Unity – Behind Bars
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Behind Bars
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sat Dec 05, 2009 @ 1:49am
Location   Brig
Timeline   SD16 15.40

Dunham paced the cell like a trapped tiger. He knew it was for his own good this ‘protective custody’ if that’s what it was, was to stop the Cardassians extraditing him and dragging him off the station for crimes that he thought he might have actually done. But he was a fighter pilot and caging him was like caging a wild cat. It was striking close to claustrophobic and Dunham was getting more and more edgy as he continued his pacing of the cell.

A familiar voice could be heard in the outer room, apparently from the tone, somewhat unhappy to say the least.

She sounded calm and polite if you didn't know her, but Lt. Commander Adams' voice was of a timbre lower than it normally would be and there was nothing at all of the usual lightness or laughter in the sound of it.

"Yes, I understand that, Lieutenant." she was saying, her words spaced and clipped so that they were very clear. If you were used to the sunny, easy way she normally spoke, the tension in her voice now would grate on you with a similar intensity that it was leaving her with.

"But surely you can see that if he is here for his own protection then that is all the more reason why he should be free to see whomever he trusts, which would include myself. Perhaps he needs to be asked?" Rick could almost hear the pressure between her teeth as she was holding back an enormous volcano of emotion behind all that polite reasoning.

The security officer on the other side of the desk was arguing that it was his job to prevent *anyone* from seeing Lt. Dunham and he did not dare to go against orders.

Chelsea mulled this over, finding it hard to decide between taking him by the throat and pinning him up against the wall til he either submitted or passed out from lack of oxygen, or just punching his lights out. She contemplated the release of tension that both options would give her and was so sorely tempted to indulge in one that she had to force herself to leave.

Taking herself to see Gabriel she found him *not on duty* according to some defensive female Ensign who looked as if she was covering something. Chelsea didn't care what that was all about - she had no idea where he was. All she needed was to find someone senior enough to allow her see Rick.

She went up further. Commander Davies was apparently 'busy' but Chelsea was getting more and more frustrated with all this red-tape and jobsworth nonsense. She was about to break the rules if she had to but she resolved to make one last try through the 'proper' channels. She flicked her comm badge.

=^= Adams to Commander Davies =^= she put in a direct call. That was something only Department Heads were supposed to do. She held her breath.

Davies tapped at his commbadge.
=^= "Go ahead doctor." =^= He responded, wondering if there was more trouble brewing from the promenade.

=^= Commander, I realise you're very busy and I apologise for the intrusion but may I have a moment of your time Sir please? =^= Chelsea remained remarkably controlled considering how completely confused and frustrated she felt.

=^= "Of course Commander. In person or over the comm?" =^= He questioned.

=^= It's Lt. Dunham, Sir. He has been detained by Security but is denied access to his Doctor. Under Section 24.6 of the twenty...... =^= She didn't get much further with reciting chapter and verse of all detainees' rights regarding health and basic essentials before the Commander replied, which was a relief to both of them.

=^= "Commander, no need to quote the regulations. If I can assist you, even if the regulations needed a little manipulation, I would, especially with the manner in which Richard has been incarcerated. You go right ahead and use your medical command codes to override the brig and attend to Dunham and if I need to, I will make it an order." =^= David had a grin pasted on his face as he offered Chelsea all the help she needed.

=^= Thank you Sir, I was actually prepared to declare a medical emergency and take the place by storm but the medical emergency would more likely to have been myself. I've been round in so many circles. I couldn't find Commander Gabriel anywhere and his office seemed defensive rather than helpful. I don't know what's going on around here, everyone's gone rulebook crazy. Off the record Sir, I don't even know what Rick is accused of but he's too bloody honorable to have been guilty of anything seriously bad. I'd trust him with the lives of everyone on this base and you couldn't say that about many people, to be honest Commander. =^= Realizing she'd just let go of waaaaaaaay too much angst, Chelsea took a deep breath and apologized. =^= I'm sorry Sir =^= she said quietly.

=^= "No need to apologize, I am in agreement with you, but the regs and rules are also there to protect us. Carry on doctor Adams." =^= Davies said as he tapped his badge, closing the channel.

Dunham got out of his cot in a bolt of speed when he saw Chelsea storm into the cell bay. ~Now I'm in trouble~ He thought to himself with a smile. It had not been long since he had last seen 'his Doctor' but he was missing her deeply, and all though he did have some company in the cells in the form of Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, he was finding the time very lonely. "Hi" he said simply with a bit of a wave.

Chelsea rolled her eyes. She was too relieved to find him in one piece again to do much more than shake her head and smile. "Can I not leave you alone for five minutes?" she teased gently, wishing with all her heart she could just hug him to bits and never let go.

