We All Fall Down – Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 4
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 4
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jul 15, 2014 @ 7:57pm
Location   OPS
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 15:00

Isha raised her steepled fingers to her lips. Behind them, she gripped her lower lip between her teeth as she ran through the options. Ultimately, the decision was hers.
She lowered her hands and approached the screen, stopping where the crew could see nothing but her back.


Isha drew in a deep breath before she spoke, to ensure her words were steady. "The Waylorm," she said, "then do what you can for the freighter."

Though she was still focused on extending the range of the transporters, Welshy was acutely aware of just the sort of horrible decision that was now facing the Commander. She was literally being forced to choose between two sets of lives, and would have to live with that choice for the rest of her days. The senior NCO didn't envy her one bit.

Trellis nodded slowly as he turned back to his console.

=/= "Trellis to Security, have a team meet Lieutenant Wallace and Colonel Darson outside of the main computer core. They are going to attempt to bypass the security protocols and try to gain primary control of the Guardian Platforms." Trellis stated.

He swallowed hard as he kept himself from going into too much detail about what was about to happen. About the fact that there was no way they could save both vessels in time and that the decision had been made to save only one.

Dell bit down on a protest. Who knew what damage those two could do inside her computer core, but she was needed here. She looked over to SCPO Wyman, "Energize on my mark, then reroute all spare power to the tractor beams. Lets see if we can't shove those platforms to safe photon range and blow them up." She glanced at her panel, she had the all the life signs on the Waylorm locked. "Energize!"

[Onboard the Waylorm]

"C-Captain! The drone is still heading towards us!" Vor'lah shouted, the three other individuals on the cramped bridge could hear the fear in her own voice.

"Has the station responded???" Captain Delvi shouted as the vessel shook violently as the drone opened fire. The sparks exploded to the right of the Captain's face.

"I-I-I think the drone is scrambling our communica---" Vor'lah stopped as she heard her Captain's voice shriek in pain. She turned and saw her prone form laying on the ground beside her chair.

Vor'lah scrambled to her knees and raced over to the nearest console. She saw that the station had begun to beam passengers from the Waylorm, but there was no way they could get everyone off the ship before the drone had finished ripping the craft to pieces. Her fingers frantically activated the shipwide com unit, "Get the escape pods, NOW! All hands, all passengers, PLEASE, just get to the nearest escape pods" Vor'lah shouted as the console exploded due to a power feedback overload.

Guardian Platform #2 had targeted the enemy vessel while the remaining 2 Platforms continued on an assault vector towards the contraband cargo vessel. After breaking away from the two other Platforms, GP#2 continued to bear down on the sparsely armored transport. Its Polaron phaser emitters had immediately locked onto the vessel's propulsion system in order to prevent the enemy vessel from escaping. It had passed the Waylorm and swung back around to prepare for another run.

Though she appeared frantic, Welshy had entered what could almost be called a "zone" - her senses were shrugging off distractions as she focused solely on the task at hand. Every part of her mind was on the tractor beams, namely re-configuring them to act as repulsers. "All emergency power rerouted to tractor beams. I'm having trouble getting a positive lock on the platforms through their shields. Modulating frequency."

"I need updates, People," Isha said, her teeth barely parted as she spoke, "Secure the civilian vessel. Darson, Wallace, take care of the freighter."

Isha hadn't looked back. These men of action might already be on route.