Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Time to take stock
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Time to take stock
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Fri Oct 31, 2008 @ 6:31pm
Location   Promenade - Gantry Sections
Timeline   SD3 17:50

Routhra was sat on his haunches, his attention fixed as he stayed motionless. Klindara, his female associate, stood behind him, the spyglasses held to her face as she related the happenings below.

"...with too many people around the podium. Routhra, you will not have a clear shot." She stated, as she let the monoculars fall to her chest.

"I'm aware of that." he said, his voice sharp and low. "Patience is the key now. We must not fail."

The woman shook her head not in disagreement, but in her own fear now that the time was upon them. "We will not fail, we cannot fail. Kinthrid would kill us if we do." She said, her voice low as she crept down beside the man.

"No, we would be fortunate if only he killed us." Routhra whispered. "You remember what happened to Kalthar when he failed." the man shivered at the memory. Taking a deep breath through his nostrils he looked again through the scope. The crowds were gathering heavily now and watching the Captain only made his palms sweat all the more.

Klindara followed his gaze through the sight scope at his eye as she chose to ignore his shiver. She remembered only too well, the torture that Kalithar suffered. 9 days he had survived as his life blood slowly drained from a multitude of cuts that were expertly incised upon his body as he hung upside down. He had been forced to eat his own excrement and apart from that, was left to starve. She had no intention of allowing that to happen to either of them.
"Is she still in the restaurant?" She asked, lifting her own monoscope to her face and focussing the lens on the bar below.

"Yes." Routhra said. "She is with the Nausicaan and a woman." He aimed for a clear shot but there was none to be found. "It would be too risky to attempt it now. She will - " he stopped as he watched them stand. "They're leaving." he said, a tremor in his voice. Had he missed their chance? No, there would be another.

Her legs ached, nearly as much as her heart. The excitement in his voice had risen and fallen just as quickly. She glanced at her timepiece. They had been in this darkened gantry for nearly 3 hours and it was beginning to take its toll, on them both.

She took a deep breath as she lay her hand on Routhras' shoulder, a gesture of compassion for her mate, only to have it shrugged off vehemently. She drew her hand back and cradled it with her other, holding her breath as he spun about, his eyes widened.

He stared at her, questioning her actions with his eyes. "We don't have time for distractions." He said in a harsh whisper. "We'll have to move. We won't get a clear shot of the podium from here." He turned from her, his eyes scanning the area. He could feel the cramps in his legs as he tried to move. "There." he said, pointing to a similarly designed shadowy place across the way from them. "We should be able to see well from there."

She could not see anything. Her eyes stung from the tears that were trying to force their way through her tear ducts. She swallowed hard, thankful that the dark shielded her emotions from him. She knew he was anxious, tired and had to ache as much as she.

"Right." She said, her voice a quiver as she rechecked herself. "Right," A little sterner this time. "Give me the rifle, I will follow you." Her chest felt ready to explode. The fear and anxiety of what they were about to do, affected her as she took the rifle with her right hand, as her left assured her that the type 2 phaser was ready in her left pocket, if anything should go wrong.

Routhra stood slowly, feeling the aching in his legs and back. He smiled at her, though he did not feel the emotional settings behind the smile. Perhaps he smiled to help her be more at ease with what they were going to do. Perhaps it was nervousness that allowed the reaction. Whatever the cause, the smile was there if only for a brief moment. His steps were slow and precise as he led the way. While they were concealed in the shadows he did not want to make the mistake that they would make a sound to be heard. Attention must not be drawn to them. His heart pounded in his chest as they made their way to another place of shadows.


NPCd by Tasha & Petro