Colonel James Darson’s Personal Log - Future Excerpt 01

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Title   Future Excerpt 01
Author   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Tue May 25, 2010 @ 5:26am
"Deep Space 5 had to have been one of my more interesting duty stations. Multiple factions, all vying for this backwater station in the middle of nowhere… it was like a dream for somebody like me. And that was before anybody really understood its true worth. I mean sure, we had some inklings…but we didn't really know. The Cardassians, Romulans, Klingons…they knew, and they all wanted a piece of the action…they were ready to fight it out to get it. *Chuckle* Can you imagine that? They thought that they could take on the whole station by themselves. The fools. They had no idea who or what they were dealing with.

At the time I was in command of the 6th COG. That amounted to about an entire regiment at my Command, ready to go out and die for me and the Federation. Heavily armed, highly trained, extremely motivated…not at first though. They had grown weak and lax, falling into disarray before I showed up. But once I did I whipped them into shape. I pushed them hard…drove them to the edge, so that when the time came for them to actually fight, they would know where the edge was, and they would be able to surpass it. But the battles on that station more often than not were fought, not with guns and explosives, but with information and black mail…………I didn't really mind either way, but that left my Marines just sitting around.

The Maquis attack changed that, at least somewhat. Admittedly, we were caught with our pants down, and mistakes were made at all levels of command. But, I don’t think that it could have unfolded any other way. It made us reevaluate our strategy with regards to security, and gave most of the people on the station a wake-up call. Not to mention that it opened the door for the next big crisis…”

-Lieutenant General James Darson
-An Excerpt from “Our Secret War: A Tactical History of Black Cell” (Holo-novel, Circa 2436)
-Chapter 18: “Of Spies and Deep Space Five”