Cascade – Personal Hobby or something more?
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran

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Title   Personal Hobby or something more?
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran
Posted   Tue Feb 26, 2013 @ 9:32pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD71 0745

Malak sat back with a soft sigh as he watched the video infront of him. His eyes going over the data profiles that popped to the side. The two starfighters moving gracefully in atmospheric conditions at earth. His hand reaching up to touch the screen to provide more information. He reached up and turned off the monitor with a huff. It had been a long day ever since he got back from his Solo Patrol. He watched the blank screen for a moment and then decided he might as well meet some new people. His hand coming over to hit the comm unit - dialing the area that would be handled by Strategic Operations.

=^="Liuetenant Malak to Strategic Operations.."=^=

Sirran was in Ops leaning over a computer-generated table plot. The blue light from the display glowed across his already-blue face. He tapped his commbadge. "Sirran here. How can I help you, Lieutenant?"

=^= "Yes, Lieutenant.. I was actually hoping that I might be able to get some time to come up and take a look around? See what you do - If this is a bad time, I understand. I'm trying to hone my skills as an officer, and I figure that since I do work with planning out routes and putting people together - I could learn something from Strategic Operations. Would it be possible for me to assist you for a bit of your time?" =^= Malak offered through the comm as he waited for the response.

"Well, we are rather busy," Sirran said with a wrinkled brow, "but you're welcome to observe if you like. Feel free to come up." Actually I do need to talk to him.

=^= "On my way, Lieutenant." =^= Malak says as he gets up and heads out of his quarters. It takes about ten minutes and the Starfighter Wing Executive Officer makes his way into the Strategic Operations Room. His eyes going around at the various consoles. He finally notes Sirran and makes his way over,"Lieutenant.. Thanks for your time. I apologize, I know this seems odd - but I am trying to expand my understanding fo what you do. I find it quite interesting."

Sirran nodded. "I'll answer your questions as best I can, and perhaps I can ask you a few as well since you're here." He motioned to the plotting table and led the way there. "I'm new here, as you are, so I'm trying to become better acquainted with the region and everything in it. It's been a bit of a crash course." The display on the plotting table had a symbol representing DS5 at the center, and the area of responsibility surrounding it, including all planets and shipping lanes. There were also several moving symbols representing ships. Each was tagged with a name, registry, course and speed. A four-ship from Muz's squadron was also displayed there conducting a routine patrol. "This is real-time. I'm getting it from traffic control," Sirran said.

"I will be happy to assist the best I can." Malak says with a brightening smile as the man states he has some questions. He nods his head slowly,"Well - It's interesting, is it not?" He looks down at the lay out and slowly nods his head,"It looks pretty straight forward." He offers as his eyes go over the lay out,"The technology here even seems to rival earth.. Seem's alot more advanced. I know that at earth we hadn't really calculated the increasing Cochrane holes - so times could not be expected. The Sensors and satelites seem to have taken care of those issues here." He pauses,"How fast can you be alerted of unscheduled ships?" He offers as he glacnes abck at the man.

"For an ore freighter travelling at warp five? Plenty of time," Sirran said. He scrolled the map to the region just outside their sensor range and the area of responsibility. "But for a Borg cube coming out of a transwarp hub? Two minutes." His antennae folded back as he contemplated that horror. "Captain Tahir signed off on an idea I had to use our garrison vessels and fighters to form a picket line here." He tapped the area of discussion on the screen. "If the Borg do arrive, then they would be able to buy the station as much as ninety minutes warning time with their sensors. Enough to evacuate most of the people here. Perhaps also enough time to alert the Warbird Dhelan for assistance." He sighed and looked at Muz. "My dilemma, before I take my ideas to Commander Dunham, is to determine some options for him that don't involve asking an entire fighter squadron to go to their deaths. So far I have nothing." He placed both hands on the edge of the table and leaned over it, scrutinizing the map. A fiendish puzzle if ever there was one. What good could a small fleet of fighters and auxiliary craft do against a Borg cube, once they had transmitted their early warning? Almost none. They would almost certainly be wiped out. Sirran didn't doubt the CAG would make the sacrifice if necessary, but he owed it to them to come up with something beyond tactical suicide.

There was a frown as the man spoke about Borg Cubes and attacks. He didn't care for the borg. They were an infuriating race. They would take everything you cared for and took dear and destroy it. But perhaps that wasn't their most damning trait. The most damning thing about them is that they thought they were honestly helping you. That you needed this. His head slowly shaking,"It's apart of the job." He says somewhat stoically. He didn't fancy death or assimilation - but it's what he signed up for. He watched the read out,"Fighters might be able to take out the tractor beams and slicing phasers that the borg use - we're also small and hard to lock on. They would eventually take us out - but not before we could make it harder for them to lock onto the bigger vessels." He brings his hand down,"Why not set us back 10 light years from that point - we'll lose two or three minutes in detection - but once we find them, we can turn and run like Hell. You'll get your early detection and we can easily out run a cube." He pauses and considers,"A sphere might be able to match us - but then we'll have a bit more of an even fight."

Sirran nodded. He admired the man's courage. "I'd rather not lose even a single minute," he admitted, "but I'll leave it to you to decide how to best employ your craft's weapons and sensors. You know its capabilities better than I." He looked down at the plot again and drew a deep breath. "One more thing. We can't scramble all our assets for this. Captain Tahir and Commander Villiers don't want to cause panic over something that may turn out to be nothing. At absolute minimum, I think we can use one garrison vessel and six fighters for this, and leave everything else here on ready-alert status. What do you think?"

"Ultimately it's up to the CO.." Malak says the letters 'c' and 'o' as he watches. His hands come behind him,"We know we can't beat them.. A squadron together could probably cause some issues for subsystems like impulse or their tractor beams but would ultimately perish. If we're worried about getting as much as we can.. Then I would suggest placing the ships in a line or circular from each other.. Have each ship barely with in the other's range so we have some overlap between every two ships.." He shows as he points out,"Then when we have contact, they all can flee and rondevous back to base."

"Very well," Sirran said. "Let's write up the mission profile and take it to CAG." He checked the chronometer. "If we don't waste time we can get your ships fitted out and wheels up by 0900."

"..You got it.." Malak offers with a smirk as he looked down at the incoming information, crossing his arms and then back to Sirran,"..I'll have it written up Asap." He takes a step back, and dips his head,"Thanks for letting me take a look around.." Before leaving.


Malak Muz
Starfighter Wing Executive Officer

Lt. JG Gralthek Sirran
Strategic Operations