Dunham gave her an innocent look. Though he felt very relieved to see her, he held up his hands in mock surrender, his cocky confidence trying to hide the weight of fear on his soul. “I didn’t do it”, he said with a disarming smile. “It's really good to see you though”

~This is becoming ridiculous!~ Dorian thought furiously. How many idiots have been allowed to walk back here without any armed escort. He was going to take it out on the first brig officer that he could find when he got out of here. Protocol had to be followed.

"Unless you have a medical emergency, you can save this conversation for later when Lieutenant Dunham is released, Doctor Adams." Gabriel said as he stood up and walked towards the field.

"Commander? I was looking everywhere for you" Chelsea was taken aback to see Dorian in the cells too. "What are *you* in here for?"

"That is not your concern, just know that visiting hours are posted outside of the detainment center." He replied.

"Visiting hours? As you of all people know perfectly well *Commander*, Starfleet regulations state very clearly that all detained sentient beings are entitled to free access to medical advice and care. You yourself look as if you could do with a check over and if you don't calm down I'll insist on putting *you* through a medical too!" she threatened, perfectly serious.

"They are entitled to medical care as deemed necessary by security staff. The last time I checked, Dunham had not requested medical assistance nor was he exhibiting any symptoms of illness, therefore you presence is not necessary at this time." He replied smartly.

"I'm not your enemy Commander. I tried to get my visit here cleared by you before I attempted to come in. I'm sure whoever else has been able to get had *no* business barging in and if you want to reform your whole department for letting them in, that's fine with me. I'll actually help you with pleasure when you get to pin them all to the wall for it because to be quite frank it worries me to death that this facility is so wide open." she let go of some of the frustration she'd been building.

"What the hell are you holding Lt. Dunham for anyway... if you're actually still in charge here?" she asked, genuinely wanting to know and still treating Gabriel as if he *were* the Head of Dept until she heard officially that he wasn't.

If he were innocent, the same way she was sure Rick was, there might even be a common cause to be fought here. Dorian had rank of his own but while he was on a charge he would be at a disadvantage and Chelsea might be able to help them both. She still had a few tricks up her sleeve if necessary.

"Ok. Now lets all take a breath here. Chill out bit and relax. I'm sure the good Doctor got the proper authority to be in here baring Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel's incarceration, and like she said took all the proper measures." He looked at Gabriel. "Sir I'm sorry if we may of stepped over the line and I apologies for that but please have it in your heart to give us five minutes. Please sir I don't want to be any trouble."

There was no doubt in Dunham's mind that a professional like Gabriel could see the look shared between Chelsea and Rick. Nor did he think that their relationship was a secret to the head of station security, he just hoped the man had a little love in his heart.

"I got permission to be here from the CO himself" Chelsea muttered sullenly. "I'm not the one causing trouble." Letting the matter go, she called the guard over instead. "I have to examine the 'prisoner'. Take down the forcefield and let me into his cell." she ordered.

Gabriel nodded to the guard that was nearby to go ahead and lower the field. "You have 5 minutes, to evaluate him before the field goes back up and he resumes his detainment." Gabriel said, moreso to the guard than to the Doctor.

As Chelsea entered the cell Dunham raised his arms as she swept a medical tricorder over him. "I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I have been placed in here for 'my own safety', so the Cardassians can't arrest me for the destruction of one of their freighters" Dunham tried to give a confident smile, but all he wanted to do was take her up in his arms.

Chelsea pressed a button on the Med-corder and set it down to calibrate itself and the data it had just accumulated. She nodded and quietly looked into Rick's eyes. "They'll have to go through me first" she muttered vehemently. "There are a great deal of Starfleet Regulations that we can throw in their path if they try to extradite you, sweetheart." She reassured him in a more gentle tone getting back to his medical checks.

Pressing nimbly and quickly on some LED shaped input points on the Med-corder she reset it and then taking out a tiny vial and loaded it into a micro-spray. Quietly placing the loaded injector under the pillow of Rick's bed she told him quietly. "Keep that for dire emergencies."

Noticing the look he was giving her Chelsea merely muttered softly. "I'll explain later, but if the Cardassians get too close to actually taking you, use it. It's a vaccine against Rudellian plague. It's not an illness human's are susceptible to but it's deadly to Cardassians. You'll only show mild symptoms and you won't actually be infectious as it's a *dead* vaccine, but blood tests can be taken to show it in your blood and they'll be fooled into dropping you like a stone. I don't recommend it as an option unless we're desperate but it's there in case we need it. Keep it safe and completely secret"

"Time is up, Doctor." Gabriel said to the guards, signaling their eventual movement. "You have had ample time to evaluate the prisoner. You can schedule your conjugal visit at another time." He said as he stood up again.

Chelsea squeezed Rick's hand and held it tightly before she left. Her eyes spoke volumes to him, swimming with love.

Dunham stroked the side of Chelsea's cheek with the back of his hand gently, as she left the cell. Dunham then sat down on his cot and gave a long sigh. But he was happier man for seeing her. He just hoped he would get out of this cell quickly before it got to him


Commander David Davies

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams