Beg, Steal or Borrow – A brief chat
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   A brief chat
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Jun 04, 2009 @ 2:21am
Location   Security Office, Various
Timeline   SD 8 - 22:40 hrs
Gabriel slid into his chair and rubbed the side of his face where Isha's padd and struck him not more than 30 minutes before. A strong part of him wanted to go back to the ambassador's quarters and throw her through a port-side window. As much as it would appease him, it would not solve his feeling of lethargy and overall exhaustion.

As he began to shut down his console when a sudden thought came to his mind. He sighed in frustration as he pressed his comm unit. He almost forgot the Intelligence briefing that he was to have with the newer officers on the station. It had been severely delayed since the attack and subsequent investigation and repair efforts.

*COM* "Gabriel to Lieutenant Dunham and Tan please report to my office, immediately." Gabriel said as he closed his unit.

He leaned back in his chair wearily while he awaited the officers' arrival.

Vincent grunted as he heard the chirp. He had gone to sleep after a long day and had been having a pleasant dream where he was back home in The Alfred Hospital, working his normal job before going home to his family. A truly happy life, free of lies, deceit and espionage. How fitting, he thought, that it was Lieutenant Gabriel that brought him back to that sordid reality.

He thought it best to act cautiously around this Gabriel character and decided to actually obey the rather rude and sudden request. Dressing as quickly as he could he exited and locked his quarters
before making his way to the Chief of Security's office.

Dunham was on the floor of the flight suit changing rooms hitting his fitness routine hard to stay awake. When the comm went off he was in the middle of doing his sit ups. He leant over to the bench and pressed his comm badge. "I'm on my way." Grabbing his top. He headed off.

Vincent was the first to arrive at Dorian's office. He decided he would get more information by being slightly provocative. "To what pleasure do I owe this late night summons, Mr. Gabriel?"

Gabriel was staring off into space as he rubbed the cut to the side of his face in an absent-minded manner when he was interrupted by the sound of a voice. Gabriel sat up in his chair as he heard the arrival of Lieutenant Tan.

The more he interacted with the man, the less he trusted him. He was in places he wasn't supposed to be, and he seemed out of place in the general hustle and bustle of the station. He had been on the station for less than a week and he had already ascended to the position of Assistant Chief to the faux-Klingon Commander. He was going to find out more about this man in the coming days.

"This pleasure is owed to the fact that you are a Starfleet Officer *26* hours a day, not just at a time of your choosing." Gabriel responded smartly. "Once everyone arrivesl we'll begin this intelligence briefing so that all relevant parties will be up-to-date on things." He said as he moved his hand from the side of his face and gestured towards a chair. "Take a seat." He said.

Dunham was the next to enter. He gave a small wave of hello. "Good evening to you both." He looked at Mr Tan for a moment. "Sorry I don't we have been introduced. I'm Richard Dunham." He offered his hand out to shake.

"Vincent Tan," Vincent grasped the hand firmly. It was best to make allies to take on this Gabriel character. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dunham, sir."

After the last man had entered, Gabriel passed each man a Padd to read. "As you all know, this installation has been attacked through sabotage, attempted assassination, and outright direct military assault. To put things bluntly, all hell has broken loose." Gabriel said.

"At this point, we are experiencing a lull in emergencies, so I expect to use this time to accomplish the more important task of further securing the station and all docking vessels." Gabriel said. "We currently have in our possession several persons of interest." Gabriel said as he brought up the picture of three Romulans.

"The Commander of one of the attack vessels, a pilot, and the saboteur that attacked Lieutenant Freeman. I believe it would be beneficial to have a chat with these individuals for any intelligence they might possess such as tactical of logistical information regarding their vessels, to better help us prepare for any future attacks." he added. "Any questions?" He inquired.

"You have the full support of me and mine in the defense and security of this station Mr Gabriel. We have already doubled our patrols and extended the range of our recon units. On another note I think a meeting like this between our departments is a good idea and something I think we should continue to do after the current crisis has been resolved."

"I concur," Vincent chimed in. "I am assuming that Commander Da'nal will be busy in coming days and I have only just arrived onboard, so I ask you all to bear with me. Nevertheless, I will do everything I can to help. This is a situation where all hands are needed on deck, so to speak."

Dunham nodded in thought to Vincents words.

"I am also assuming that our cooperation will be reciprocated, Mr. Gabriel?" Vincent pushed the point. "Will we be informed of all developments in the investigation? All the new information that may come to light?"

Gabriel eyed the man carefully. ~ S.O.B. is too nosey for his own good. ~ He thought as he rocked back and forth in his chair slightly. Gabriel wanted to figure out what this guy's angle was, then he'd know how to handle him.

"What is it you want to know, Lieutenant?" Gabriel inquired.

"Just what you see fit to tell, sir," Vincent replied. He had never counted on Gabriel to be a useful source anyway. There were other ways to find out information available to him and this way Vincent could ascertain the extent and amount that Gabriel was lying to or hiding from him. Vincent made a broad gesture to encompass the other officers in the room. "Is there anything you wish us to know right now, Mr. Gabriel?"

Gabriel leaned forward in his chair and stared intently into the older man's eyes for several moments before responding. "No Lieutenant, if there is anything further that you all need to know, I'll be sure to brief you at the appropriate moment." Gabriel said in a measured tone. "For the time being, I would suggest that you two coordinate to exam the wreckage from the Romulan attack fleet. I'm sure there is valuable tactical information to be gained from the debris." Gabriel said not breaking eye-contact with Tan until he leaned back in his chair.

"That's all for now" He said to the gathered officers.

"Thank you" said Dunham. He got up and straightened his uniform. He turned to leave slowly incase anybody wanted anything else from the pilot.

Maintaining eye contact with Gabriel until the Security Chief broke it, Vincent finally stood up. 'Mr. Dunham, if you fire your fighters up, I'll help coordinate them to the location of the wreckage. Let's see if we can do some fly-bys and get more information. I guess I'll have to coordinate with the USS Thor to see if it can provide us with some cover whilst we're up."

Dunham gave a nod "Kick the tires Mr Tan. I will get them warmed up. We will be air born in ten mikes" he said with a smile.


Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence

Lt Richard Dunham
Squad Leader

Lt. j.g. Vincent Tan
Chief of Strategic Operations