Interlude – An Unlikely Ambition - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   An Unlikely Ambition - Part 1
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Wed Sep 08, 2010 @ 6:43pm
Location   Anatole's Restaurant
Timeline   SD34
Wayne had, had a great deal on his mind recently. The new colony expansion to the gamma quadrant was on his mind as was a feeling that he was missing something from his life. True he had a family and a business that were both growing and solid. What he did find that he was missing though was someone to share his life with. Since his wife had died some 10 years before he had pushed himself harder and farther then he had any intention of doing so.

It was this desire to find someone to fill in the void that he was now looking over differant files on what he considered to be eligible females on the station. He was not the kind to just trust things to blind luck and let his kids set him up on a date, he wanted to know who he was going to meet before he ever sat foot in the meeting. He had narrowed the list down to about 5 women all of them accomplished and had solid careers and well established. First on that list was the Romulan ambassador she was slightly older then he was but she did not look it and in the business that he was in well looks counted for almost as much as money and power.

Now he just had to figure out a way to get her to go to dinner with him at least once. he decided that a comm call would be the best and easiest way to open communications with her. He tapped his comm unit and opened a line to the Romulan embassy.

=^= Hello I would like to speak to ambassador Isha t'Khellian if it is possible. =^= said Wayne over the comm link he had a feeling that he was dealing with the receptionist but he had to start some place and he hoped this line would work out.

"Your name?" i-Orinwen requested. The ambassador had come down hard on whoever had issued the list of people she could not speak to that had prevented Doctor Adams from contacting her and since then such restrictions had been lifted, but still, woe-betide anyone who tried to see her face-to-face without an appointment.

"Wayne Bradshaw." Said Wayne calmly he had expected something like this

"I will see if the Ambassador is available," i-Orinwen said.

A few minutes later the comm re-opened. "I don't believe that we are acquainted, Mister Bradshaw," Isha said quietly. "Why did you wish to speak with me?"

"For a couple reasons actually madam ambassador. The first of which is to get to know some of the people that I will no doubt have to work with while on the station and the second is to discuss a possible business arrangement between your two houses amd my company." Said Wayne calmly he did not want to spook her and figured this was a safe bet after all anyone who read her file knew she was the heir to two large estates in the empire.

"You operate some form of shipping operation do you not?" Isha asked. He had the advantage of her, he had made the call and he knew who she was but to Isha he was no more than a name given to her by the receptionist.

"Among other things yes I do," said wayne calmly he was not going to lay to many cards on the table over a comm call but he would tell her what she wanted to know

"Oh," Isha said raising an eyebrow. She was in the process of calling up a record on the caller, but it was faster to ask, "and what would those other things be?" she enquired.

"I would rather discuss those things over a dinner rather then over a comm call." Said wayne calmly, "But to give you a hint weapons, protection, and mining," he added knowing that she would find out at least that much on her own after all it was no secret that he had done work for the romulans in the past.

"Which would make for a fascinating meal, I'm sure," Isha replied, perhaps this was another useful tool she could add to those she had already gathered, another front to open in her war. "What do you propose, Mister Bradshaw?" she asked pleasantly.

"Well I would not be adverse to a dinner this evening or whenever you are open." said Wayne calmly he would leave most of the arrangements to her after all she was the busier one of the two of them. unlike himself there were some things that she could not move around.

"Dinner?" Isha chuckled. "Tonight if you wish," she said. It would do her good to get out of these walls. "How about Anatole's," she suggested, it was quiet, the food was reasonable, and they would put up with her bodyguard lurking near the table. And if it was not exactly value for money Isha did not really care. Bradshaw had asked for the meeting, and Bradshaw could pay.

"Not a problem say 7pm you bring your appatite and I will bring the checkbook." said Wayne calmly he knew of Anatole's and it had a reasonable rep.

"Very well, I will see you then, Mister Bradshaw," she said before cutting the comm.


Isha arrived, if not quite on time, within five minutes. He was already there, unmistakably so in the lobby of Anatole's. As his record had suggested he was unusually tall for a human being.

"Bradshaw," Isha said extending a jewelled hand.

"Ambassador." Said Wayne as he took her hand and bowed while he brought it up to his lips and gave it a light kiss. "Now shall we attend to our dinner I already have reserved a table for us that offers some privacy as well as being in full view of at least five other tables for your bodyguards as well as my own." He added politely.

As Isha's bookends followed them through she asked him something, "Why ever do you need a bodyguard?" She was sure that he had no intention of making her nervous, but his very bulk in such close proximity had that inevitable effect, but she swallowed it out of politeness. "I would have thought that you could take care of yourself."

"Come now Ambassador I am sure you have done your homework on me like I have on you. I am a powerful man and like any powerful person I have made enemies in my business. as much as I hate to have them I find that having a little extra muscle around tends to make people think twice about causing me trouble." said Wayne as they arrived at the table Wayne pulled out a chair for her and waited for her to sit down before seating himself.

"Thank you," Isha said with a nod as she sat. "Personally, I find it rather stifling. If I could leave them at home, then I would." She waited for him to take his own seat.

"When did your organisation establish a presence on Deep Space Five?" Isha asked.

"We have only been on the station about a month give or take. It is a reasonably decent place to operate out of when you deal with as many differant people and races as we do. As to the hired guns, well I could not agree with you more. I wish they were not needed but it is the sad fact that there are people out there who do intend to do people like you and me harm. Of course you probably have both more and less to fear from that then I would," said wayne calmly.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean by that," Isha said referring to his last statement as she leaned forwards resting her elbows on the edge of the table, and her chin on her folded hands as she watched him. "Being a diplomat I have many acquaintances who might be friends or enemies depending on the context," she explained.

"Ambassador I am not going to play mind games with with you as I am almost certain I would lose, and lose badly. I asked you here to discuss business and to hopefully start a friendship with you. I know you have had problems with the Cardassians recently I would offer my help in that regard if you need it," said wayne softly. "I simply want to be able to help you if you need it and do not feel that you can trust others. To that end ask me any questions you see fit," he added.

"Mister Bradshaw, you did not invite me here as an ambassador, or a politician. I thought you had a business proposition." His mention of the Cardassians was curious but she set that aside for now.

"When it comes to business, I rarely bother with games. I understand that you see an opportunity, I rule one House and will inherit another, and I control the needs of both," she said as the waiter approached.

Without looking at the menu Isha leant toward Bradshaw, "t'ete de veau, followed by the salt marsh lamb, rare, please," she whispered sticking to a very old fashioned ordering convention that existed on ch'Rihan and she was sure persisted elsewhere.

"alright." said wayne as he motioned for the waiter and then placed her order along with his own. "Now that we have ordered and gotten at least some of the mutual hogwash out of the way. Please feel free to ask me whatever you feel like. I would like to do some business with you, and well this seemed to be a better venue for a comfortable meeting then either of our offices would ever be." He added calmly he waited for her to start asking her questions wondering what she might have dug up on him in the short time she had a chance to find anything.

"It is certainly neutral territory," she conceded, "It really depends upon what sort of business you have in mind, Bradshaw," Isha continued, "Why don't you tell me something of yourself," she suggested.