Unity – Punishing the Innocent
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Punishing the Innocent
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Feb 28, 2010 @ 8:17pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD17 - 08:45

Yolanthe had gone perhaps four steps from her door when the Admin officer and a cluster of yellow-shirted individuals appeared from out of the lifts ahead of the Box of Delights. She was glad to see he was in one piece. She waved to him. "Good morning chief. Its good to see you didn't get too badly damaged. How is your friend?"

Bryan smiled and waved back, already feeling like he was about to betray her.
"I'm fine and Mercy is much better. A few bruises and a limp, but a few hours of regenerative procedures will put her back on top form." He said amicably. He was about to ask how she was but he buffeted by one of the security officers.

"That's good. Tell her I said hello, and to stop by when she's up and about" She glanced at all the security officers. "Off to find the people responsible? Or has something even worse than a bunch of bombs and a near lynching happened this morning?

Bryan regained his footing. "I'm afraid for the bars on the promenade, something much worse." He admitted, sidestepping the security officer and taking Yolanthe by the elbow, easing her to the side. "Look, I know I can't thank you enough for all you did yesterday, both after the explosions and last night, but orders have come down from Davies and Gabriel." He paused, allowing the officers to continue past them. "I'm sorry, but until all the perpetrators of the riot last night have been rounded up, then all bars on the promenade are being closed." He blurted out as fast as he could to try to soften the blow. "Security are going around now, sealing them and its nothing personal." He added as she began to turn a shade of yellow.
He was embarrassed, for himself more than Yolanthe.

She pinched the bridge of her nose, and drew a deep breath. "Let me get this straight. Last night a bunch of people descend on my bar, uninvited I should point out, and nearly lynch you, your colleague and two of my customers. And I'm the one being shut down?" She stepped back from him, she was already more than a half-foot taller than him and she didn't want the man to feel bullied. But he'd already proven he had no authority to do anything. "Davies and Gabriel? What do they look like and where do I find them?"

He glanced up towards the Admin office and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think they are still in the admin office, but Commander Davies will probably be in his office up on Operations, as for Gabriel, he could be anywhere, but look, it is only for a day or 2 and it is for all of our safety. You saw what that mob did last night and most of it was fuelled by alcohol." He pleaded with her.

"Last night wasn't fuelled by drink, it was fuelled by a lot of scared people not getting answers from the people who are supposed to be protecting them. Doing this is going to make it worse, not better. " She looked at the hovering security personnel.
"Keep them away from the Box. I'm not going to roll over for you on this. Now, which one's in charge, Davies or Gabriel?"

He felt guilty, not sure which way to turn on this. He had seen Gabriel in action with Davies and Davies had let Gabriel have his way, but the responsibility was his to shoulder, he was the administrator for the Promenade. He swallowed.
"I am in charge." He uttered.

She resisted the urge to laugh. "Then behave like it. Deal with the problem, not the symptom. Leave my bar alone. Stones and Stars I've only been open one day! Go tell people what happened last night, and make them feel they can walk around here safely, and everything is normal and there aren't going to be anymore problems." She waved her arm at the security men. "That lot should be here to make their lives easier, not hassle them for wanting to relax."

Bryan shook his head. He was expecting her to lash out at him physically, not verbally. He breathed a gentle sigh of relief.
"We are dealing with the symptom, it's a security issue and as soon as we can apprehend the maniacs that set all this off," He said referring to the activists who planted the explosions, "the sooner we can tackle the peoples mistrust. You saw what they were like last night and you can't tell me that alcohol had no part in that brawl." His hands flew in each and every direction as he tried to explain. He shook his head again as Yolanthes hands came to rest on her hips and she fixed him with a cold glare.
His arms shot up in surrender. He pointed to her own abdominal area where she had been stabbed.
"Could you personally guarantee that there would be no problems with the general public on here? I sure as heck couldn't and after last night, I doubt if even they could!" He remarked in angst.

Yolanthe ground her teeth. She couldn't give him her word. "Look, I have dancers and muscians paid for. I have employees," she put extra emphasis on the word, "who need to know if they still have jobs. I'll do you a deal. I'll pull the alcohol menu from the tables. I won't sell a single drop, but my shutters go up at six on the dot. My opening night was a bust. If I stay closed tonight, I'm sunk before I've got started. I've got plenty of virgin drinks, and the gambling and holosuites can take everyone's mind off it. Deal?"

He was not in the position to accept her deal as he had his orders. Her guile and charm were working on him, now if only she could persuade Gabriel and Davies.
"Miss Ibalin..." He began.

Trellis walked around the upper-level of the bar and allowed Bryan to continue his conversation with the owner. Personally, Trellis believed that this was once again, a waste of station resources. The Bars were no threat to anybody, and the fight from last night was nothing more than scared citizens trying to find an answer to their questions. Yet Gabriel was throwing everything out of proportion. Using a broadsword in place of a scalpel.

He was more interested in the particular weapon that was used to incapacitate the crowd. He was aware of neurological-based weapons, but the one used here was able to evade station filters and caused no long-term affects to those it incapacitated. he didn't want to report anything to Gabriel, because he knew that it would give the man all the probable cause he needed to storm the Romulan Embassy.

Yolanthe spotted the yellow shirt wandering along the mezzanine, and her own yellow tones that had begun to fade away returned. She held up her hand to stop Bryan's conversation. "I'll be right back."

She ducked back into the Box, and shouted up to him. "Oi, you! Out! I haven't finished negotiating yet. You can come back and hassle me when I'm done with the Chief."

Surzchenko took the opportunity to tap his comm and signal Gabriel, not only for assistance, but for back up.
=^= "Commander Gabriel, I would appreciate your assistance on the promenade. Miss Ibalin has an interesting proposition." =^= He spoke with all the certainty he could manage.

Trellis stopped as he looked at the woman who was approaching him. "Excuse me, ma'am?" he asked.

"I said out. You're not shutting me down before I've exhausted all avenues."

"I'm sorry for the inconvienence, but I am trying to complete my investation as soon as possible so I can be out of your way. This will only take several more minutes." he stated as he went back to his scanning.

"Oh." She deflated a bit and let go of her annoyance. "Sorry, I thought you were one of the ones out there." She'd seen the uniform before the man. That was a bad habit to get into. She went peach. "Sorry."

Trellis stopped and looked in her direction again. She was beginning to interfere with his work. "Ma'am, I understand, but we are not your enemy. We are trying to help you and prevent a replay of the chaos that took place here. " he responded.

"I know." You're doing it all wrong, she thought, but kept it to herself. "I'm afraid we cleared it all up last night. I don't know if there's much to see." She felt awkward, the peach darkening towards amber. "Look, if it helps any, it wasn't a proper bar fight."

He simply listened to the woman speak.

"Trust me. I realise you fleet types probably don't see many, but I have. Bar Fights have a... choreography... a rhythm. The offended, the offender, all their companions trying to hold everyone back. There was none of that last night. It was," not an organised mob, probably, "it was out for blood, and when Admin didn't bring down anyone senior, they turned on the Cardassian ambassador and the Romulan." She headed for the shutters. "I'll be outside with the Chief. If you have more questions or want the guided tour or anything..." She ducked back out.

The Chief was waiting for her. "So. Do we have a deal?" She asked.

Bryan nodded, "As long as no alcohol is served, virgin or otherwise, or you will be closed permanently." He said waggling a finger in her direction, "then yes, we have a deal." He said, his voice dropping slightly as he had a feeling this was going to come back and bite him hard.

She went periwinkle blue. "Thank you, Chief. Good luck with everyone else." She thought about the other bar owners and restauranteurs on the promenade as she turned away. "I think you're going to need it."


CWO Bryan Surzchenko
Admin Officer
By Mark

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner & bar tender, the Box of Delights

Si'Lar Trellis
By Thom