Judgement – Making Introductions
by UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari

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Title   Making Introductions
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari
Posted   Sun May 29, 2011 @ 5:18pm
Location   UFPDS Office, Deck 23
Timeline   SD37 16:00
In the hours following their arrival on DS5, the UFO State Department team had been bustling with getting Ambassador Etoile’s office set up. The Envoy’s team was dealing with harried people and convoluted problems to solve, just as they had been with any other major relocation. The days of travel made the thought of repose seemed an impossibility as they distributed the workload and swarmed over the task like a force of nature. The leading edge of this typhoon of action was T’Fel. She stood behind the desk in what was now Ambassador Ainari’s Desk. As his Chief of Staff she was terriably efficient and skilled at anticipating the Envoy’s needs.

T’Fel had been on the Comm for over an hour. She had returned phone calls from the Bureau of Planetary Treaties; the Secretary of State's assistant; Ambassador Ainari’s uncle Councillor Ktar of Delta; the Chief of Staff for Councillor Frwen, the Chairman of the Federation Council's Interstellor Affairs Committee; a nd even her own mother all within the hour and considered herself accomplished and productive after having successfully completed each call either resolving the concern or promissing a return communication from the Envoy. She had focused her attention on the internal communications.

To: Ambassador Isha t'Khellian, Rihannsu Ambassador to DS5
From: Office of Ambassador Cyi Ainari; UFP Special Envoy to DS5

Your Excellency, Greetings:

This message is in regards to strengthing the diplomatic relations between the Rihannsu Empire and the United Federation of Planets. I am quite pleased to announce that, with the recommendation of the United Federation of Planets’ Department of State, the President of the United Federation of Planets has assigned Ambassador Cyi Ainari as a UFPDS Special Envoy assigned to Deep Space 5. As Special Envoy to DS5, Ambassador Ainari is tasked with representing the free and elected Government of the United Federation of Planets and Ambassador Ainari seeks to deepen and expand the partnerships that the United Federation of Planets has pursued with the Rihannsu Empire.

An exchange of pleasentries will be the natural next step in the diplomatic process. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to make arrangements for this exchange.


Ambassador T’Fel
Chief of Staff to Ambassador Cyi Ainari
Department of State
United Federation of Planets

T’Fel finished the letter and read it over. Satisfied, she tapped the panel. “Computer attach diplomatic authernticity authientication code and forward to the Romulan Ambassador, copying Ambassador Ainari, Lt. Mathew Totti, and myself.

“Messages transmitted. United Federation of Planets Seals attached.” The computer confirmed moments later.

T’Fel cleared her screen and began to draft the same letter to the Cardassion and Klingon Ambassadors. An hour later she had all the letters finished and sent. Deciding she needed to eat. T’Fel left and headed to the Promenade for something to eat.

Ambassador T’Fel
Chief of Staff to Ambassador Cyi Ainari