Unity – Free to move
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Free to move
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Dec 15, 2009 @ 1:21pm
Location   Dunham's Quarters
Timeline   SD16 17.00

After meeting with Tovon, Dunham continued down his list of things to do, after his release from jail. He had had a very productive meeting with the chief science officer, and had managed to clear a few things up, and get some issues out into the open. Even though he had been in another explosion in the science lab. Next on his list was to go by his quarters and check on his niece Kim. He had promised his sister that he would look after her daughter, while she was on assignment. He wasn't doing a very good job. Between getting blown up and stuck in medical to being thrown in a cell, he really had not spent much time with Kim over the last few days.

His quarters, like always were in a mess. Though many of the take away meal boxes had been disposed of. As he entered he tapped the head of the Buddha statue with affection. "Kim?" he called out. Their was no reply, so he tried again. "Kim?"

"Yes" said his niece as she came into the quarters behind him. As she crossed the threshold she placed a stack of books on the side table then gave her uncle a big hug. He returned the hug. Looking at the stack of books curiously from over her shoulder. "Were have you been?" he asked.

"School" she replied simply.

"School?" repeated Dunham in a little confusion. Last he had heard she had been appalled at the idea. "You self enrolled?"

"Yep. I'm going to be an officer in the Marines, and to do that I need an education" she said with a smile.

"Your joining the Marines...." He should of guessed. Kim was so much like her old man.

"Yep. Colonel Darson is going to give me a recommendation"

Chelsea walked up to the door of Rick's quarters, which was open. As Kim put down the stack of books one toppled. Chelsea picked it up and held it out to Kim. "Colonel Darson eh?" she raised one eyebrow. "What did your mother tell you about strange men in long cloaks with helmets who say things like *I am your father Luke* and breathe as if they have asthma?" she grinned quoting a character from a childrens' film that every child loved.

Kim scratched her head not really getting the reference. She smiled please to see Chelsea. "Say what you like about the man. But Marines are family. I think he has a good heart under all that armour." But Kim could already see that the 'Adults' in the room were already distracted, as they looked into each others eyes.

Chelsea grinned and held out her arms towards Rick. "Scuse me honey" she said to Kim as she launched herself into his arms.

Chelsea and Rick embraced in a long and loving kiss. Though they had only been apart for less than twenty four hours. To Dunham it had seemed like a life time. "I didn't get a chance to say this earlier so I will say it now." said Dunham. "I love you."

"Thats it I'm out of here." said Kim in mock exasperation and a smile on her face. "I'll catch up with you guys later. I'm going to go and meet some mates from school" She waved good bye and headed out of the door.

Chelsea smiled and waved to Kim but her eyes never left Rick's face. "Awww, that's so beautiful" she replied, welling up with emotion. She put up her fingertips to touch his lips and snuggled deeper into his arms, her face against his neck. "I love you too" she whispered, her voice soft with emotion.

"Are you safe from those Cardassian bastards now?" she asked, not having been updated on what had been going on since she last saw him, she had no idea how he was free. She had come to his quarters to look for Kim, to check if she was ok and it had been a complete and brilliant surprise to find Rick there.

Not letting go of their embrace. Dunham replied. “Our new XO, had me released, but she told me to stay out of the way of any Cardassians from the embassy.” He smiled. “That won’t be a problem. I have had my fill of those guys for now. But we can’t blame Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal. For his actions. We have to try and understand him better, so we can and strive to overcome the increasing void between the Cardassian Union and Starfleet. He is doing his job looking out for his and theirs. I just wish he wasn’t such an ass hole about it”

"I wish I had your magnanimous nature Sweetheart" she replied, shaking her head. "I found the Vi'kar Gull an unpleasant, antagonistic, arrogant, rude, provocative, salubrious man with nothing to recommend him at all" she said with a look on her face as if she had just put a lemon in her mouth.

"How did the XO get it sorted out?" she asked, although the second that question left her, she began to wonder if she really wanted to know. Snuggling close and staying in his arms for as long as he'd allow her to, Chelsea had resolved she might never let him go again.

"The XO just said I needed to stay out of the way of any Cardassians on the station. Oh and go and see the stations Counsellor." he said with a dismissive smile. He was still enjoying their embrace together and didn't really want to worry about the world outside, just their little world.

"Ok" Chelsea said softly. She wasn't sure Rick needed counselling but she had to concede he'd been through a lot lately and it couldn't do any harm. The one thing that she *was* concerned about was the possibility that the Counsellor might decide he wasn't fit to fly. She didn't mention her concerns to him in case they were unfounded and it would worry him unnecessarily.

Holding him closer, Chelsea reached her arms up around his neck and pulled his head down gently so their foreheads were touching. "Hey" she whispered, her eyes alight with a fire he'd seen in them before. "Do you realise we're all alone again tonight... at least for a few hours" She looked up at him from under lowered dark lashes smiling mischievously.

"Or.... of course we could spend the time going to see Rh'vaurek, if you prefer?" a smirk flickered about the corners of her lips as she waited for his reaction.

Dunham didn't answer in words. He simply picked Chelsea up; one arm under her legs the other around her shoulders and carried her to the bedroom. ~I'm the most lucky man in the world~ he thought to himself, still staring into her eyes.

Chelsea was of the same mind but she wasn't shy about expressing that feeling. "Rick?" she asked softly, her face buried in his neck. "Can we still move in together? Like we talked about? I have loads of room and if you're still willing..... I'd really like us all to spend more time together.. how do you feel about it now?" She wondered if his recent experiences might have affected how he had felt before so she was asking cautiously, not because she had any qualms at all, but to be certain he hadn't either.

"I think once were done here. We should start packing." He said with a wink.

"Done?" she murmoured, hoping that was something they never would be, but her query was lost in a long, deep reassuring kiss.



JP Between:

Lt. Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader (?)


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams