Time is Fleeting – Boundary Values for Klingons
by Colonel James Darson & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Boundary Values for Klingons
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Thu Oct 08, 2009 @ 8:39pm
Location   Klingon Embassy
Timeline   SD 9 - 2330 (Backpost)

Darson stalked forward into the foyer of what was obviously the newly constructed Klingon Embassy. He spared a moment to examine the area for easily accessible exits, then headed steadily towards the receptionist. He drew himself up to his full height, which when added to his cloak and armor, made for a very intimidating sight.

“NuqneH” he growled to the Klingon, “I am Colonel Darson, the Marine Garrison Commander onboard this outpost. I am here to see the honorable Ambassador Toran,” from his numerous dealings with Klingons, he had learned that they truly appreciated two things when dealing with other species. Directness and respect.

Yzalla was filling in as the embassy's receptionist. She had told Toran she would go crazy without something to do and he had granted her request. She was handing Marok a report on the progress of the Embassies remodeling when a cloaked man came through the entry. At his greeting, being in Klingon, she deferred to Marok.

Marok took the progress report and looked up at the human upon his greeting. He looked over the man before him. What skin was exposed showed the scars and weathering of a warrior. Standing erect, "The Ambassador is not here as the Embassy is still being remodeled. Fortunately Lord Toran, nor the rest of us for that matter, have quite adjusted to the station's time so I'm sure he will see you...despite the lateness of the hour." Coming around the desk he motioned to the entry. "If you will come with me Colonel."

Darson nodded his head slowly and gave the Aide a surreptitious once over and mentally acknowledged that he was probably giving him the same. He took one last look around the completed embassy and said clearly, “Of course,” before silently falling into formation behind the aide.

Marok led the 'lite colonel', or so he had heard other humans use that phrase, to the Toran quarters. After the lift was on its way to the VIP level he turned to the human. "Before we arrive I would ask what you were wishing to see the Ambassador about?"

Darson lowered his head slightly so the tip of the cloak covered his mask as he considered how much to reveal to the aide. Eventually he raised his head and said, “As the Marine commander on station, I am bound by a very peculiar and particular set of responsibilities. Among these is the responsibility to coordinate all foreign troop movements in this sector. As I understand it, your ambassador requested bunking for an entire detachment of Klingon troops from your ship, the HeD’not. I have some concerns and issues about this that I must review with the ambassador before signing off on it."

Marok nodded in return. "That is completely understandable. Shall I summon the garrison Commander as well? The three of you can address any issues together. How do your people say it...'Keep everyone on the same sheet of Music'?"

Darson cocked his head to the side in thought for a moment, “Of course…that would be more than welcome. However, the hour is late…how long would it take the Garrison Commander to arrive?”

"Not long I'm sure....ten of your minutes at most"

Darson nodded his head, “Ten minutes? Well then…please alert the Commander that we have requested his presence…in the meantime, I have a couple of other topics to discuss with the Ambassador while we await his arrival.”

"Very well." Maork nodded, hopefully the Ambassador wasn't...busy. If so he wasn't going to be in a very good mood upon their arrival. When the two men finally arrived at their destination Marok activated the doors chime to let Lord Toran know they at his door.

Toran was lying on his bed when the chime sounded, and Yzalla had just padded into the bathroom and was taking a water shower. He was still surprised at the spaciousness of the accommodations, but Yzalla couldn't have been happier. Her quarters, though smaller adjoined his but allowed her the freedom to come and go without disturbing him. Rising he dressed and headed into the main entry room. As he entered the room he called out, "Enter", and the doors opened. Toran saw his aide usher in a human in armor and a cloak....

"My Lord, may I present Colonel Darson of the Federation Marine Corps."

~Well that explains the body armor,~ Toran thought. "Come in Colonel. I have been speaking to the Stations command staff, I had intended to call on you tomorrow but as you are here. We have much to discuss."

“Of course,” Darson murmured as he watched the Klingon lumber over to the other side of the room, “I am very glad that you took the time to see me, Ambassador, despite how late it currently is.”

As Darson spoke Toran moved to a counter and poured himself some wine. "Would you care for a glass Colonel?"

Darson parted his cloak as he removed his hand that held up a thick bottle of what was quite obviously a rare vintage of bloodwine, “Thank you Ambassador, but I brought my own,” he removed the seal and moved the bottle towards where the mouth piece would be on his helmet, and tipped it back. There was a strange gurgling sound, and when he removed the bottle a couple of seconds later, some of it was quite mysteriously gone.

Toran observed the man as he appeared to drink. Finding it odd that the man went around helmeted and cloaked...definately no Starfleet issue. However the uniform regulations, and there enforcement, was none of his concern.

“But you know…Klingons must really have a higher tolerance for alcohol than humans do…after all, you’ve partaking now, but you’ve already been out drinking once tonight, haven’t you?”

"Indeed I have. As I'm sure you know Bloodwine is a stable for a Klingon, something drank regularly. However there are much more potent beverages to partake from. Even drunk, Klingons are some of the greatest warriors in the known galaxy." He was not boastful in his statment, he merely restated a known fact. He continued to speak as he took his seat opposite his guest. "But I'm sure you did not come here to discuss the impact of alcohol on one’s fighting ability."

“No I did not,” Darson responded neutrally as he moved to take the seat opposite the Ambassador. He threw a glance casually over his shoulder and checked that the door to the bedroom was still closed as he verified that the jamming devices in his armor were functioning, “I came here to talk about something that may in fact be very difficult for you to discuss.”

Toran leaned back casually. “Go on.”

Darson twirled the bottle gently in his hand, causing the liquid to slosh around inside of it, “You have been associating with some very dangerous characters Ambassador. And this has become a grave concern of mine.”

“I see.” Lifting his goblet, “go on.”

“You were drinking at the Romulan Consulate earlier this evening,” Darson said calmly, but with a tone that brokered no opposition.

Toran was not surprised at his knowledge of the even. The Romulan Ambassador had invited both the Cardassian Ambassador and himself to the dinner at the reception for Toarn and his party. “I’m sure you are aware that as an Ambassador I may be required to attended various functions; even if I find the company distasteful. It wouldn’t have been very diplomatic of me to refuse a public invitation to dinner by a fellow ambassador now would it?”

Darson cocked his head to the side as he regarded the ambassador for a moment, as if he was listing to some ethereal voice that only he could hear. He leaned forward, bringing his face very close to Toran’s, “I am only going to say this once, Ambassador,” he whispered quietly, “and I pray that you heed my words well. I don’t personally mind what you do on your own time. Afterall, the Klingon Empire and the Federation have been staunch allies for several years. But,” his voice became even quieter, “wherever you’re about in the future on this station, I suggest that you watch your step and your company very carefully ambassador...

“I assume that you’ve read Mr. Gabriel’s list of protocols to be followed, yes? Well, let me fill you in on a couple of my own…Don’t make trouble and stay out of my way…because this is my station Ambassador…mine. Captain Tahir may Command it, Commander Gabriel may Police it…but I hold the real power here. So keep this in mind: you respect your boundaries and we won’t have any trouble…but if you don’t….well then, let’s just say that I will not hesitate bring my full might to bear against you. And let me assure you that that is something that we both truly don’t want to experience…can I assume that I have made my point…ambassador? My overarching goal is to protect this station and the Federation, Ambassador. Loyalty like that is hard to come by, is it not?”

Toran sat impassive, and blank as the Marine commander tried to assert his authority. "That it is...but loyalty is like trust; it cannot simply be given, it must be earned. As to your...boundaries." He paused, leaning forward slightly. "Colonel, I have been engaged in plays for power and battles of many kinds before your father was a glimmer in your grandfathers eye. The Federation requested the support of the Klingon Empire and my House was selected to answer that call. I am Honored to have been chosen to aid an ally, however so far I have been dishonored at almost every encounter by officers trying to tell me my place!"

Rising from his seat he continued and gestured with his hands. "I came here with a garrison of 2000 troop to be place under your command and Commander Gabriel's; to be used as needed. But make no mistake...and you can pass this to Gabriel...I am NOT under your command. I am an Ambassador and as such you now sit on Klingon soil! You have the gall to come and tell me what to do, where to go, and who to deal with?! I would be within my rights under Klingon law to kill you for you actions!! And don't think you can threaten or intimidate me in the slightest. I control one of the Great Houses of the Empire and command the loyalty of many other Houses. Let me assure you; our combined might is something YOU will not want to experience."

"Don't forget...our goals are the same, the defense of this station. We can either work together as the allies we are supposed to be, or....or we can be at each other’s throats like a bunch of Romulans. The choice is yours. Personally I would rather work with you than with Gabriel, he is merely arrogant. You," he grinned slightly," you have courage, and there is strength behind your words." Returning to his seat, "so what is it to be Colonel?"

Darson remained still throughout Toran’s tirade, and stared back at him with a smoldering gaze from underneath his hood. He let out a small noise of contemplation and said in an odd voice that was at the same time reflective and self-assured, “I think…that you would quickly find that I am far harder to kill than then you could ever imagine, Ambassador Toran. Even with the power of one of the Great Houses behind you. However, I think that I can assume that neither you nor I really feel like killing each other at this time. I think that I can also assume that we have a couple of common enemies on this station…am I right, ambassador?"

Toran look at the man for a moment, he was no fool, he knew that the power Darson spoke of extended far past that of a bunch of Marines. However as long as his interests didn't conflict his his he saw no reason to open another front. "Of that we are in agreement. I can see we are of kind you and I. Both powerful, both sure of the extent of that power. We have no differences of consequence, and our goals are the same. Right now the other 'ambassadors' and I have a loose agreement simply to get under Gabriel's arrogent skin. But that could be expanded. As you people say; "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." Is that not correct?"

Darson chuckled lightly again and said, "No no...you got it right," He stood up, his cloak furling around him. He squarly faced the huge Klingon and said, "Ambassador...I can tell that you are a man who truly understands how the game is played. I get the gist of what you're trying to say, and I think that this could turn out to be a very...profitable...arrangement for us.

The door hissed open as Cmdr Lektor approached. At that very second the Toran bolted from his seat, enraged. "GET OUT Before I gut you like some worthless Ha'DIbaH!"

The Commander was speechless. They were here to work with the Federation not kill then

Toran continued his rant. "Commander! Remove THIS Ferengi dog from my sight! His eyes glared at the Colonel. "NO ONE tells me where to go and who to have dealings with. I am not here to wear some Federation Leash!"

Darson caught onto what the ambassador was doing as soon as he had jumped to his feet and set about responding in kind, “Ignorant Klingon!” he roared as he also shot to his feet. “I told you before, this is my station! MINE! You will obey my commands like the mongrel pup that you are, or I swear,” here he raised a foot up and brought it smashing down lighting fast on the table in front of him, right on top of the bottle he had been drinking from. This caused the very expensive bottle of spirits on the table to explode with a tinkling crash and a blood red spray of liquid, “That I will crush your and every one of your pathetic warriors’ heads beneath my boots!”

With that parting shot, Darson moved like a snake around the couch and towards the door and the shocked Klingon Commander, “Out of my way,” he snarled as he pushed past the taller being and made to leave.

As the doors closed, "COWARD!" he shouted to no one in particular. Turning abruptly his robes circling out, he stormed into his chambers leaving the Commander wonder what in the name of Kahless had happened.

As he left and entered the turbolift, Darson examined the foot that had smashed the bottle. Slightly damp, but nothing wrong with it. He chuckled again to himself as the lift descended quickly. This meeting had gone even better than expected. Assuming that the Ambassador was true to his word, he would now have his very own double agent inside the little interstellar coalition headed up by Raedheol.

But yet, Darson’s night was not yet over. He still had a few more seeds of dissent and fear to sow.


Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group
Deep Space 5

Toran of the House Moqrhat
Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space 5