Judgement – {Relentless} Introduction
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Derek Yaist & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   {Relentless} Introduction
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Derek Yaist & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Sat Mar 26, 2011 @ 8:40pm
Location   USS Relentless
Timeline   SD36 10:05 - 11.00

Tasha was the first to step on the Relentless.
"Permission to come aboard Captain?" She requested.

"Granted, Captain." replied Yaist as he extended his arm and smiled at Tasha.

It had been a long while since Tasha had been up close and personal with a Defiant. The heavily armored little ship that had been mothballed more times than a prom dress, was now docked at her station. She glanced at Yaists collar and smiled. "Lieutenant Commander Yaist, Captain Tasha Tahir. Welcome to Deep Space Five. I know this is only a short visit, I understand you're heading back out tomorrow, but for tonight, I am sure that you will find our command quarters quite relaxing." She made the offer unconditionally.

"Actually, we'll be grounded here for about a week. Some of our crew were delayed. If that's fine with you of course." Yaist requested with a slight chuckle about the last comment.

Tasha had read the request incorrectly and felt herself blush. "I apologise, my information is not quite correct, but of course you are welcome to stay as long as you need to." She stepped back, dipping her head feeling a little embarrassed. "Allow me to introduce you to my acting first officer, Commander Chelsea Adams, also stations Chief Medical Officer."

"Hello." Yaist said as he smiled warmly at Chelsea and shook her hand.

"Good to meet you Commander" Chelsea shook hands with a broad, welcoming smile.

Kramer shook the Commander's hand silently with a nod of respect.

"Our assistant Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Vincent Kramer and our acting Chief of security, Lieutenant Trellis." Tasha stated as she moved to the side, taking the advantage to take a look across the hall to the corridor that appeared to run the entire length of the ship. "How long have you been assigned to the Relentless?" She enquired as she drew her attention back to the commander and wondered where his crew were.

"A few days. Just enough to pilot it here." replied Yaist as he shook Tallis' hand.

"Still a lot to learn then?" She mused, "And your crew? Your first officer?" She asked with a small amount of concern. "The offer for quarters is extended to them as well." She offered.

"My senior officers haven't arrived yet. However, they should all be here within two or three days." replied Yaist

Chelsea chuckled pleasantly. "Even in the 24th Century we still have 'travel delays'. I can't imagine how they managed to cope in the days when their technology wasn't a patch on what we have now."

She was right, she had no picture of what 20th & 21st Century Earth had been like for just getting a few hundred miles around one small planet, let alone the vaguaries of Space.

It was somewhat ironic that, at the time, *they* had as little concept as *she* had now, looking either forwards in their imaginations or backwards from the future, on the respective problems of getting from one place to another.

"Commander Yaist, the Captain......." Chelsea indicated Tasha with a respectful nod too, "..was wondering if your senior officers would like to meet ours, perhaps over dinner? We could postpone that for a few days in the circumstances, especially now that we know you will be staying a while longer.

We could always tone it down to just a few people over an informal meal, if you felt that would be more appropriate or more comfortable?" she added, hoping to make sure it came across the way it was intended, as a friendly gesture rather than anything ominously formal or overbearing.

"Actually, I think formal would work best. However, it would need to be in a few days, especially since my senior officers haven't arrived yet." replied Yaist

Kramer remained quiet throughout the introductions. His mind was methodically going through the list of expectations facing him. Kramer thought, 'A couple days to do their repair. About that time the parts would be in for the Main Reactor to be rebuilt. When it came time for a formal dinner, he could actually relax at that point. Things were looking up. Come to think of it. This was only his 2nd formal occasion to attend. Things were definitely looking up.'

Tasha nodded in agreement. "Formal it is. Commander Adams can make the arrangements, if she can find the time." She grinned casting Chelsea a quick glance. "Now then Commander, I think we may be able to fit in a short tour, if you have the time?" Tasha urged without saying that a station tour would take a week and she still had not seen half it for as long as she had been in command but she knew where her favourite places were aboard the behemoth of a station.

"Of course, I'd be glad to!" Yaist said as he smiled slightly.

Tasha glanced around to her staff, and despite Karen not being there, she felt that the Commander would have liked to have been here.
As she paused thinking of Karen, Dorian came to her mind and she wondered how the trials opening was proceeding. ~ Somewhere to avoid ~ She thought to herself as she remembered to smile.

"You will love our Promenade, the things you can find will amaze you!" She stated with an elevated glee in her tone. "Lieutenant Kramer, has your team got everything they require for the Relentless?" She enquired as she looked at both the engineer and then to the Commander.

“Yes Sir.” Kramer spoke right up. “We are standing by. This shouldn’t take too long.” He ended on an encouraging note.

"Great! I'll inform my Chief Engineer of your presence when they arrive." replied Yaist.

