Interlude – A Chance Encounter
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A Chance Encounter
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Sep 24, 2010 @ 1:42pm
Location   Promenade/Sickbay
Timeline   SD32

Lance strolled along the promenade casually watching the different people scurrying around, going about thier business. He wasn't going anywhere in particular he was just walking to get a feel for the station.

Jana was contemplating the last 12 hours as she was window shopping along the promenade. First it was the argument she had with Krem, unfortunately that was still fresh in her mind and she became flushed and angry when she really thought of it, her date with Ben, which was the best part of her day and she couldn't wait to see him again...then finally her encounter with Thomas, which was very odd and she couldn't quite figure everything out that had happened between them. Jana kept a smile on her face as she tried to disect the last few hours as she shopped.

"Excuse me, are you going to buy anything, or are you just going to stand there and block the walkway?" Lance asked impatiently, to the woman who had been wandering around aimlessly in front of him with a dopey grin and was now blocking his path.

"Why don't you simply go around? It is not like I am..." She said as she turned looking up at him. "...fat and you can't get by."

Lance gave her his most charming smile, then leaned over to get another look at her rear end. "No I'd say you're in pretty good shape, Miss....." He raised an enquiring eyebrow.

"Why you!...dirty pig!" Jana wanted to slap the man. "I am not telling you my name now!" She stormed off in the opposite direction.

Lance watched her turn and walk straight into a pair of Klingons, the force of the impact knocked her clean off her feet. The Klingons merely grunted and walked off. Lance made his way over an extended his hand in an offer to help her up. "You really should watch where you are going" he said. Then seeing the look on her face followed up with. "I'm sorry if my remarks offended you" he smiled. "I was just admiring a thing of beauty."

Jana was near tears, her recently repaired wrist was damaged again, she felt it break as she fell on the floor. "You more than simply offended if you will excuse I have to go see the doctor, I believe I have broken my wrist again!" She pushed away from him with her good arm and walked away, a little more carefully. Jana clutched her left wrist with her right hand. She needed to see Ben...or Chelsea.

Lance quickly ran to catch up with her, "Maybe you should let me have a look at that?" He suggested.

"Now why would I let you do that!?" She asked still walking.

"Because they are just going to refer you to me anyway, and if you let me look at it now I can fix it a little bit faster." He responded. Seeing her confused expression he continued "I'm Dr Lance Murdoch, the new head of Surgery aboard DS 5" He extend his arm in an offer to shake her good hand.

"No! I want Chelsea or Ben to look at helped cause this." She pouted and refused to take his hand.

Lance ignored the blatant snub and ran his hand through his hair, "Suit yourself, but for the record, not watching where you are going caused that " he nodded to her wrist "Not me, I guess I'll be seeing you later, and since I know it's not life threatening, I wont be in any hurry to attend to it." He smirked.

"And I will simply report you to the CMO." Her reply laced with acid. "And if you hadn't made that remark I wouldn't of stormed off as I did. So fine, take me to sickbay but you are not touching my wrist!"

"As you wish" Lance smirked.


"Ben!" Jana called out as they both entered sickbay. She scanned the area and found him near one of the consoles. Still holding her wrist she moved towards him.

"Jana! Hey!" Ben handed a nurse the padd he'd been working on and came over. "What happened?" he spotted the way she was holding her wrist and rolled his eyes, picking up a med-scanner.

"It was *his* fault! He made a rude comment about me and I stormed off...I ran into a bunch of Klingons and they knocked me to the floor. I think I rebroke the one that Chelsea fixed." Jana said trying not to cry.

Ben's demeanour changed. He looked darkly at the stranger. "He did what?" he asked, squaring his shoulders.

"He made a comment about my ass...I took exception to it. Ben hurts so bad..." She whined.

Lance sauntered over, "Take it easy little buddy, our friend here just needs to be a little more observant as to where she's going, why dont you run along like a good little medical assistant, I'll take it from here, champ." Lance snatched the scanner from Ben's hands.

Jana craddled her wrist and turned away from Lance. "You are not doing anything to me! And you are speaking to the Assistant Chief Medical Officer!"

"Yes I know, and I'm sure he's a wonderful assistant, now let him run along so I can fix your wrist properly this time." Murdoch intoned.

Jana looked at Ben desperately needed him to say something. She didn't want this dick of a doctor to do anything to her arm. She stood straight and squared her shoulders, "no! No one is touching my wrist except Chelsea or you can go pound sand!"

"I don't even know what that means." Grinned Lance.

"I was telling you off! Now get away from me!"

"I don't know who you are, *buddy*" Ben imitated the tone of the expression the stranger had used. "But this is a Sickbay, not a Posturing Competition." He picked up another scanner from the side and put his body between Jana and the other man, holding out his arm protectively offering her safe passage to a bio-bed. Once she sat on the edge of it, he turned back.

"Patient right to choice and confidentiality" Ben quoted "..and while the CMO is off duty, I am in charge here. If you don't leave of your own accord, I will send for Security and they will subject you to the indignity of escorting you out - hopefully you might even struggle - if you're as stupid as you seem!" He turned back and began to prepare a hypospray of analgesic for Jana to ease the pain.

"Correction mate," replied Lance calmly. "Starfleet Medical code 47J paragraph 12 states: When the Chief medical officer is off duty, command falls to the next crewmember of higher rank or position. Since we share the same rank, we must look to position, and last time I checked a department head outranks an assistant department head." He gave Ben a toothy grin.

"Whilst I respect the patient's right to choose her doctor, no matter how ill advised that choice may be, I will not however be thrown out of my own theatre by the likes of you. I will observe the proceedure. That way when she comes back again, I will be able to undo whatever damage you've done. Proceed Doctor" Lance was knee deep in sarcasm.

"No pressure Ben...but I don't want him touching my arm so please get this right." She whispered and winked at him.

Lance sat on the ajacent biobed kicking his heels. He caught the slight gesture "Ohhhh now I understand why you want this buffoon looking at your wrist, you're sleeping with him. " He grinned like a naughty schoolboy. "I'm impressed, a good looking woman like you, slumming it with a guy who looks like this." He nodded at Ben. "Very generous of you."

Jana sat straighter and squared her shoulders, she wouldn't give him the benefit of a remark. She was near tears, did she look like someone that was 'slum' with anyone? She never thought so, but the conversation she had with Krem had her questioning a lot more of herself than she normally would.

Jana touched Ben's arm so that he would focus on her rather than Lance. "Don't do anything." She whispered low enough so that only the two of them could hear.

Ben turned his head to Jana. He was at boiling point. He wasn't prepared to stand by and allow Jana to be insulted by anyone, let alone this man, whoever he was, but Jana's pleading expression and lovely eyes melted all the anger in him and he nodded to her, gently lifting her elbow so as not to hurt her wrist and began to treat it with a regenerator.

"If you say so" he breathed into her ear, liking the idea that the swaggering idiot sitting on the next bed *thought* he and Jana were an item.

"Thank you...let him think what he wants..." She whispered back blushing. Jana really liked Ben and hoped that they would one day be an item. Perhaps this was the push that was needed?...

"Who the heck is he anyway?" Ben asked quietly as he worked, completely ignoring him and addressing Jana.

"The Chief Surgeon...and a real ass." Jana kept eye contact with Ben. She felt like they were the only two in the room.

Lance grinned "So you noticed my ass??" He hopped of the bed and turned his back to Jana. "I was hoping you would." He looked over his shoulder to make sure she was watching him. She was, but she tried unsuccessfully to look away before he saw her looking. "Perfectly formed isn't it?" He faced her again. "And you are right it is 100% real, no implants whatsoever." Lance smirked.

"Ben? Now you can do something!" She exclaimed and quickly looked back at him. Lance was completely full of himself and she couldn't believe that he had caught her looking at him. Jana liked Ben! Not Lance!

"I can?" Ben's face was a picture. "Okay, Chief Surgeon or Chief Asshole, NO-one speaks to Lieutenant Kasikova like that. You apologise to her, right now!" He moved away from Jana gently, then planted his feet slightly apart, and squared his shoulders, staring at the man in civies right in front of him, posturing with his rear sticking out.

Lance straightend, "I'm not apologising for the fact that I have a perfect ass." Lance stood nearly as tall as the Assistant Chief Medical officer, "You sure you want to do this buddyboy?" He asked. Ben nodded grimlly.
"Well I don't." Lance responded, turning away. Then he swung back, driving his right fist into Bens cheek.

The force of the blow knocked Ben off his feet. "Oh yes, did I mention, I'm a no hold's barred fighting champion on three different world's?" He grinned smugly. "That was what we like to call a cheap shot'." Lance Laughed.

"Ben!" Jana exclaimed and jumped off the biobed and went directly to him. "I'm so sorry." She whispered, completely forgetting about Lance she concentrated on Ben. "Are you alright?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be able to fix his face" Lance gloated, "I can probably make some improvements while I'm at it."

"Not as cheap as insulting Jana" Ben retorted bravely as he tried to get groggily to his feet. The room seemed to be spinning as his broken face resisted his attempts to speak.

He began to straighten up, staggering a to a slightly crouched stance as the pain induced nausea swirled in his stomach and he knew instinctively that this would be the moment of vulnerability that Murdoch would use to his advantage.

Ben was fit, working out regularly and a keen sportsman, so his physique was strong and resilient. He managed a quick assessment of Lance's position and stance as he was lifting his head and saw with his good eye the curve of the next blow coming in low, aimed at his lower left ribcage and the spleen below it.

Ben's best line of defence was forward as the blow would still have landed if he tried to go sideways in either direction. He lunged at Murdoch and delivered an upper-cut to his nose, the sickening crunch of cartilage heard clearly followed quickly by the thud as the swing of Lance's arm wrapped around Ben's back, bruising one of his kidneys instead of it's original target.

Lance felt his nose, it was bleeding but not broken, the taste and smell of his own blood infuriated him. He brought his knee up into Ben's doubled over form. Landing the blow squarly into Ben's solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him and straightening him back up. He followed it with another crashing blow to the other doctors face. He wiped off the blood that was running down his face with the back of his hand, as Ben went crashing back to the floor.

"ENOUGH!" Jana screamed, "Lance get the hell out of here!" She turned her attention back at Ben, "Ben?" She asked.

"I think he's out cold," Lance said, before landing a full force kick into the downed man's ribs. "Yup definatly out cold." The Chief Surgeon announced.

"Ben?!" Jana exclaimed kneeling down near him and shaking him. ~please be alright...~ She begged.

"He'll be fine," Said Lance, "I think I've actually made some improvements to his face already" The surgeon joked, washing his hands off in one of the basins, he popped a couple of cotton wads up his nose to staunch the bleeding.

"Ben...wake up!" She shook again and she heard him moan. Jana breathed a small sigh of relief when she heard him coming to. "Get out of here Lance. You will not be touching him again!"



A JP Between:

Lt. Jana Kasikova


Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
DS 5


Lt. Ben Kensington,
NPC'd by jools