Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Plausible Denial
by Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Plausible Denial
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Fri Nov 14, 2008 @ 4:07am
Location   Promonade
Timeline   Station Day 3: 1810
Tag   Rakka
Darson leaned back against the cold wall as he watched the corpsman do his work, stitching up the Assassin and pumping her full of tranquilizers. He said quietly, “When you’re done stabilizing her, I want you to check for any poisons, suicide devices, or anything else. I want her alive and able to answer questions…is that clear?”

The corpsman nodded, too focused on his work to get a response. Darson flicked on his COM, and tuned it to the Marine HQ, “Major Darson to Lieutenant Flynn.”

“Lieutenant Flynn here, sir,” Even over the communications channel, her voice came over as slightly distressed. No doubt the incident had already been reported to the HQ via the MP’s.

“Lieutenant, I want you to prepare a holding cell and interrogation room...round the clock armed guard, and transport inhibitors...the works. We’re going to have a guest.”

“Yes sir. I’ll prepare the accommodations ASAP. When will the…guest…be expected?” She said, sounding a bit nervous.

“Soon, Lieutenant. Within the hour, if things go well.”

“Yes sir,” She hesitated, sounding like she wanted to say something else, “Sir, regarding the Assassination attempt-“

Darson interrupted and said coldly, “Thank you Lieutenant, that will be all. I’ll explain everything to you when I return to the command center.

Her voice filled with humility and something he couldn’t quite identify, she replied “Yes sir.”

“Good. Darson out,” He closed the channel, and resumed watching the corpsman do his job.

Dorian stepped into the corridor and didn't see anybody around the immediate area. He began to walk down the empty hall as his footsteps echoed loudly around him.

*Taps* "Gabriel to Darson, the over-arching goal was given Barney-style!" Gabriel said thru his comm unit as he continued down the hall searching for the fallen would-be assassin. "How the hell can we interrogate a dead suspect if you are attempting to execute them." he added.

As the corpsman finished up on the unconscious woman, Darson’s comm beeped, and a moment later, the annoyed voice of Lieutenant Gabriel filled his helmet. As Darson listened to the man speak, he placed a hand on the corpsman’s shoulder, and issued a quick order with hand signals to get the prisoner out of there. The man hesitated, then nodded quickly and began to pack up his things, before ordering a transport on himself and the prisoner to the Marine Detention Center.

Darson turned and headed back the way he had come, from the promenade. He had a feeling that the good CIO wouldn’t be far behind. He triggered the COM channel and replied to Gabriel mildly, “Lieutenant, I do not appreciate the insinuation that I would execute anybody without due cause. Yes, I did kill the first shooter, but I think you may have been a little too quick to rush to a conclusion like the one you have, Lieutenant. The second Assassin is still alive.”

He continued down the hall, and saw Gabriel rushing towards him. Darson stopped and closed the communications channel, speaking directly to the Lieutenant in a dark conversational tone, “But you know, I was impressed Lieutenant. By the Captain, I mean. The way she stood up after she was nearly killed, and told everybody not to worry? One would almost think that she was the bravest woman alive,” Here his voice took on a tinge of mirth.

"Wrong, she's a Starfleet Officer. She inherently knows that the protection of the Federation is paramount to everything else, including her own life. The Calina Consortium is the real threat here, the assassins won't be deterred." He added. "Where is the woman being held?" he asked.

Darson stared him down silently for a second, and then said, “Someplace safe. And I think it will be for the best if it was kept that way. In fact, as of now, she doesn’t exist. Do you understand Lieutenant? If word got out that the assassin was still alive, since she is not an official soldier and as such cannot be labeled as a Prisoner of War, I would be forced to remand her to the custody of Deep Space 5’s security.”

Darson took a few small steps towards Gabriel and said quietly, “So…for the time being, let’s keep this between us, okay? There’s no telling what Commander Rakka might do, especially considering that one of her precious security officers was shot in the process.”

"I'm not concerned about the Nausciaan." Dorian replied. He was more concerned about speaking to the Assassin before Darson had her taken away to one of his "holding" facilities. Once whisked away, there was no telling what might happen to the would-be assassin. "I want to interrogate the individual before you and your merry band of trigger-happy riflemen sink your claws into her." He said.

Darson didn’t even bat an eye at the insult, “You’ll get your interrogation, Lieutenant. And in the course of that, I think you’ll find that I’m far more…lenient…then Commander Rakka, with regards to interrogation procedures. In fact, if you want too, we can proceed with it right now. How does that sound?

"Fine, but I'll go first. You can ask her whatever questions you deem necessary after I've gotten the necessary information." he responded. He wasn't interested in negotiating or cutting backroom deals with Darson. He wanted that information and he wanted now, whatever Darson had planned was not his top priority. . . .at the moment.

Darson let out a cold laugh, and stalked forward. He circled quickly around Dorian, and placed the hand firmly on his shoulder and clenched it firmly on a pressure point, preventing him from moving, “Such impudence,” He hissed, “…tread lightly Lieutenant, for you are about to enter a realm of which I am Lord and Master. You can go first in the interrogation, I don’t particularly care. But any information you glean from her is mine as well. Lieutenant, we’re on the same side here…our goals, are one and the same.”

As Gabriel moved, Darson reinforced his hold on the other man, "You still don't understand, do you Lieutenant? I have been nothing if not gracious to you. It is well within my abilities to deny you access to the prisoner and all the information that she holds, and yet through my endless vein of generosity, I saw fit to grant you the opportunity to interrogate her. By all means, I could do it myself. An interrogation is not something I'm a stranger to. It seems that you don't grasp exactly who's in charge here. And the answer is: Me, Lieutenant. So, I suggest you put aside whatever agenda you have, and submit to mine. Otherwise...I will revoke your interrogation right, and do it myself...and then whatever information I feel is 'relevant' I will disclose to you.

Darson let go and gave Gabriel a light shove in the opposite direction, "Those are the terms, Lieutenant. I'll be in the Marine Detention Center if you feel like cooperating. Contact myself, Lt. Flynn, or Lt. Chau'sara the ILO. But be quick about it Lieutenant...this offer has an expiration date.

He hated being touched.

"Consider this your first and last warning. You touch me again and I'll let *you* decide which hand I break." Dorian said as he stared into the man's eyes. "Don't get too full of yourself. You are a Marine; a walking-talking phaser as far as the Federation is concerned. One call from me to Star Fleet Command concerning the 'health and welfare' of the detainee and your precious little M-TAC or Tic-Tac or whatever the hell you call that glorified clubhouse is transferred to a janitor's closet in Waste Processing deck, if not off the station completely." Dorian added as he walked past the Marine walking close enough to forcefully brush his shoulder against Darson's.

Darson let the insults flow over him like a bucket of water on a glacier, and then responded mildly "Humph...still so naive. What 'detainee' are you going to report Lieutenant? She doesn't exist. She is dead to you, and dead to everyone else. Go ahead and contact Starfleet Command. Tell them that I'm torturing prisoners...tell them that I've violated an assassin's rights. It will get you nowhere. Not only will they not listen to you, I will ruin you. I'll provide evidence that not only have you been illegally spying on Federation Citizens, but have been collaborating with various terrorists and smuggling organizations by selling secrets. And don't worry, the evidence will appear to genuine. You'll end up buried underneath the jail for espionage, sedition and treason...your parole officer hasn't even been born yet.

"I'll contact you when I'm ready to speak to the prisoner." Dorian said as he left the area heading back towards the Promenade.

Turning towards the retreating back of the seething Lieutenant, Darson gave one last parting shot, "Lt. Gabriel! If you so much as set foot in the Marine Complex without my express authorization, I'll have you detained. And then you can enjoy the same 'hospitality' given to all my prisoners...have a nice day, Lieutenant."

As the Liutenant walked out of his view, Darson sighed quietly to himself and strode to the nearest turbolift, thinking about his next move. As he entered it, he opted for an unexpected and completely unorthodox one, and opened a Comm channel and said, =/= "Major Darson to Commander Rakka. Please join me in the Marine Detention Center in about a half hour...I have something in my possession that I think you'll be very interested in...and trust me when I say that this will not be a waste of your time." =/=


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant J.G.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer