Beg, Steal or Borrow – Beginning the Hunt
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Beginning the Hunt
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Jun 19, 2009 @ 11:19pm
Location   USS Pendragon
Timeline   SD-8 15:00hrs (Backpost)
Lieutenant Duquense exited the turbolift onto the Main Bridge of the Pendragon as he observed the focal point of the massive vessel. Ensign Watts followed behind him as they both walked around the sweeping ramp to come upon the Commanding Officer of the vessel.

"Hello Rear Admiral" Duquense said to the older man. "A shame that we could not meet under more pleasing circumstances." Duquense said as he handed the Admiral his orders.

"This mission will also be coordinated by Tango Wing as well," Duquense added as he allowed the Ensign to introduce himself.

The Young Ensign gave a smart salute "Sir Ensign Watts. Tango Wing is at your service sir."

"I'm available for a status briefing at your Command, Admiral" Duquense stated.

Rear Admiral Zheng stared out at the viewscreen from his chair lost in his thoughts. After all this time, all these years, he was on the same ship with one of the people who he hated above all else…and yet, what should he do? He was brought out of his thoughts by the arrival of Lieutenant Dunquense, the Intelligence Officer from Deep Space 5, assigned to this mission to ensure that it went smoothly as well as Ensign Watts, the flight officer.

He tossed of a quick salute, but remained seated as he was the higher ranking officer. He accepted the PADD that the intelligence officer and perused it briefly. He laid it off to the side and rubbed the bridge of his nose when he was done, “Thank you for that, Lieutenant…I would appreciate that briefing, as we have yet to receive fleet orders. The way I understand it, they were to be delivered by one of the officers on the station, and though I believed that to be you, these are only orders with regard to you and Ensign Watts overseeing this mission, assigned by a Lieutenant Gabriel. Do you have any idea where the tactical orders are?”

Suddenly, the turbo lift opened and Darson swooped out, resplendent in his cape as per usual. The minute the Admiral caught sight of him, the temperature seemed to drop a couple of degrees. Zheng’s glare was so fierce that if looks had been disruptor bolts, Darson would have been dead long before he got to the chair.

As Darson pulled up alongside the other two officers, he gave a slight salute, “Admiral Zheng…Colonel Darson at your service,” he said, apparently oblivious to the hate filled look that the Admiral was sending across the few feet between them.

He spared a brief glance at Lieutenant Dunquense and Ensign Watts before ignoring them and turning back to the seething Admiral, “Admiral,” he said calmly, “I do believe that I have orders for you.”

“Oh really?” Zheng growled, “from whom exactly?”

“HIGHCOM’s General T’Sol,” Darson replied smoothly drawing a PADD out from his cloak and waving it slowly in the air, “as well as FLEETCOM’s Admiral Locklear who cosigned it…these are as official as it gets. Now then…we need to get underway immediately. I need you to issue orders to send the fleet to this location,” he input a set of coordinates into the PADD and held it out for the Admiral to take.

Zheng stared at the hand like it was a snake. He glared upwards at Darson, “And who put you in charge? You have no right to give me orders like this!”

Darson’s tone remained even, “As a matter of fact…I do,” he tapped a few times on the PADD, cleared his throat and then read out loud for everyone to hear, “From: Starfleet Command, To whom it may concern…Be it known that in light of recent severe pirate activity in sector 136, in order to preserve the safety and security of the Federation and ensure safe passage for all civilian, mercantile, and military forces, FLEETCOM, HIGHCOM and MARSOC jointly authorize the temporary elevation of Major James Darson (SFMC) to the rank of Colonel, and grant temporary command power to him over all pirate related forces and operations in sector 136, until such a time as the threat has been significantly reduced or eradicated…etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.”

He looked at both the junior officers, “That includes both of you, by the way. I don’t know what Lieutenant Gabriel has said to you, but when you stepped on this ship, you became soldiers under my direct command. So you’d best stow his agenda, and get onboard with mine, or you’ll find yourselves making this trip in the comfort of the brig.”

Duquense hesitated for a moment. He shared a glance with Ensign Watts before looking towards Admiral Zheng, who was ready to strangle Darson with his own cape. Duquense had been through enough engagements to recognize a power-struggle when he saw one. It was apparent that this one had very little to do with the overall mission.

"Alright then, Colonel," Duquense said cautiously while observing the situation. "What is our first order of business?" He asked.

"Yes Sir" Said Watts Simply and and flatly. Wishing to himself he knew what was going on and why the colonel was wearing such a fetching cape.

“Hmmm…good,” Darson said as he turned back to the Admiral, “The first thing we’re going to do is head out at Maximum warp to these coordinates…the location of the Legacy’s wreckage. From there, my…informants…should have left some sort of clue or marker that will point us towards the pirate base. We’ll close on the base while rigging for silent running, and drop out far enough away that we won’t be noticed. At that time we’ll evaluate the situation and decide the best plan of action. Does anybody have any questions about that?”

"Sir Do you want Tango Wing Deployed now or launched when we arrive?" Watts said.

"Neither," Darson said as he turned to face the younger man again, "I hope that the marker will be visible enough that we won't have to launch fighters to search...however, if we can't find any trace of it, you will take a squad into the wreckage for an up close and personal search. Lieutenant Dunquense, do you have anything you'd like to add?

Duquense shook his head in response, "No, just wondering where to stow my things." He said with an assured smile.

"Ok" Said the Young Ensign. "If anybody needs me I will be down in the hanger bay, get our birds ready".

Darson nodded, “You two are dismissed,” he looked back at Zheng, “and Admiral, I will take my leave of you now I suppose. Please contact me when we are about to arrive at the waypoint.”

Zheng pointedly turned his head away and refused to look at him. Darson shrugged, and with a flick of his cape, headed off to the turbo lift.


Ensign Watts
Played by Dunham

Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant j.g.
Michael Duquense
Tactical Officer