Cascade – Digging Deeper Part 2
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Digging Deeper Part 2
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Thu Feb 28, 2013 @ 2:02pm
Location   Quarantined Hanger Bay, Section C, Deck 1029
Timeline   SD71 - 0930

DeRoot was gone. Werbner was on the floor, blood pouring from her eye sockets. Every instinct in Wyman's body was screaming for him to run - run as fast as his legs could carry him. Get Ceridwen and Gwen. Get the Hell off of DS5. Get as far away as possible.

His training managed to override those base instincts long enough for him to crouch down and check Werbner for a pulse. He didn't expect to find one, and didn't. The stench of blood and gore hit his nose, and re-actively his head spun away from the anthropologists corpse. He had experienced death many times in his career, but this was painfully different.

Once he stopped releasing the contents of his stomach onto the deck, Steve forced himself to his feet and ran off the small craft, across the hanger, and out into the corridor. "Computer - erect a level two force field around this bay. Seal it off! NOW!" Before the computer could respond, he collapsed to the deck, nearly hyperventilating.


There was a detail in Werbner's report that concerned Karen. If she had read it correctly then clarification would not wait until the afternoon when she was due to meet Lieutenant Sirran at the Yevadian ship. Having picked up the files that the Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer had made available she made her way to the hangar bay to check the fact in question.

Her nose wrinkled as she emerged from the turbolift - the smell got stronger as she strode down the corridor, like parmesan cheese or ... Karen stopped in her tracks. Someone had been sick and moved on in a hurry.

Karen hit her comm badge =^=Computer, cleaning detail to Section C, Deck 1029,=^= she requested before moving on a slower pace, watching her footfall to avoid stepping in the trail.

It led back to the hangar bay.

The Executive Officer keyed in her access code but the door remained shut.

=^=Computer, override lcokout=^= she commanded. Seeing the engineer on the floor she stepped into the doorway only to be flung back by the forcefield the padds she was carrying clattering to the floor, =^=and disable the forcefield too!=^= she added as she got to her feet. "Bloody backwater technology," she muttered under her breath and waited for the fizzle as it deactivated.

Then Karen sprinted across the shuttlebay, =^=Villiers to medical, get a team down here. Section C, Deck 1029. Medical emergency!=^= she requested as she ran.

"What happened," she asked as she got to her knees and attempted to assist Wyman.

Steve gasped for air, his lungs searing. "Werb... ner... dead... Eyes... ex... ploded!"

By this point he started clawing at the bulkhead, pulling himself into a seated position. "DeRoot... got out of Dodge... I... I woulda... vented the hangar... into space... ordered the... the ship b... blown to kingdom come. F... figured I didn't have the au... thority." he forced out between heaving breaths.

Karen hooked his left arm over her right shoulder and pushed to her feet, she wanted to get him into the corridor away from the scarred hull, "Is there anyone else here?" she asked. If Werbner was dead then they could recover the body once the area was safe or else transport it to sickbay.

Steve shook his head. Slowly, air was starting to get back into his breath. "It was... just the three of us. DeRoot ran off. Werbner's dead."

Lissie Devon looked up at Lt K'Vel as he rushed towards the XO and the casualty she was helping across towards them. Startled she grabbed a med kit and rushed after him, dropping to her knees on the other side of the casualty and rummaging for the instruments K'Vel would need so she could pass them to him. Medscanner first, straight into his hand, then she loaded a hypospray with analgesic and that was at his figertips before he even asked. Teamwork and training at its best. Chelsea kept her teams fully practiced at emergency drills until they all cursed her but it was at times like these that lives were saved.

Having been helped to his feet by Villiers, Wyman waved off the medical personnel. "I'm fine, just shaken up... Nothing a stiff drink won't fix." Wiping sweat from his brow, his nose suddenly curled. "And a change of pants..." he added under his breath.

"Doctor Werbner is inside," Karen said her eyes on Wyman. It was as if removing him a few metres from the ship had brought him to his sense ... but only so far. She turned to the medical personnel in attendance, "We'll arrange a site to site to transport him to the morgue. Lieutenant, go with the medical team and get yourself checked, we don't want a delayed shock reaction wiping you out.

She glanced back at the ship then to the padds that lay scattered in the corridor beyond the open door. She had a lot of reading to do, and without the anthropolgist she was going to have to call in a favour or two, "I'm isolating the ship until I've done more research, no one is to go aboard. "

Both medics assisted Steve Wyman, one on either side, despite his protests and moved him to a safe distance, explaining this was their duty.

As Steve was eased down to a seated position and the medics began to wave tricorders all around him, he shuddered, a cold shill running up his spine. "I assure you, I'm fine. Well, physically. This is the kind of thing that'll scar a guy for life. And I can assure you when my daughter asks me how my first day at work went - I'll be leaving this part out."

"Good idea," Karen said keeping her unease out of her tone. "I'm meeting with Lieutenant Sirran later today to discuss the ship. After that I think it would be a good idea if we meet and discuss how we procede. Can you be available in the afternoon Lieutenant?"

Absently wiping his mouth on his sleeve (as he could still taste what he left on the deck next to Dr. Werbner), Wyman nodded. "I'll be there with bells on, Commander."