Time is Fleeting – Where does the evidence lead you?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Ensign Elisha Royce

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Title   Where does the evidence lead you?
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Ensign Elisha Royce
Posted   Thu Sep 10, 2009 @ 11:49pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD 14 - 9:00hrs
The turbolift came to a stop as the staff within Ops were busy at work. It was a typical day and everyone was focused in their own world of details and bits of information that were necessary to come together to keep the station running properly.

His eyes swept over the area looking for two particular persons. In real-time, it had only been a few days since the death of Lt. Fox during the security exercise in the holodeck. In Dorian's mind, it seemed longer and he wasn't any closer to discovering who was responsible for his officer's death. His eyes shifted to the other side of the area as he saw the man he was looking for.

"Ensign Elliott! It's been 3 days, I want to know the results of your department's investigation into the death of Lt. Fox." Gabriel said in a loud voice to get the man's attention as he walked towards him.

"Ok, Crewman Karel, T'nel and Hoper, you are assigned to desk 173. What you will be doing is upgrading the consoles in rooms 152 to 300. All residence gave been notified of your arrival so, hopefully it will be a smooth job. Crewman Li'soru, Warnner and Par, you all including my self will be taking inventory and fulling request for the many replicator base matter. Believe me, there is a lot to count, so if anyone wants to switch, hay we can do this right now"....

Ensign Royce said in a joking manner to smooth things over.

"Ok let all ge......." His speech was interrupted by the sound of a strong voice that filled the room. it came from behind him so he turned to see who was shouting his COmmanding officers name.
His eyes locked with a rather tall and muscular male. His look was solid, and his demeanor intimidating. But Royce was not easily intimidated. He did not say a word, just looked at him speaking with his eye.

Elliott trotted over to the Commander, PaDD in hand with everything his team had found out about the unfortunate death of a fellow officer. "Sir!" he handed tha PaDD over to his superior. "My personal report on the incident followed by all the investigation information as well as everything station security turned up."

Ensign Royce in amazement could not believe the brash behavior of the security chief. Nor could he believe that he announced to the whole deck that a death was being investigated, and who was the one investigating. Royce thought to him self....~If it was a murder and one of the crew members did it, now they know who to dodge~!

~Not very tactful this one is".~

Royce began to mumble to him self in french hearing laughter from a young female from the back of him who understood what he was saying, in which he turned around and smiled.

Gabriel looked at the padd and read the contents briefly. The padd contained the basic information of the date, the energy readings during time of the incident, as well as the level of energy throughout the station. "Great, so you are essentially giving me a report on things that I already knew." Gabriel said as he handed the Padd back to Elliott. "If I wanted to re-read all of that I would've just downloaded the information from my console in my office." He said in an irrated manner.

"I want to know how in the blue-hell a hologram was able to override safety protocals and fire a weapon that not only hit, but killed one of my officers." Gabriel said in a rising tone. "Can you determine that or am i merely wasiting my time by asking?" he

Elisha could not take it no more. he could not believe how much of an brute Gabriel was making him self, as well as disrupting the operations room. He had to step in.

"Lieutenant Commander, I think you are right, sir. You should have more data then you what you where given. I think you should dispatch professional investigators to this matter. Operations officer are hardly qualified for such task. That is why we have good old Investigators aboard and that is why it is , THEIR job to do so. Would you happen to know any investigation specialist?"

He said assuming that the Commander was an investigator. He was hoping to bring the Commander to his better scenes and to think logically.

Gabriel looked at the man and walked towards him. "You are right, Ensign, perhaps I should find someone who is more CAPABLE of doing their jobs instead of giving me a re-hash of information and then making excuses regarding their qualifications." He said as he stared intently into the man's eyes.

Though Gabriel was obviously physically superior to him, Elisha showed no fear. Though thinking of how Commander Gabriel could brake him into pieces without even trying, he knew if he was going to gain his respect, he better show some backbone. Royce stared back into his eyes. In the depths of his pupils, Elisha say something that was more beast like then man. He was not sure he was even human anymore. But never the less, he stared until there was no need no more.

"Commander," Elliott began quietly, not wanting to anger him any more than he was. "It does have a rehash of information as well as several possible theories. The most likely one is there was a surge to the main banks housing the station AI. That lowered its own security, basically immunity towards foreign data." Elliott stated.

Gabriel turned from Royce and looked towards Elliott. His idea seemed plausible to a certain degree. "Fine, I'll expect a detailed report on the security settings of the AI within the hologrid within the holodeck, and this time I don't want any excuses." Gabriel replied as he glared at Royce. "Any questions?" He asked rhetorically.

Royce then stud upright and fell into an at-ease position. Now this was his time to show respect for the aggressive security officer. Besides, it was never a good idea to totally shine off another Officer in front of enlisted, no matter what!

"No ,sir! As you wish Commander". Royce did not want to totally seen insubordinate.

"Aye Sir," John near shouted, standing stiff trying to take the heat off the other Ensign. "Ops will have it ready for you by the end of the day, Commander."

"As I would expect so," Gabriel said as he turned and began to leave Ops to prepare for the upcoming Battle drill.

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

John Elliott
Assistant Chief of Operations

Elisha Royce
Operations Officer