Interlude – Embassy-gate - Part 2
by Colonel James Darson & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Embassy-gate - Part 2
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sun Jun 27, 2010 @ 4:25am
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   An Hour after "Of What May Come" SD18


Arrienye nodded, moving to sit on the offered chair slowly, crossing her arms over her chest. "What I want to know is exactly who sent it," she said.

"Do you give any credence to the courier's description of the sender's footwear?" Isha asked placing her elbows on the edge of the desk and resting her chin on her interlinked fingers. "We may never know precisely who sent it, unless that padd reveals something that could link it to them - we can have that examined, but as it appears to be of Federation origin I am doubtful - something procured for the purpose. Look to that lock, that is more likely to be possible to tie to the sender, she suggested as a low quality image appeared on the screen.

"Not completely, but it's worth checking," Arrienye said before looking to the screen.


A video file began to run on the screen. Its quality was low but manageable. The main problem with it was the viewpoint jumped around as if it was being taken by a hidden camera. It was apparently at waist height, capturing a milling crowd’s clothes as whoever was in possession of the recording device moved around. Mindless sound and static filled the room, sounds of a crowd moving about its business and nothing else in particular. A couple of moments later, a break appeared as the mysterious cameraman approached a railing, revealing that the scene was that of the Main Promenade, here on Deep Space 5.

The image fluctuated a bit as whoever it was removed the recorder from its hiding place and fumbled around, briefly catching an image of the holder’s feet, which confirmed the description of the courier about the boots, and brought it up to eye level, stabilizing it immensely and began to scan the opposite railing. Soon enough the image settled on one man, leaning with his back against the rail. The view tightened as the recorder zoomed in quickly, until the man took up most of the screen.

Clearly a Romulan from behind, he was wearing non-descript clothing and there was nothing else special about him from this point of view, except that he appeared to be waiting for something. Suddenly, he turned around and began to gaze at the lower level. At this point the image up and zoomed in again, centering on his face. It froze with the sound of a shutter closing, leaving the frozen image up on the screen. Even with the lower quality of the video, there was no doubt at all of the Romulan’s identity: that of Rh'vaurek Raedheol.

The image unfroze, zoomed out a little, and continued its playback. Soon enough another man appeared in the picture…a Cardassian this time. The larger alien jabbed Raedheol in the side and began to speak with him. The view tightened once more, and with the click of a shutter froze on the Cardassian’s face, revealing that he was in fact Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal.

The image unfroze again and the two began to talk. The camera went back down to waist height and began to fast forward as the man began to move, keeping an eye on the two as much as we can. The video followed his quick progress around the ring and then across one of the many bridges that crossed it and led to the central hub in the center, then across to the other side. Soon enough, Raedheol and Getal began to move, and the cameraman fell into a stalking pattern behind them. The quickened footage documented their walk and eventual destination, a dive bar not far from where they had started. They entered, and the man holding the recorder followed unmolested.

The video slowed down as everything went black, the light in the bar being too dim to see much. A night vision lens was applied to the camera, and everything brightened again. The two’s progress was tracked across the bar to a table where their voices suddenly became clear, with the assistance of directed audio receivers.

"Well isn't this pleasant," Rh'vuarek muttered on the screen. He went for a table and pointed to one of the bartenders and crooked his finger, indicating for him to come over. "This reminds me of a shithole I once visited on Beltane IX," Rh'vaurek said as he sat. "Doesn't it make you feel thrilled that this station caters for all walks of life?" he asked Getal.

"By walks of life I assume you mean the by-products of each and every species." Tharek commented, disregarding the various patrons nearby. "Now, what's so urgent that I had to be here within twenty minutes?"

"I'm leaving DS5," Rh'vaurek said, "Within the hour."

What they were watching was the entire conversation that had occurred earlier that evening between Raedhoel and Getal ( Isha listened and watched, rolling her lower lip between her teeth as she did so.

"I don't think that Rh'vaurek has ever informed me when he plans to leave a place," Isha remarked as the recording continued.

"Unlike most Cardassians, I keep my word when it's given out. I give you my word, this will be a joint effort to the end."

"I'll hold you to it," Raedheol told Tharek. "Something else, a priority. Preliminary data shows it was down to the marine facility that the lloann'su took this place back from the fanatics - it needs taking out before we go ahead," he said, "along with its costumed overseer."

At this point the bartender came again and got in the way, this time standing and chatting at a table in-between the voyeur and the two targets. The camera jittered angrily as if annoyed, but then the bartender departed again.

"Darson and his dancing monkeys?" Tharek asked rhetorically. "They shouldn't be too hard to deal with."

"I'm sure the circus will do its best to entertain you," Rh'vaurek replied. "If they're still in place we'll have to review strategy. Half of the station's populace don't appear to care who is in charge as long as the bars are open," he observed, "that's the half I'd rather have waiting."

Tharek smirked. "When should I have Darson... What's the word... When should I have him 'misplaced'?"

"At your earliest convenience, Tharek," Rh'vaurek said. "I'm sure that will be an interesting little puzzle to resolve, just try and make sure its permanent," he added.

"And what of Gabriel? Or Isha? Or the Klingon?" Tharek asked, gulping down the remnants of his drink. "I don't want any of them interfering."

"The Klingon might be a problem. I had thought he might be open to bribery, but it seems he's one of the thick headed type who acquaint honor with hitting things. It might be worth giving it one more go," he said before chuckling, "Did you know that Isha cut her teeth in the courts?" he asked. "If you should ever get the chance to see her bring a prosecution you'll find it well worth your while. It’s a testament to her ability that she came back here at all," he continued thoughtfully, "she'd been set up to take the blame for the attack on this station, a little sacrifice to keep the Federation sweet but somehow, despite the fact the warrant for her execution had been signed before she even left Deep Space Five, she left ch'Rihan with her head."

"She is interfering, and must be stopped. Permanently stopped." Tharek said through narrowed eyes.

Rh'vaurek tilted his glass as if examining the contents, "I wouldn't be so fast to wish her dead," he told Tharek, "Gabriel was very lucky a few years ago, he killed one of our scientists and thinks he got away with it. Once the final pieces are in place Isha is going apply for his extradition to face charges of murder. If needed she will bring the case here. and if there is anyone who can secure Gabriel's extradition and execution it is t'Khellian," he said draining his glass.

"So, we leave t'Khellian to get rid of Gabriel, and then we get rid of t'Khellian?" Tharek clarified.

He shrugged, "Why not," Rh'vaurek said indifferently, though he was curious as to why Tharek was so obsessed with her. "No point in throwing out a useful tool," he said upending the remainder of the bottle into his glass. "Which leaves you with the Klingon."

Tharek rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "I can hardly wait!" He exclaimed.

"He's a big bastard, I'll give him that," he said with a laugh, "I'd be interested to see that paricular confrontation. There's nothing quite like a Klingon realising that he's lost," Rh'vaurek said.

"Too true." Tharek agreed. "I'll do it the old fashioned way. By blade." He said.

"I'll leave it your hands then," Rh'vaurek said placing his glass back on the table, there was still an inch or two of liquid in it. "My shuttle is waiting, it will appear that I have returned to ch'Rihan. When I rendezvous with my ships I'll send word. Then you can send yours to join me."

Tharek nodded and stood. "I await your call. Don't be too long now, Rh'vaurek." He said.

"It won't be long," Rh'vaurek replied leaning back in his chair, "and next time I step on this station I expect to see you running it," he said with a twist of his lip.

"I can guarantee you that, Rh'vaurek." Tharek said. He nodded politely, then turned to leave. The sinister smile spreading across his serpent face.

The video blacked out.

"One needs reminding every now and then that one is expendable," Isha said looking through t'Merek and on to something that only she could see. She was certain that Rh'vaurek had his reasons, and under the circumstances the erie'Khrein had positively defended her, in Isha's opinion, anyway.

"Indeed," t'Merek agreed, resting her chin against her hand as she thought through the presented situation herself. It was troubling, to say the least, but then again, the erie'Khrein was Tal'Shiar. One could never be certain of what they would do, but this seemed like a rather radical step, even for them.

Suddenly the PADD that had been left forgotten on the table began to buzz insistently. It was apparently a transmitter, and it was now displaying that there was a call coming into it, from a blocked identification number.

Isha reached for the device.

As she answered the call, a burst of static came out, followed by a very respectful voice speaking fluent Romulan, as well as being masked by some sort of communications software, =/= “Greetings, Madam Ambassador…it is a pleasure to speak with you, though given the circumstances under which this is taking place…it is slightly less so.” =/=

"Perhaps you would like to explain the point of this charade," Isha suggested with a ring of impatience.

=/= “A charade, Madam Ambassador? I can assure you that this is no such thing. I am merely acting in your best interests, and that of the Empire.” =/=

"I am quite capable of determing that without your advice," Isha said. "You have my attention, now say your piece before you lose it."

=/= “The erie’Khrein Raedheol is planning on conducting this operation, one that I don’t think that he has properly considered the consequences for. I won’t pretend to know how he thinks, but I cannot imagine how he would plan to take this station, and not be the cause of an interstellar war.” =/=

Isha could imagine how. Indeed she had come up with a very viable method, one that was elegent in its apparent simplicity but quite savage in the detail, it was a method that she had chosen to keep to herself. "Do you expect me to tell a General of the Tal'Shiar to change his mind?" she asked the stranger. Isha did not get involved with that part of Rh'vaurek's life, he reacted very badly whenever she strayed into that territory. "What has it to do with you anyway?"

=/= “Me? Madam Ambassador…I am but a lowly servant of the Empire, one that cares for your well-being. I brought this information to your attention because I thought that you of all people would be willing to do something about it.” =/=

"Such as?" Isha spat, "Do you actually think that there is anything to be gained by escalating this? Clearly not as you are hiding and prefer to attempt to get me to do what you are too afraid to do," she said.

=/= “I am hiding because I do not want to risk reprisals,” the voice said with indignation, “I have much more to fear in that regard than you. And I’m certainly not suggesting that you take it to the authorities,” from what I’ve seen of the security department onboard this station they would use the opportunity to cause an intergalactic incident. That Security Chief…Gabriel, is not one to be trusted. Though I think that you know that better than anyone Madam Ambassador. If I was to suggest an ally for you, I would suggest either Captain Tahir when she is back on the station, or the green one…the one who wears a mask and an idiotic looking cape.” =/=

"Oh, I see," Isha concluded, "You are a comedian. Well, I'll just wait until that circus visits us then mention it shall I?"

=/= “Do what you will. But the circus might come to you sooner than you might think. The green one is here in the embassy…in our good Chief of Staff’s quarters, doing something unseemly with the furnishings. If you want to talk to him, now would be a good time. Though of course I recommend that you go alone. And furthermore, I-“ the voice froze and then said quickly, “I have to go. Just keep in mind what I said Madam Ambassador. We do not have the luxury to sit around thinking about this. Good Day.” =/=

With that, the call disconnected and the device fizzled and sparked, signaling its decommissioning.

"t'Merek, trace that call," Isha said as she shoved her hand through the field that protected the blades on display in her office, "No arguements!" Her fingers closed around the hilt of her late husband's weapon.

She had understood the messenger's meaning, and if Darson was ruffling around in her embassy she was going to find out why.


Ambassador Isha t'Khelian

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek

Unknown Informant
NPC’d by Colonel Darson