Judgement – Exiled
by UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari

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Title   Exiled
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari
Posted   Sat May 28, 2011 @ 12:22pm
Location   USS Faulks
Timeline   SD 37
Cyi was unconsciously rubbing his temples, a sure sign to his aide, that the diplomat was frustrated. He was into his thirteenth hour of reading his updates Deep Space 5. While the Envoy being lost in reading isn’t a rare occasion, the obvious frustration he was having was unique. His eyes burned and his muscles ached from the long time in the solitary position. Cyi stood and began to pace, the quick motion indicating for T’Fal to remain seated, was the only acknowledgement he knew the aide was still in the room.

Cyi felt more weary now than he had ever felt in a short and disciplined life. One of his slender hands rubbed his back while the other held and iron grip on the PADD he was reading. Reaching its end, he waved the report at his aide. “Its offical T’Fal. My career is officially over.”

The Vulcan removed the PADD from his hand and a hot cup of tea replaced it. The aromatic smell of tea pungent and hot filled Cyi ravaged senses and for a moment he flashed back to a typical morning around the breakfast table on Earth eating and drinking tea and reading the latest edition of the FNS.

“While this isn’t the assignment you envisioned, distinction in this post could prove more advantagious than you conclude, Ambassador.”

Cyi chuckled a bit. “Ambassador. United Federation of Planets Department Special Envoy on assignment to the Deep Space Station 5. Sounds impressive hum? Let be honest. I was sent away. Secretary De’wel’a is hoping I would be killed on the frontier. You know there is a Starfleet officer accused of murdering a Romulan woman there? I am sure my first visit with the Romulan Ambassador will be interesting becouse of that.”

“You should get ready, Ambassador.” T’Fel replied. She knew Cyi was talking more to himself and he was to her. “We are almost within transporter range of the station.” She knew he preferred to transport aboard rather than wait for the long complicated docking procedures for UFP officials.

“No, I’ll disembark when we dock. I need the time to shower and prepare my ‘I come in peace’ speech for the Starfleet officers. Inform the Captain I will have need of his yacht.” Cyi replied heading towards the shower. “Please have them minimize the fanfare. I don’t want the whole ‘honor guard’ thing I had embarking here. I am not the Federation President for goodness sakes.” Cyi said over his shoulder before the door slid shut. At least not yet. He added in his thoughts.