We All Fall Down – A Fresh Start
by Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri

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Title   A Fresh Start
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri
Posted   Tue Oct 21, 2014 @ 4:06am
Location   Docking Ring
Timeline   Current - not sure

Keth stepped off the newly docked ship and her foot hit the floor of her new home. Her mind traveled back to where she had been and her trip to her current position. A whirl wind of many transports and many ships brought her to her current location Deep Space Five.
Doctor Ohmri’s thought back to her arrival aboard the Washington it had been much more eventful then this one. She had ended up in Sickbay assisting because the chief medical officer had been in labor when the ship she had taken from Starbase 349 had been attacked. So Keth had found her way into the Sickbay and her hands full of blood, antiseptic, hypos all because of an explosion had occurred. She had worked instead of relaxing. The tall slender dark haired Bajoran – Vulcan half breed thought back to one of the most interesting characters she had ever met, a thick, broad shouldered man with grey eyes. She could almost smell the wafts of antiseptic…
[seven years ago]

The scent of antiseptic was thick in the room and Solan wrinkled his nose, in dislike. He looked at the woman’s dark head as she bent over his left hand. Her movements were meticulous and patient; he watched as the folds of his muscles, and skin were slowly reformed and reattached. He looked up and around and saw men and women in beds, many were sedated, and many were being assisted onto other bio-beds by nurses and orderlies. Other medical personnel hovered nearby to help those that entered.
Many groans were heard from various locations across the Infirmary. Groans of pain and Solan knew the toll from the explosion that had occurred in the Engineering Section could have been worse. He glanced back at the woman and her work. He tried to remain still so she would not have to redo her work.

Keth tried to ignore the fact that Solan was stripped down to his waist, numerous cuts and injuries having been examined and patched one by one.
Solan had to admit, she was good at her work. He’d sat under the scalpel of worse, anyway. “So Doc,” he started, a smile creasing his lined face, “give it to me straight; am I going to live?”

Dr. Ohmri smiled a brief yet perfunctory smile, her dark eyes held a tired look as she shifted a little. "I believe you will and I think your thumb will be quite useable too, though stiff at times. Please try and move it."

Solan looked down at his hand. His thumb twitched as he clenched his hand into a fist. It ached. Add that to the list of them he mused, but he was able to slowly bend it.

While he moved his thumb open and close Keth checked one of the larger cuts on Solan’s forehead to make sure that it was still closed and had not reopened. The medic had done an acceptable job but the skin tended to be a bit tight there and often reopened. She took the dermal regenerator to it again and then ran her fingers over it lightly. "Good as new. While you are here let me finish your preliminary check up and you won't have to come back unless you lose another digit.” Keth continued quietly but a light touch of humor in her voice could be heard. “Which I do not readily suggest." Dr. Ohmri noted all the various injuries he had through his career. His body had taken quite a bit of beating but was still in excellent shape for a man his age. She ran her fingers over slash on his right cheek. “Something tried to cut its way through your face I see.” She started to work on his face and when she was finished with it and the rest of her scans Keth asked "So, how is the thumb feeling." She smiled and met his grey eyes to gauge how he was truly feeling.

He clenched his hand into a fist again. "Like new," he said, absently rubbing his wrist. "So," he said, admiring her for a moment as she worked. She was young, which only served to make him feel old. "How long have you been on the Washington?" he asked.

Keth smiled it lit her dark eyes up and changed her face, it had been a while since someone actually had inquired about her while she worked. Most people took her quiet nature as a sign that she didn’t talk or worse, wasn’t approachable. She simply was often so engrossed with what she was doing that she often forgot to use her bedside manners. Before she could respond.

He pressed a finger to his lips. "You transferred... Just this year?"

The dark haired doctor laughed softly and shook her dark head “Don't tell me that I still have the new to the ship smell on me?"

Solan winked at her. "No," he said, tapping the collar of his tunic that was hung on the bed next to him. The black collar was ruined with blood, and he'd end up throwing it away. "Knowing things like that just comes with the territory." He liked this one. "How do you like it here?" he asked. "I probably don't smell that new myself, but this would be my first day on the job I suppose."

"It is a nice change from the Starbase I was at previously.” Keth replied and walked around to his back, she picked up a tweezers and placed her hand softly on his broad back and prepared to pull out a splinter of metal. She said “This may hurt a bit.”

"Change," Solan started to tighten his back and then relaxed and nodded. "Sometimes it is for the best." He held still, but ended up involuntarily wincing at the metal slid from the slice it had created in his back. "Sometimes it helps put things into perspective for us," he added.

"Yes, it certainly has added to my perspective." Keth replied with a raised eyebrow while she gently removed five more slivers of the same metal and then stitched up his cuts neatly. The doctor set it aside and ran the regenerator over the wounds again and then checked his information again. Everything seemed in order. "Unless you have any questions or concerns I think you can head back to your quarters and get cleaned up. Oh and before I forget. Would you like something for pain? As that may bother you in an hour or two as the muscles relax and start to knit properly." She touched his hand lightly, the one with the reattached thumb."

Solan nodded “I’d like that” and glanced up was she flirting with him? he wondered

Keth took out a hypo checked his weight and administered the correct dosage. She handed him his tunic and then prepared to finalize any and all reports before she left for the Washington.
[the present]
As her second foot hit the floor plating, it jarred her back to the present and she smiled slightly one of the many personnel there.

“Welcome aboard Deep Space Five.” A voice said

“Thank you” Keth replied with a slight nod of her head as a way of a greeting.


Lieutenant jg Ohmri Keth, CMO