Things Past – Sarafin Delight (Part III)
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Sarafin Delight (Part III)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Fri Jan 06, 2012 @ 2:46pm
Location   Hurst Suite
Timeline   2354 Hours
Sarafin Delight (Part III)

Engineering can be a wonderful place of fulfillment. The whole idea is to provide power, keep things running, keep everyone happy, and not get noticed. The title of Assistant Chief of Engineering means that you have a great deal of responsibility to make sure things are implemented, completed, training is accomplished, everything is on schedule, and in most cases receives very little recognition for his efforts. Yet, when something goes wrong, it all falls flat on his or her shoulders. Of late, that has been the case for Lt. Vincent Kramer, Assistant Chief of Engineering.

( 2345 Hours )


Following 5 hours of dining and dancing and drinking and more dancing, Lt. Vincent Kramer was getting just a little tired, but apparently not as much as the two beautiful ladies at his side. Sierra and Heather Hurst had enjoyed every minute of their time together that evening. Yet all good things come to an end . . . or do they?

After Vince caught them both yawning at the same time, “Ladies, it’s been a wonderful night, but I think I should take you both home.”

“Ahhh!” The sound of regret came from both of them.

“I have had a wonderful time.” Vince said honestly, and then asked, “Have you?”

They both just nodded their heads to the affirmative and smiled from ear to ear.

((Hurst Suite))

They made their way back to their suite without incident. Upon entering the Hurst suite, arm in arm, the girls immediately let go of Vince and ran down a hallway. Vince wasn’t quite sure what that was all about. He thought he would get a good night kiss or something, so he decided to stay in the entry for a few more minutes.

He then saw both ladies walking toward him holding hands affectionately. They had changed and were wearing less than they had previously had, if that was possible. The white robes they wore barely came to mid-thigh and had a simple tie belt. The satiny white material shimmered and seemed very light and flowing. The sleeves were long on the outside, but only elbow length on the inside.

Neither Sierra nor Heather said a thing, but just took Vince by the hands and led him past the main entry into a large room with a high ceiling with an enormous view screen currently showing a spiral galaxy. If you watched it for a few seconds, one could tell that the galaxy was rotating. ‘This must be their entertaining room.’ Vince thought. It also had a piano, harp, and several other musical instruments. Some he didn’t even recognize. There were several paintings of scenery and many book shelves. Hundreds of books, as well as, objects of importance where scattered about on the shelves.

Vince was then taken through an arch into another room. This appeared to be a home living space with comfortable style couches and chairs, and family photos on the walls.

They then walked hand in hand down a hall, past several open doors that appeared to be bedrooms. It was odd that it was very late at night, yet no one seemed to be home.

They finally entered a bedroom still holding hands. “This is our room, Vince." Sierra said.

It was large for a bedroom with a very large bed against one wall. Vince could easily stretch across it in both directions with arms extended. The room was decorated elegantly. A room fit for a queen. In the room were desks, stuffed chairs, book shelves, a glass case with shelves with children's toys, like a museum, a picture of the two girls when they were about 10 or so in white flowing dresses running barefoot through a green field. A door off to one side appeared to be the bathroom. Another door off to the other side appeared to be a walk-in closet or dressing room.

Vince had taken it all in without saying a word. He then realized that the girls now stood in front of him, looking up into his eyes, holding his hands.

“We would,” Sierra began,

“Very,” Heather continued,


“Very very,”

“Very very,”

“Very much,”

“Like you to stay with us,”

“Tonight.” they said in unison.

"Well . . um . . I'm not sure what the protocol here is in this situation." Vince fumbled with his words.

They slowly moved their hands up his arms

"Oh, come on Vince.” pleaded Heather.

"This will be fun too.” Sierra promised.

Vince had no problem spending the night with women in the past, but he just might be getting in over his head in this situation. He recalled the body guards.

Then both began to kiss him on the neck and face, while quietly and carefully unfastened his clothes. During this process their satin robes also fell to the floor, revealing their full intentions.

He wanted to object, but they held him closer.

It wasn’t very long until the ladies of Sarafin had Vince naked and in bed. Vince realized that he is absolutely with two of the most beautiful women he had ever laid eyes on. He felt that the rest of the night would be wonderful and exhausting, overwhelming and unforgettable.

Then, without warning, the door burst open. In walked a very rotund man with short curly blonde hair and mustache. He was finely dressed in a black formal suit with red lapel. “Lights!” He exclaimed in a deep voice.

Vince sat up in bed and instantly realized that this is their father, and he will probably be dead in the next several seconds, if he’s lucky. He also then realized that the girls on either side of him also had sat up with their bare torso exposed. Vince felt he should say something, but nothing coherent came to mind.

“Ahh girls,” The large man spoke with a booming voice. “I see you are making our savior quite comfortable.” Now standing at the foot of the bed and looking at Vince. “Lieutenant Kramer I presume.” Raising a hand. “Please don’t get up on my account. I shall only be a moment.”

“Yes Daddy,” Sierra said, “This is Vince.”

“We have had a wonderful time tonight.” Heather added.

“Good, good.“ He said, then to Vince, “I am Alonzo Hurst.” His voice boomed with confidence, “I just wanted to stop by and thank you for all that you did today, saving my little girls. I'm sorry to hear about hour little mishap. I'm glad you came through it fine though.”

Vince, still is in brain lock, could not respond.

Mr. Hurst continued with his big smile. “I have things to do.” He turned on a dime and headed out of the room saying, “Girls, you take real good care of our Mr. Kramer.”

In unison, "Yes Daddy. Oh, we will Daddy. "

Vince wanted to object again, but wasn’t sure how. He had been put on medical leave for a couple days. He might as well enjoy it. Laying back on the soft pillow and looking up at the two women leaning over him on either side, he said, “Lights dim.”. With a warm sensual woman on each side, he closed his eyes and thought, ‘I truly hope this is not a dream.’


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering