in the brig on a murder charge. Si'Lar Trellis is Acting Chief." Meljan replied.

"Trellis? Wow, who did he have to schmoooze to get bumped out of Docking Ring?" The officer replied rhetorically. "Alright, I'll let him know what is happening, you take care of our 'guest' here." he said as he turned and left Ensign Meljan to the visitor.

Not a stranger to that tone of voice the man used when he said 'guest', Draylin shot him an obviously fake smile before he left. Crossing his arms over his chest, the El Aurian remained quiet, looking the young Ensign over, with a critical eye. He was young. Inexperienced, he guessed. He didn't look like he could take care of anything, let alone a criminal of his caliber, even if he were as toned down as the record that popped up on their system made him out to be.

"Can I have you name please?" The young Bajoran stated to the El Aurian.

"Draylin Tal."

"Your reason for visiting the station?" He continued.

"Why do you want to know?" Draylin didn't really mind the questioning. He just wanted to make his job just a bit harder than it had to be.

"It is necessary for us to gather as much information on individuals with peculiar backgrounds such as yourself." he replied.

Draylin smiled a bit, letting out a small chuckle. "Individuals with peculiar backgrounds...that what they're calling convicted murderers nowadays? I think I missed that memo," he told him.

Meljan paused for a moment before responding. A 100 year sentence would be fitting for someone who had taken another life. More than likely his original sentencers had all died themselves and anybody who was around when he committed the crime had probably died off as well. However, he still had a job to perform.

"Mr. Tal, I will ask you only one more time what your business is on this station." the young ensign replied firmly while doing a brief sweep of the immediate area to determine how many civilians were nearby and how long it would take for immediate assistance to arrive.

Draylin sighed. "I'm here doing research. I was thinking of setting up shop and wanted to see what your little station had to offer and what it needed. Also meeting an old friend on the way. I've always been a fan of killing two birds with one shot," he explained, looking around as well.

Meljan recorded the information and continued the brief interview. "What is it exactly that you are researching and who do you plan on visiting?" he asked.

Draylin rolled his head on his shoulders in pretend agitation. "I already said what I'm researching, Ensign. And I plan on visiting Yolanthe Ibalin. She's an old friend."

"We need to know the exact nature of your research, Mr. Tal." Meljan repeated in a more assertive tone. "The parameters, the participants, the purpose, things of that nature." He said as he continued to type on the padd before him.

Meljan was familiar with the bar tender known as Yolanthe Ibalin. Commander Gabriel had given a briefing on various "persons of interest" that had setup residency on the station. Particularly, Gabriel wanted security to keep an eye out for grumblings of an illegal fighting ring that the woman was linked to.

"In addition to your research, what is your business with Ms. Ibalin?" The Ensign inquired.

"Alright, ensign, let me try to explain this in slow, precise terms," Draylin told him, his speech slowing already. "The research I spoke of, is just me, walking around DS5 to see what kind of entertainment venues there are here and what type aren't present so that, should I decide to open up shop here, I know what kind of business to start. Okay?"

Meljan nodded tentatively at the explanation. "and in regards to Ms. Ibalin?" He asked.

"I told you. Yolanthe and I are old friends. Haven't seen her in a couple of years so when I heard she was on Deep Space 5 I decided that, while I was here, I might drop in for a visit and catch up. You have all that written down, or do I need to repeat myself a third time?"

Meljan nodded as he concluded his report. "That will be all for now, we would ask that you leave yourself available in case further questions are required in the future." the young officer stated.

"Further questioning for what?" Draylin asked, though didn't particularly care.

". .well, Mr. Tal. You are a visitor on board, but the fact remains that you have a Federation record. We have a policy of keeping track of such persons for their own safety and security." he responded.

Draylin snorted slightly, but tried to hide it. "Protect me...right," he said. "Well, is that all?"

"Yes, Mr. Tal. That will be all." Ensign Meljan stated as he handed a small communication device to the traveler. "You will need to keep this on you at all times so that we may be in contact with you. The only time it will be deactivated is when you are seeing the Medical Bay or attending your required Psychiatric appointment. Your treating physician will have the access codes to control the device." Meljan said as he concluded the report.

"If you do not have any further questions, I will have an officer escort you to Sick bay." He added as he signaled for a Petty Officer to lead the visitor to Sick bay.

"Great!" Damn... Draylin exclaimed both verbally and mentally. "Lead the way," he told the Petty officer with a charming smile.


Ensign Meljan
Security Officer (NPC)

Draylin Tal
Visitor (NPC)