Intermission – A conversation Among Friends
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   A conversation Among Friends
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Tue Jun 25, 2013 @ 6:16pm
Location   Malak's Quarters
Timeline   Night Time SD73
Malak sat back and sighed as he watched the screen infront of him. His hand came up to go through his hair and he had soft even breaths. His eyes going to the right to look at a few pictures that were on his drawer. He raised his hand and tapped his combadge =/= Muz to Rex.. =/=

Saria was in the middle of drinking a glass of kanar in the Box of Delights, when her commbadge chirped sharply. She put down the glass on the bar in front of her, and tapped her badge once. =/="Rex here. What's the situation?"=/= She asked casually.

=/="There has to be a situation?"=/= The cool voice responded with a soft chuckle, =/= "Do you have some time to talk perhaps?" =/= Malak offered, =/= "My Quarters? Just a conversation - nothing critical if you're busy." =/=

=/="Just joking, Malak."=/= Saria smirked. =/="Ofcourse, I have time at the moment! I'll be at your quarters right away."=/= She stood up from the barstool, and left the Box of Delights. She took the nearest turbolift, at her right, and commanded it to the apropriate deck. =/="And I could really use a tea now. I guess you know my taste, don't you?"=/=

=/= "Wow.. That's a way to phrase it." =/= Malak softly chuckled and slowly stood as he made his way to the Replicator, =/= "I feel confident I know your 'taste', sure." =/= He said the information into the replicator and stretched as he walked over towards the lounge table area to set it down for the woman. He also made himself some water. His eyes going to the window as he waited for her to enter - in a soft contemplation.

Not long after, Saria walked the common route towards Malak's quarters. She stopped in front of his door, straightened her uniform, and pressed the chime next to the door. She heard the bell chirping from behind the door.

"Come." Malak offered with a soft chuckle as he actually walked over and hit the button to open the door - even though he advised her to walk in. He noticed the Trill and smiled faintly. A small motion of his hand as he stepped back and turned,"Thanks for coming.. I really just wanted to talk. I haven't seen you in a while. How are things?"

"Thanks" Saria smiled, entering Malak's quarters. "And no problem at all, I've got some time. Things have been quite usual lately, even though from the things I've heard that happened aboard." She moved herself to the couch and turned back to Malak. "Would you mind if I sit? I've been working quite a long time and could really use something to sit at the moment."

"Ofcourse.." Malak went to the table and getting the drinks. He walked over to hand it to her. The man grabbed a chair and straddled it infront of Saria with a nod of his head,"..Oh? You've been hearing interesting things?" He offers with a smirk. He pushed the chair on two legs as he watched her,"Anything of note or not really?"

Saria sat down, and leaned backward in the couch, humming of the pleasure of having something to sit on. "Oh yes, I have. Madelyn spoke about that mysterious ship that was towed into the station, and people getting nightmares because of that. Very strange..." She said, peeking an eye at Malak in front of her. "I'm quite interested, though. Especially in your side of the story."

"..Oh? I haven't had any real experience with the ship or know anything about it. I am oddly being kept out of that." Malak paused in consideration. He then looked at her confused and dipped his head,"My..side of the..story." He watched her a moment with a puzzled look,"On..what?"

"Well, I thought you especially as a fighter pilot might've had any experiences with the ship." Saria said, calmly. "But I'm glad that you're not affected by it." A smile struck across her face.

"No.. I've not really. It's been quiet on my side." Malak offered with a shake of his head. He considered with a soft huff,"I don't know if there's an effort to keep certain peopel away or not. Perhaps to keep the integrity of what we do?" He pauses a moment and watches her,"What about you.. any nightmares?" He asked softly.

She bit her lip upon his question. She indeed did have nightmares again, as Doctor Dunham's bio-neural supressant did not seem to be sufficient to block the memories about her past. "I...I did, yes. But it was not related to the ship..." She sighed. "...It was about Anaia again... about what happened on Tau Volantis."

There was most assuredly a frown there with a slow nod as he watched her,"..Could it be your host pushing you or the ship, do you think?" Malak offered gently,"Or just bad memories? I know my hosts are pretty annoying when they want my attention." He glanced at the floor as he thought,"Anything you need?"

"Definitely the host. I had a bioneural sensor sticked onto my head to see what caused it. Turned out to be Rex again." She sighed again. "I'm able to supress most of the hosts, except for Anaia. You could say she is the nemesis side of me." Saria smiled as she heard Malak asking if she needed anything. It felt so comforting and caring. "No, thanks. I'm okay for the moment."

Malak thought for a moment and exhaled as he considered. He looked at the ground and glanced up to her,".. Have you tried transferring her out for a while? Talking to her in that way? Through a person or even just by yourself so you can see her?" He offered,"Tried to reason?"

Saria nodded slowly. "I did it by myself many times, but no success. And I'm... I'm too afraid to do a Zhian'tara with someone serving as a temporary host for her... it's too dangerous..." She swallowed. "I don't want to hurt anyone..."

"The Host remains in control at most times.. They can over ride anything that the host wants." Malak says with a shrug,"Additionally you can take extra precautions." He reaches up to touch his spots and looks as if he is going to ask another question and then stops. He settles back down,"Boyfriend doing well?"

She shook her head. "I don't think so. Haven't heard from him in a while..." Saria paused. "I'm not sure, though. Maybe it should be like this."

"...What do you mean?" Malak offers with a slight frown now,"We've talked about a few things.. so Anaia.. Boyfriend?" He sat back on the chair and stood with a stretch,"All of this is waying on you..huh?"

"Pretty much, lately." She answered. "You're one of the few whom I can discuss these things with. Trill to Trill, you know? It feels safe, even after hundreds of years interacting with other species." Saria sat right up now. "Because we understand eachother."

"Mmm.. So trills can understand trills eh?" Malak says with a slight smirk. He slowly nodded his head,"There does seem to be some .." He pauses in consideration,"Bigotry here." A slight frown and exhale,".. Unfortunate."

"Exactly!" Saria exclaimed. "Ask the Captain or any other human aboard the station if they'd rather talk to their own species or another, and you'll get the answer soon enough." She sighed. "But yes, I consider myself single again."

"It's a nice club.. We have jackets?" Malak says with a smirk,"I actually took a Cardassian out on a date. I forgot how interesting and intriguing it can be." He offered slowly. He considered the events that had occured recently. He slowly looked back to her and shrugged,"..I don't think most care - they're enlightened after all." A slight smirk. He watches her slowly and stands to walk towards her. His head dipping,"Sure you want to sit? We can go for a walk or something? You seem like you need to take your mind off things.." A slight pause and a frown,"You know I would be willing to perform the ceremony with you.. to take her off your mind for a bit."

"Atlana Durak?" Saria raised an eyebrow. Her expression changed into a smirk soon enough. "I knew you would have a fine taste for women, especially Cardassians. Seems you need to take some tutoring in Cardassian, don't you think?" She offered with a broad smile. "It not that I care about the differences between species either... but we will always stay true to our roots, our own people. It's a fact."
When Malak mentioned taking a walk, Saria nodded agreeingly. "Yes... I guess that I'm too worried about things..." She sighed. However, when Malak offered her to take the ritual together, her smile disappeared quickly. "Malak!" She exclaimed. "You know it's dangerous if she could get transferred to Muz! I mean... I don't want to hurt you more by giving you headaches or by sharing my memories..." She paused. "...b-but if you really insist... I'd really, really appreciate it."

"It was a date.. I'm not sure of anything on that. A simple date - just as I might take you on one." Malak says with his hands up,"I actually do like her.." He pauses as he considers,"There's just more there. I wonder if I actually want to get into that. I don't know." He watches the woman a moment and then shakes his head,"..It's not an imprint. Muz will be fine - It's only a temporary thing." He offers..well as far as he knew atleast,"And it's your choice.. The headaches always occur.. I also think you're trying to get me addicted to you by making me reliant on the telepathy, eh?" He softly jokes. He watches her and nods,"I'm here for ya, Saria."

Saria chuckled a bit, but she couldn't hold her tears of joy back. She was so grateful that Malak would help her on this difficult journey, and didn't know what to do to repay them. When he said that he would be there for Saria, she couldn't help but rising up from her chair, and nearly jump around his neck. She hugged him thight like he was a big, fuzzy teddy bear. "Thank you..." she whispered.

The male trill was surprised to find the woman in his arms. His leg coming behind himself to steady. He chuckled softly and hugged the woman back. He let the hug last as long as she wanted. His voice soft,"It has always been my ubderstanding a non joined telepath had to do the joining.. is that not so?"

"Well, this ritual is different than a Zhian'tara actually. It's specified on older symbionts with these elderly ailments, and requires a pool filled with water from the caves of Mak'ala and another symbiont, preferably one that knows Rex." She let go of Malak, but still sat in his lap.

Malak nods slowly, not commenting on the intimate touch, his breathing becoming regulated. He watches her slowly and nods,"Ok..I don't know I have ever witnessed that." He says softly,"Does it require medical supervision?"

"Not really, just a Guardian from the Caves of Mak'ala" She said. "Unless my condition is severly destabilized.

The Pilot slowly nods and offers one more hug with an exhale,"Ok Then.. You set it up and I'll make sure I have the leave to help out." He offers slowly,"As soon as we can."


Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Starfighter Wing Executive Officer


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer