Things Past – Kopan Massacre Part 1 - Call That a Landing?
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Kopan Massacre Part 1 - Call That a Landing?
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Thu May 26, 2011 @ 1:29am
Location   Kopa IV, Gamma Quadrant
Timeline   June 3, 2372 � 1000 Local time

"We'll be dropping out of warp in sixty seconds, Captain," the female helmsman said, her tone professional. Akamu stood off to one side, surveying the battered crew of the Go Hekin with a cold gaze. They'd just come from the Bel Astir front, where they'd spent the past sixth months holding Rebels at bay before the planet had eventually fallen to saboteurs. Normally, Captain Johan would've been removed from command following such a dishonorable loss, but with command officers in short supply after two years at war, Imperial Command was being lenient. Instead, the disgraced crew of the Go Hekin had been assigned to deliver sixty Be Halo shock troops, Akamu among them, to Kopa IV. An Angel's Might class warship reduced to running errands. Akamu smirked at the idea.

The ship shuddered as she came out of warp. The crew acting with silent military efficiency, the Hekin slid into obit around the fourth planets of the system.

"All systems reading normal," reported Salla, the ship's EI computer. "Kopa IV reports temperate weather, and little hostile movement in the past two days. It seems we've arrived during a peaceful time."

"If such a time exists anymore," Captain Johan retorted quietly.

“We’ll be in position to release the first three drop ships in twelve minutes,” continued the computer, heedless of her captain’s cynicism. “I recommend that the drop crews get into position. If we miss this window, it will be another seven hours to complete an orbit and be in position again. The Kopan colonists need these supplies and troops as soon as possible.”

“Understood,” the captain said, springing out of his chair and into action. Akamu admired that about the captain; the man, despite his dishonor, still had the enthusiasm and energy to motivate himself and his crew to action. An excellent leader. “Lieutenant Makani,” Akamu snapped to attention, “Your squadron will take point. I want you all suited up and on those drop ships in ten minutes.”

“Yes, sir.” Akamu felt his throat go dry. His recent promotion had a few consequences, not the least of which was extra responsibility and danger.

“You will be escorting the major medical supplies down,” The captain continued. “I don’t think I need to tell you how important it is that those supplies make it to the colonists. Keep them out of enemy hands, at all costs, understand?”

“Yes, sir.” Of course he understood. Akamu wasn’t dumb enough to let tactical supplies end up with Rebels. He saluted smartly, then turned and strode from the bridge, a little swagger to his steps. His first assignment as a 1st lieutenant. Exciting.

A few minutes later, he and twenty of his men sat in two heavily armored drop ships. The “ships” were little more than armored shells, meant to punch through enemy blockades and firing lines with sheer force. The only thrusters on the things were for brakes, to give the men or cargo the best possible chance of surviving the jarring crash into a planet’s surface. Akamu had been on a few drops where those precautions had not been enough, and men had died. It was a risk every time; but then, so was war.

“Everyone strapped in?” He called out. He had no desire to have a flailing body shook around like a rag doll, breaking bones and spewing blood and other bodily fluids all over the compartment. It would be a mess, and he had no desire to clean that up. After receiving an affirmative from the other nine men in his pod and the ten in the other, he opened the comms to the bridge.

“We’re all set here, captain.”

“Right on time too,” came Salla’s sultry voice. Fleetingly, Akamu wondered what Salla would look like if she had a body. With a voice like that, it would be hard to go wrong. “Drop in ten seconds.”

Outside, the sleek form of the Go Hekin slid through space, all her power and majesty on display. Silently, the bay doors opened and three identical orbs fell towards the surface of Kopa IV; one carrying much-needed medical supplies, the other two - ten men apiece; alone, scared.

At first, all was silent, still. Freed of the artificial gravity of the Hekin, Akamu felt himself floating against his harness. But that was over all to quickly. The pod collided with the upper atmosphere suddenly, jarring Akamu brutally against the harness straps. The world spun wildly – gravity going wildly in all directions as the pod spun through the ionosphere. Akamu just kept calm, allowing inertia to push him against the wall of the pod, keeping his neck straight and eyes fixed firmly ahead. It’d do no good for him to get his neck snapped, not after surviving two years of this war. Suddenly, the spinning stopped, and he felt his harness struggle to contain his momentum. Outside the pod, Akamu could hear the thrusters firing, slowing them down so make a safe landing. Well… safe-ish.

And with a final bang, the drop ship collided forcefully with the earth, jarring its passengers to all sides as it ground to a halt.

“Well, that was fun.” Akamu remarked humorlessly.


Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Civilian Mercenary