We All Fall Down – "Take Warm Clothes"
by Arrival Rhiana t'Riuurren & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   "Take Warm Clothes"
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Arrival Rhiana t'Riuurren & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Nov 15, 2014 @ 9:58pm
Location   Box of Delights - Deep Space Five
Timeline   WAFD MD03 2100

= D =

The Dhivael finally docked with Deep Space Five Rhiana nodded for Ranigar to bring the passengers and let them out first. "Chamilla come with me rest of you stay with the ship." Rhiana said knowing that Mandy would be busy securing on their files and consoles to the point that herself wouldn't even be able to access them. Hoggue would be doing the same but with actual physical lockers and with that Rhiana and Chamilla headed for the dock where Ranigar was waiting for them.

Chamilla looked at Rhiana, "where first?"

"Box of Delights," Rhiana said knowing that the stations bar was the good of a place of any to get a feel for the civilian population of a station. "It's gonna be the best place to see what the local populace is like." Rhiana said walking down the ramp with Ranigar in tow, "plus if we do spend time here the more contacts we can cement the better." Chamilla just nodded as she took a few seconds and put up her mental barriers.

= DS5 =

It didn't take long for the trio to wander the promenade and finally ending up at the 'Box of Delights', "spread out meet people." Rhiana said as she headed for the bar as she spotted an intriguing purple female. "Back off a bit Ranigar." Rhiana said gently patting his arm letting him know she could take care of herself. "A glass of Bajoran Spring wine." Rhiana said when she reached the bar.

"Coming right up," Yolanthe turned from the dimunitive woman to fetch a bottle from the fridge. She'd been surprised to see a Romulan in the bar. There was no love lost between the Cardassian and the Rihannsu on DS5, and due to Yolanthe's choice of lover, the Romulans tended to give the Box a wide a berth. She grabbed the bottle and returned with a wide mouthed, long stemmed glass. "There you go. Can I get you anything else?"

Taking the drink she slid onto the stool and looked at the women behind the bar, "me and my crew are new to the station. Not sure how long we're gonna be here so figured what better place to find the lay of the land than the bar." Rhiana said deciding going with a friendly manner would be the best route.

"That is true," Yolanthe smiled, and took a padd from a a waitress. "Its not normally this quiet," she bagan reaching for a glass to fill the first drinks order. "But there's something going around. What would you like to know?"

Taking a couple of sips of her wine Rhiana looked around the bar, "quiet is good at least at first allows you to get the lay of the land." She said taking a couple more sips of wine, "me and my crew do odd jobs and we're hoping that this station has people looking for the crew to do the odd job here and there."

"There's always people looking for passage into the Beta quadrant, or shipping stuff back home, wherever home is. Your best bet is to get on the list in admin, or talk to," and here the barkeepers whole body went from violet to a shade of dark yellow. "the Promenade Merchants Association. The woman you want is called Eris Tah. Take a warm clothes."

Rhiana nodded making a mental note to keep an eye on this Eris Tah person, "now who should I be aware of on the station if say.....everything we were doing wasn't exactly by the book?"

Yolanthe poured a blue liquid slowly into the glass in front of her. "You're very trusting to ask that question. How do you know that I won't go straight to the Marshalls?"

"Truthfully I don't know," Rhiana said looking at the women, "and even if you did and they show up and searched my vessel they wouldn't find anything."

Yolanthe tried to keep a reign on her amused smile, but her body and hair shifted to a sky blue. "Well, thats good. Keep that way and you'll probably find a lot of business. I'd say first off, you want to watch security, except they've installed a revolving door on the Department Head's office, and when its empty a drunk fills in, so no, I wouldn't worry about them. And that Marshalls are all shiny and new, so still groping around, but enterprising ladies like yourself would do well to head on down to Deck Seven Fifty and find a small ship called the Gordon Gecko and ask for Tyler Short. Tell him I sent you and if you can stand the little ferret he might have work that pays well for high risk."

Rhiana made mental notes of these two names she would have Mandy do an extensive checks on these two individuals before meeting them. Finishing her wine Rhiana was glad that the payoff for coming here was much more than she expected. Nodding Raginar to go get Pegira so that they could get to work. "Thank you for your helpful tips I'm sure I'll be seeing you again." With that the trio headed out and back to the Dhivael.


Rhiana t'Riuurren
IF Dhivael

Pegira Nokatain
IF Dhivael

IF Dhivael

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights