Interlude – Mothers in law ...
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Mothers in law ...
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jul 11, 2010 @ 4:24pm
Location   Transporter Room
Timeline   SD 27
The request had been made in good time, the visiting ships named, even the names of the crewmembers and passengers who would be requiring use of station facilities were listed but with two warbirds already located at Deep Space Five the imminent arrival of three more made Alison Bennett hesitate.

She had taken the request straight to the Executive Officer who now clicked her tongue against her teeth as she looked over the documentation. "Its all been cleared in advance, Lieutenant," Karen reassured her, "and they'll be gone within two days."

Lieutenant (jg) Bennett nodded and returned to ops giving the approaching trio of ships authorisation to maintain an orbit around DS5 and for their delegations to come aboard.


Isha had secured the use of transporter room 5 on Deck 55 to receive the principal guests, and it was here that she waited now along with some senior embassy officials, her cousin R'Vek and his family.

Eleni stood next to R'Vek as they waited, realizing a lot of the judgments passed today would be on her as well as her daughter, ~This should be interesting.~ She thought, glancing over at Isha, who still couldn't bring herself to trust, ~There's just something about that woman.....~

R'Vek never enjoyed being between Eleni and Isha, it was like he became a one man Neutral Zone, and it made the tension surrounding him thick as durasteel, ~They need to learn to get along with one another before they both make me insane.~

Isha and her mother were far from close and their relationship was doubly and triply confused by their respective ranks - Llaiirr t'Khellian was Isha's mother so superior, Isha was erie'Hfrih and Llaiirr hru'Hfrih and so superior, yet Isha was also the hru'Hfirh t'Illialhlae making her head of a family that outranked both her mother and herself on all counts - yet all of those differing ranks and relationships had to be acknowledged and the appropriate form of speach used depending on who was saying what to whom at the time. Add in others of the Khelliana who in the House were all subordinate to both Isha and her mother except in certain circumstances when other ranks took precedence it was a confusion that even Isha's mind found a challenge to keep in balance.

"This is just a greeting," Isha said turning to the room, "nothing major is expected of anyone." She was still waiting for final confirmation that everyone would be given permission to board as she had requested and was dancing on the edge of a razoblade. "Any questions?"

"Uh, yeah, I have one." Rianni asked, "Is it cool for me to just talk to these people or do I have to wait for them to address me or does someone talk for us or what?" ~Romulans even make social situations complicated.~

"She will greet me first, then I will introduce you, and then your mother. The rest of us she already knows. After that you may talk as much as you feel necessary," Isha replied, "I'll not guarantee the answers you receive, but talk away once the introductions have been made."

"Okay." Rianni nodded, unsure as to whether or not she'd be talking much and wishing she had a date with her, ~God, I'm just in the family and I'm already the pathetic old maid!~

Eleni, noticing Rianni's discomfort, stepped from R'Vek to Rianni and took her hand, "It's okay, little lamb." She whispered, "I'm right here."

"Neither of you ought to worry," Isha said, after all it was she who was going to receive her mother's unbridled opinion once the formal greetings were out of the way. "hru'Hfirh t'Khellian has already agreed that the adoption will go ahead, and she wishes it to be marked as a token of her esteem that she has come to make the adoption in person rather than ceding the responsibility to me," Isha said. And that way she can stick her nose right in but though Isha thought that, she did not say it.

The thin silvered band around Isha's wrist pipped informing her that permission had been granted. "Ladies, to my side please. R'Vek, you may tower behind us. Now quickly, Rianni, Eleni, questions now, we have about a minute."

"I've got nothing." Eleni shook her head, she didn't really give a damn about any of this, she was here solely for her daughter.

"I'm good to go." Rianni replied in Marine vernacular, taking her place between Isha and her mom.

"Good, everyone's ready then." R'Vek smiled, standing behind the women as tradition dictated, helping Ashara into her position when she finally arrived.

"Sorry." Ashara whispered, taking up a place beside Eleni, "My chief engineer had twenty seven reports he needed me to review."

"That sucks." Rianni giggled.

"Don't laugh, sister." Ashara playfully warned, "My ship is a tiny scout ship, wait until you get the engineering reports on your bird, which is about ten times the size of mine."

Rianni grimaced and groaned, realizing that Ashara was right and she was in for it once the new wore off of the Dhelan, "Cost you pay to be the boss I guess."

The air on the transporter pad hummed and two figures appeared in the haze, one, the expected one, a woman a few inches taller than, but clearly of tfe same genetic stock as Isha wore a humourless expression, the other was a man wearing robes that marked his standing in the Senate.

Surprised did not come close to describing Isha's thoughts on seeing Proconsul tr’Vainlli. He was the Chair of the Continuing Committtee and arguably more powerful than the Praetor, but she kept her surprise to herself.

R'Vek managed, if barely, to constrain his surprise at seeing tr'Vainlli there, ~Hadn't expected him, this can not be good.~

Rianni, still so new to this, only had one thought, ~Who the frack is that guy?~

"Proconsul," Isha said, with a nod before doing the same to the woman. "hru'Hfirh t'Khellian, shaoi dan," she said choosing a particularly formal greeting designating their equal status.

"shaoi dan hru'Hfirh t'Illialhlae," Llaiir responded, "and shaoi ben erie'Hfrih t'Khellian," she added using a second greeting that reminded Isha that she was also her daughter and heir.

Isha merely smiled softly. "My niece, Rianni Monteros," she said by way of introduction. R'Vek was known to both so required no introduction.

Rianni, not knowing exactly what she was supposed to say, simply bowed her head in deference to them both, ~Hope this is the right move.~

"Well," tr'Vainlli said, stepping down from the transporter pad. "I have an appointment to keep. Thank you for conveying me here hru'Hfirh t'Khellian. Hru Llaudh," he continued turning to Isha, "We will talk after your 'niece' has become one of us," he said and left without a glance at anyone else in the room.

As the doors closed Isha slowly released a breath that she had not known that she had been holding. "ri'Nanov, you might have said that Vaebn tr'Vainlli was going to transport over with you. No, you might have let me know that he was here!"

"Isha, we are in company," Llaiir replied, "and I did not know that he intended to come until the last moment."

"ri'Nanov, we are with family," Isha retorted, her mother could be extremely obtuse when she put her mind to it. "R'Vek, perhaps you would like to introduce your wife to my mother," she suggested.

"Of course." R'Vek nodded, stepping over to present Eleni, an action he never got to complete.

"I'll introduce myself, darling, thank you." Eleni cut him off, she wasn't about to be presented to this woman like some sort of prized livestock, "Eleni Monteros-t'Khellian, R'Vek's wife, Rianni's mother, Chief Operating Officer of Monteros Industries. It is my pleasure." She knew this woman had power, and she wasn't about to let her not know that she was a force to be reckoned with, too.

Rianni and Ashara looked at each other and cringed slightly, a look that said 'Mom wasn't supposed to do that!'

Llaiir raised an eyebrow, "You may perform whatever services R'Vek thinks you are fit for, but you are not a member of my House, and not entitled to that name. Use it again in my presence and wife or not I will have you flogged," the matriarch said.

"hru'Hfirh," Isha interjected, after all, she had promised Rianni that she at least would be polite to her mother thought the woman, by disregarding all common sense was not making it easy. She simply had no manners. "It is one of their customs, it means nothing. And they have limited understanding of protocol."

"Then that is R'Vek's failing," Llaiir said. "Isha, heir or not, if you insist on interfering I'll have you flogged too." Llaiir was furious.

That was it! Rianni was going to explode on this woman and didn't give a frack if the family disowned her or not, ~I'll show you all you need to know about flogging, bitch!~

R'Vek could see Rianni's anger and knew what she was thinking, it was, after all, what her mother would've been thinking, but he managed to cut the entire thing off with his raised hand, explaining, "hru'Hfirh, no offense was meant, but perhaps you're being a bit hasty, referring to my marriage as my failing and threatening to flog people. After all, Monteros Enterprises, which my wife heads in this sector, is poised to become an invaluable trade partner both to our house and to the Empire as a whole. Do we really want to offend such a valuable ally?"

"Your failing is that you have not taught this person the proper respect for the customs of my House, the House of which you are a part," Llaiir stated to be absolutely clear. It seemed to her that the man had become less than he had previously been through his long association with non-Rihannsu. She feared for her own daughter if she continued to live among these aliens. Llaiir continued, "and do not presume to lecture me about which rights I may or may not exercise. We will see you at the ceremony. Isha, with me," she finished already moving towards the door.

Isha really had no choice but to follow, among the Khelliana she was outranked by her mother and unlike Eleni she took her mother's threat seriously. For all her own power Isha might as well have been seven years old as she followed her mother from the transporter room.

Eleni had to fight the urge to spin that woman around and punch her right in her face, but she did so with success, not wanting to embarrass her girls any further.

R'Vek just shook his head and sighed, it seemed the hru'Hfir was still as cantankerous as she had ever been and seemed quite intent on making things as tense as possible.

"Well, Eleni, I see that in-laws are the same regardless of the species." An unseen, but well known, voice called from behind.

"Papa!" Eleni squealed, turning and running to him full speed.

"Papa Gregori!" Rianni and Ashara beamed in unison, following close behind Eleni.

"You didn't think I would miss this did you?" Gregori Monteros laughed as he embraced 'the girls' close to him.

"But how did you....." Rianni began.

"High warp ship to ship beaming, my girl." Gregori laughed, "In the past week I've been on every ship we owned and never stopped on any of them. Beaming at Warp 9 across great distances is quite the adventure, you should try it one day."

"Papa!" Eleni shook her head in dismay, "That's so dangerous!"

"And you worry too much about an old man." Gregori laughed, "You act like I'm already dead or something, I'm not that old. Ride herd on your husband, he's older than I am."

R'Vek just laughed and shook his head, Gregori Monteros was unlike any man he'd met in his many years of life, "Glad you could make it, Gregori." R'Vek nodded, shaking the other man's hand warmly.

"Yes, and I see not a moment too soon." Gregori smirked, "Is your aunt always so charming?"

"She's an acquired taste." R'Vek sighed.

"She's a cu...." Rianni started her statement cut off by a disapproving glare form her mother.

"You'll adjust." Eleni insisted, "We all will."


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
hru'Hfirh Llaiir t'Khellian
By Louise

Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian
Eleni Monteros t'Khellian
erir'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Arrain Ashara t'Khellian
Gergori Monteros
Intergalactic Man of Mystery