We All Fall Down – Micromanagement
by Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC)

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Title   Micromanagement
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC)
Posted   Tue Sep 09, 2014 @ 10:48pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   MD02 1415

Leonora Dell, Acting Head of Operations for the umpteenth time in the last two years stood in front of the strategic ops station in the command, feeling like a raw cadet failing a parade inspection. She didn't want to be here in the first place. Her head felt stuffed with cotton wool and her nose felt like it was filled with glue. She'd rather be in bed than in front of the Trill she had first thought was merely overly starched, but after the first sentence Dell quietly downgraded the new Lieutenant Commander to Bitch.

"So knowing it would leave you dangerously under-supplied, you signed off on the repairs."

"Ma'am, those ships wouldn't have been able to leave for weeks." Leonora had to force herself to look the superior officer in the eyes. All of ops had suddenly become furiously busy, everyone trying to look as they weren't watching Dell being dressed down in front of Ops.

"Then they don't leave." Soran replied crisply. "Your responsibility is to see the station can function under all circumstances. There is no inconvenience to the ships involved. We are more than capable of victualing even sovereign class ships without making a dent in supplies than can replicated until the ones that can't be arrive."

"No Ma'am." Dell had to concentrate on not sniffing and her nose itched to sneeze under the disapproving laser glare.

"I'll divert the nearest suitable ship for an undamaged sample. Then inform the Science department they are to fast track a culture, everything else is secondary until we are back to fully stocked. Engineering is to assist with an antiseptic flush of the circuitry and synapse regulator once there is enough gel for essential processing. Ops is not to assist intelligence or the marine corp for anything short of priority one issues. Where are you with the investigation?"

Dell bit her tongue. Soran may have come from Ops, but she wasn't ops now. But a senior officer had asked a question. "I have techs working on data reovery. The Xo mentioned there was a training program running, but I've not been able to get hold of him to go over the details."

"Wallace has been recalled."

Dell wished she could rub her aching head. Her throat was getting sore too, and speaking with this cow was not helping. This was the first she'd heard of the XO's departure. No one told Ops anything. She bet Wyman knew. everyone remembered engineering. "I didn't know ma'am. I shall put more people on it, but without the main core it will be a drain of the secodary processor."

"That's what ops is there for, Lieutenant. Keep me updated with your progress."

It took a moment for the realization to dawn in Dell's fuzzy brain that she had been dismissed. "Ma'am." and now I shall go teach my grandmother to suck eggs. She walked out of ops with as much dignity as she could muster, aware of all the eyes watching her go, feeling the relief emanating from them that they were not the ones on the receiving end.

She'd stagger back to the Operations office and get onto the data recovery people again. But first she had to go to sickbay and get something for this sodding cold.


Lt Cmdr Maritza Soran
Chief of Strategic Operations/ 2XO

Lieutenant (JG) Leonora dell
Acting Chief of Operations