Tasha nodded as the engineer assured her they did have.
"Commander, do you require anything else from DS5 for your ship?" She asked as her hand moved to her hair, pushing it back around her ear and eased herself around to the acting security chief.

"Not at the moment. However, if I do I'll be sure to keep that in mind." replied Yaist.

Her head cocked as she smiled. "If we get the chance, I'll introduce you to some of the better places to get things you'll need, even if you didn't really need them." She grinned as she turned towards the airlock. "But the first place to get a real feel for DS5, is the viewing decks. Lieutenant Trellis, advise security that Commander Yaist is aboard DS5 and he is to be shown the usual courtesy afforded to a Star ships Captain." She ordered as they began to enter the umbilical for the short walk back to the Station.

Trellis, still deep within his own thoughts barely picked up on the order from the Captain. "ah, yes ma'am. I'll be sure to have all precautions taken care of." he replied.

Lt. Kramer watched as the senior officers of the Relentless and DS5 walked back onto the station. Touching his comm badge, =^= Kramer to Ensign Walters.=^=

=^= Ensign Walters here, Sir. Standing by. =^=

=^= Very good Ensign. Once the senior officers have come through and moved away from the umbilical, please bring in the Alpha 3 repair team onto the Relentless. Out. =^=

Kramer turned and saw a young Ensign standing to the side. She was quite pretty and petite. Her youth was enhanced by her straight dark brown hair being pulled back. “Would you happen to be our liaison for the repairs?” Kramer asked.

“Yes Sir, I am Ensign Crosby. I am here to help you in any way possible.” She stated with a smile of confidence.

Kramer could tell that this must be her first posting out of the academy, but he wouldn’t hold that against her. Kramer heard footfalls at the airlock and saw Ensign Walters. He smiled and nodded to Walters. Kramer turned back to Crosby. “All right then Mr. Crosby. Please lead us to Main Engineering.”

“Right this way,” She stated and turned and walked down the corridor.

The small group stopped at the transporter pad as Tasha turned to Derek.
"Would you prefer turbo lift or transporter. These are quite safe, our Chief Engineer, Bruce Freeman has them carefully calibrated so that we don't end up in a bulk head." She grinned.

"I'm fine with the transporter." he said as he stepped onto the transporter pad, preparing to be beamed.

Tasha motioned for Chelsea and Trellis to Board. "Unless you have other duties that you need to perform. I think the Promenade, the viewing areas and the Command staff quarters will suffice for now." She said as she herself stepped onto the pad.

"Promenade deck" She ordered.

Yaist watched as his surroundings turned into a blue shimmer of light. He wondered what waited him on the promenade.

Tasha gave the Commander a quick tour of the main attractions of the promenade deck, pointing out the Observation platforms, the A-List and several restaurants and shops, advising that most would only take slips of Latinum, or Federation credits.
They moved down to the Administration decks before heading back to the transporter and the Operation's deck, introducing him to her key members of staff.

Finally, she led him to her office.

"So if there is anything you need during your stay, you can call on any member of the stations staff." She advised as they entered. Can I get you, or anyone a drink?" Tasha offered as she made her way to the replicator and reminded herself that she had better get the Chief of the boat to prepare a room for the Commander.

"I'm fine, thank you." replied Yaist as he sat down. The seats were comfortable, a comfort that was rare on a Defiant-class.

"Terran Redbush Tea please" Chelsea smiled and sat down too.

Tasha ordered a plain lemon cold drink and eased herself back to the desk, looking at Chelsea and Trellis.
"Thank you both for escorting us today. Do either of you have any words of advice for the Commander?" The question was semi rhetorical.

"No doubt there are volumes of good advice, but every situation, no matter how similar in template, will have its own detail that makes it unique. It's impossible to be dogmatic. You wouldn't have been selected for the job if you hadn't already displayed the instincts and the skills thus far. Trust those and make sure you surround yourself with staff you could trust with the life of your mother. After that it's plain sailing!" Chelsea declared with something of a slight smirk.

"Oh and a good sense of humour of course." she completed her offbeat summary of Command philosophy. Crossing her legs and leaning back with a broad grin she added. "You can tell of course that I'm new to this too, right?"

Tasha grinned. "I think you get the gist of what happens around here." She eased the cup to her lips, blowing across the surface, "Do you have any questions Commander?" She enquired as her lips attached to the cup and sipped.

"No, not at the moment. I almost certainly will by the time my ship departs, though." Yaist replied with a smile. As a new captain, he felt that he would appear weak if he had questions. Hopefully, he could get over it and ask questions when he needed to.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lt.(jg) Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering

Cmdr. Derek Yaist
Commanding Officer
USS Relentless

Cmdr Chelsea Adams
Acting XO - DS5