Judgement – A Brief Reunion
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A Brief Reunion
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun May 29, 2011 @ 1:42am
Timeline   SD38 07:00

The wedding day finally arrived, not that Chelsea had slept the night before but she had dozed a little, power napping her way through a fitfull night of waking with yet another *Oh... and i mustn't forget this or that..* so that she ended up with a Padd beside her bed to jot things down so she wouldn't have them all running around in her head keeping her awake. It did serve to produce a list but it didn't get her any sleep.

Eventually, she gave up and got up, taking a shower and starting on the list of *must do*s. Her mother came round at some unearthly hour and she sent her to help Gran get ready, saying that she was sure Isha would be here shortly and could they please get started on the flowers, getting the outdoor seating set up in the Bajoran Gardens and make sure the decorations were still in place and the seating was in the right pattern and marked where it was allocated to family - all those sorts of last minute things. Then could they go and check on the catering and reception arrangements at the Red Lion please? Summer went off with a long list, to find Ellie and get started.

Chelsea was still a little sorry that Yolanthe's offer to use the Box had to be put aside due to the Bokai's internment but the Lion's owner had been very helpful and kind about stepping in at the last minute.

Still in her towelling dressing gown, Chelsea thought she should eat something but didn't think she could swallow. She wanted Rick. He could have kept her calm and been reassuring but she knew she couldn't contact him it was unlucky.

The door chime distracted her. "Come in" she replied without thinking, sipping at her tea, far away in thought.

"I'll never learn," Rh'vaurek said giving the bathrobed doctor a deliberatly lascivious look, as he stepped into the room. "Isha spent so long drumming manners into my head that I mostly knock and it causes me to miss all the interesting bits," he continued with a smirk, "believe me, you've got nothing I haven't seen before."

Rh'vaurek held up his hand before she could speak, "Now, for the record, when you sent that off-line subspace comm and mentioned permanent modification with a scalpel if I didn't come here today you were joking? I have to ask, you see, because I ordered myself come to check out if it was a serious threat being made against my person. Now would be the time you say, no, Rh'vaurek, it was a poorly considered attempt at humour, and then I can get your name off this list." The last he said quite seriously and handed her a padd of Romulan design which held the message she had sent, and her own profile quite clearly flagged up as a potential security hazard.

Chelsea laughed. "No, Rh'vaurek, it was a poorly considered but amazingly funny piece of humour?" she repeated but changed what he had said as she leaped towards him and flung her arms around his neck.

"My 'ira 'v'v Dianvm'...." she struggled courageously with the pronunciation, clinging like a limpet. "I missed you!"

Rh'vaurek chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her, "Seriously though, the Tal'Shiar does not possess a sense of humour. If I hadn't intercepted that message you might have had a very interesting visit - at the very least it would have caused you to miss your wedding. Don't do it again. Understood?" he asked as he placed her back on her own feet with the minimum of force, "and its ira'v'Dianvm. Maybe you'd like to offer your brother who's flown all night and sneaked aboard some breakfast?" he suggested.

"Okay, I promise not to send you a message to come to my wedding ever again.... cos I'm not getting married EVER again!" she vowed, going towards the replicator as she did so. "What would you like to eat? I don't have Cardassian body parts on toast, so you'll have to choose something else." she teased gently, well aware that the Tal Shiar that anyone else might speak to would take that sort of facetious comment badly too.

"Did you really have to fly all night? You're too good to me!" she added as she stood by the replicator ready for his choices.

"Cardassian body parts on toast?" Rh'vaurek said in a rare moment of bewilderment, "Have you got a bit stranger since I last saw you? I'd say that's an utterly revolting thought but when I was stationed at our Embassy on Cardassia I was acquainted with a very nice liaison. She wasn't having any of it. Can you believe me that she said it would be beneath her to have any more to do with me than the minimum her job required! The arrogant ... "

Rh'vaurek raised an eyebrow and half smiled as he realised that she was waiting for him to make a request, not to listen to his remesniscences, "Choose me something you think I'll find inoffensive," he said as he dropped onto her sofa, "Isha doesn't take replicated food, so there'll be little from her menu in there. Then you can come and tell me what I've missed."

"I have real duck eggs if you don't want replicated food. The ducks in the Bajoran Gardens lay and i get them from 'Kendra Valley' on 4 East. I could make you an omelette? I have Targ ham and mushrooms from the arboretum...... ?" she offered.

Rh'vaurek shrugged, "I don't care one way or the other. Food is food." Isha had never taken replicated food because she had never had to, but he didn't want to get into a row with Doctor Adams right now. "I'll risk your omelette, but lets hold on the Cardassian bits."

"Actually I was thinking of that nasty Vikar Gul that inhabits the Consulate Ring. Tharek. His body parts would probably be poisonous but even *I* wouldn't object if you were to disect *him*. He gives me the creeps." Chelsea explained as she put the ground coffee into the percolator in his honour. "Fresh coffee of course" she stated rhetorically as she put out two mugs to wait for it to be ready.

If Rh'vaurek had not known better he would have thought that Chelsea knew something about he and Getal's conspiracy. "Chelsea," he said, he had the impression that she was impyling something. It bothered him, every last detail of it, but nothing could be changed. "you've known me long enough to know that it is not a good idea to prod that wrinkly nose of yours into my business. Leave the diplomatic business to Isha, she'll tell me what I need to know."

Rh'vaurek got back to his feet and joined her, "So where are these fabled eggs of yours," he asked, wanting to divert them both from a contentious subject.

"Oh my nose is far from the sort of business *you* and Isha get into. Tharek just hates Bajorans and likes stirring it. I don't need to know what his politics are. He's just a pig." Chelsea had no idea that she was on the edge of anything more than those insults that Tharek had aimed at her in Sickbay. It was some time ago but he had been seen around the base treating people like they weren't fit to step on and she had never forgotton that nasty way he had threatened her. If she *had* been aware of anything between him and Rh'vaurek she would have been shocked and horrified but probably not stupid enough to comment this time.

There had been one occasion when she had challenged Raedheol but she had the medical (and in her opinion the moral) high ground back then and since that day she had been able to push the incident to the back of her mind now that she had elevated him to his current *big brother* status.

Not having a clue that she had been stepping on broken glass there, Chelsea just chattered on about whatever came up next without a blink of awareness. She had been mixing the eggs and heating them while she waffled on happily. She cut some fresh bread that her grandma had insisted on baking yesterday and toasted it, producing the omelettes quickly as a result of plenty of practice. They were Rick's favourite breakfast.

"There you go. Rick will be jealous when he finds out I made his favourites for you for breakfast this morning and he missed out!" she joked.

"Rh'vaurek, I'm SO lucky. He's just perfect. I think he's the most perfect man in the whole universe.......... well, second only to you but you're no good to me for marriage, so he'll have to do!" she smirked at her *big brother* and placed a plateful of healthy eggs, meat and bread in front of him, garnished with the mushrooms and a few sprinkled chopped herbs to make it special.

She looked at him carefully as she sat down, having got him to bring over the coffee with him. "You look tired, Vaurie." she knew she shouldn't shorten his name in case it made it something insulting but she was too intent on worrying about him to notice she'd done it.

Rh'vaurek picked up his fork and stabbed the omelette with it, "running around calling me Vaurie is going to do nothing for my reputation, you're meant to be afraid of the Tal'Shiar, not give it pet names," he scolded gently as he took a mouthful. He chewed thoughtfully, Chelsea really did not understand. Anyone who operated in the shadows, even for a little while became tainted, he, Isha, all of them, but that was the way most of the universe lived, only peripherally aware of what really drove events. "This isn't bad," he said taking another mouthful. "I never saw the point of marriage myself, narrows down the options too much, what I …"

He was interrupted by the door chime. "Are you expecting visitors?" he asked as he lay down his fork.

"No, I sent my mother, step-sister and grandmother on errands, they can't be done yet. Grandfather couldn't be coming round... Gran would have him helping out too. The Dunhams are all off base, Rick doesn't think they'll be back in time for the wedding.... if it's that pesky dressmaker, you can expel her, I won't object! Maybe it's, I *do* hope it is... I'll go and see. Chelsea put down her fork and stood up to go to the door.

"No, you stay here, I'll get it," he told her as he got up and crossed the room. It was not paranoia that made him take the precaution, just common sense - he had not officially come abourd and he wouldn't put it past Darson to try and use the opportunity. He took out a disruptor as he approached the door and extended his hand to press the pad to open it. He remained to one side where he could not immediately be seen by whoever was on the other side.

"Chelsea, I've brought you …" Isha paused, a kalaidescope of emotions spiralling across her face as she saw him. "Are things so bad in the Tal'Shiar that you have to take free-lance security work?" she asked him snippily as she entered Chelsea's quarters.

Of all the reactions to his presence that she could have settled on, this was the one rh'vaurek least expected; he thought he probably deserved a few expletives at least. But Isha was being distant but reasonable. That worried Rh'vaurek deeply.

"Make yourself useful and help Ekenda," she continued as he re-holstered his disruptor. Then Isha turned to Chelsea. "As I don't yet know which outfit you settled on I've brought you a selection of jewelery so that you can pick out something that matches."

"Thank you, lovely friend! You've been so kind to me already." Chelsea left her omelette and crossed the room, clutching Isha into a bear hug. When she released her, Chelsea looked sheepishly at her dear friend. "I was thinking i should wear my dress whites for the ceremony. I could change into the beautiful dress straight after but it seems proper for the formalities to be in uniform..... what do you think?"

Isha sighed, "I don't mind giving a woman pride of place on her wedding day but I'm not sure I can give a starfleet officer precedence. Rh'vaurek?"

"Only you and I would ever know, d'Ishaal," he replied with a shrug. He came over casting a glance back at the box he and Ekenda had deposited on the table. "I'd like to see you dressed up as Galae'Enriov," he added with a smirk.

"I hate uniforms," Isha told him. "You must wear whatever you think most appropriate, Chelsea," she concluded, "but I warn you, Rh'vaurek is correct, if you do so I will come in uniform and I am sure that you will hardly recognise me; you would not believe how rare it is that I get the opportunity to wander around wearing a sword."

"I don't want to make it difficult for you, I want you to feel comfortable at our wedding. I should have talked it over with Rick but it only occurred to me in the night. I just woke up suddenly and thought perhaps i *should* wear the uniform because everyone else in the family would be............. well, except for Grandma..... and Annie, i suppose.... and maybe Kim..... " she was thinking it out but couldn't decide. She looked at Isha.

"If it would make it uncomfortable for you, I shalln't wear it. Do you remember that you're the reason that Rick and i got together. If it weren't for you, I might even have left DS5 when Ryan and I split up. You introduced me to Rick and persuaded me to give him a chance. I was so lucky to have you for my friend, then as now, my *Hru'hfirh*." She subconsciously turned the ring on her little finger that Isha had given her, marking her as one of her *House*.

It would take a lot more than that to make Isha uncomfortable, but Isha let that pass. "Wouldn't you rather stand out from your guests than look like them? It is your day, after all."

"I would like today to be an opportunity when I can thank you officially. Certainly not to make you feel awkward! That would not satisfy my 'mhnei'sahe' at all." Chelsea was aware that her Romulan accent was atrocious but she tried hard to remember and copy the sounds as best she could.

Touched by the effort to speak a language that most outsiders found inpenetrable Isha smiled, "I want you to be everyone's focus, not Doctor Adams, not Commander Adams, but Chelsea, the serene and enchanting bride who is about to give herself to the most lucky man in the quadrant," Isha told her.

"You should listen to her," Rh'vaurek said.

"I always do!" Chelsea declared stoutly before looking at Isha's face and the raised eyebrow that questioned that. "Well, I do LISTEN.....only sometimes I don't take the advice." she admitted. "Only today, I shall!"

Chelsea grinned and then looked thoughtful. "But it's not ONLY my day. It's Rick's day too. I wish we'd had a special suit made for him too. A really nice one.... It seems a shame that he can't stand out as well. I feel selfish now." she commented sadly.

She noticed the omelettes going cold and shook herself back to the matter at hand. "OOOh.... Isha, would you like some breakfast? I have fresh duck eggs and mushrooms if you'd like an omelette?"

Isha both grimaced and shook her head, "I can hardly bear the smell as it is," she admitted, "May I?" she asked as she took a seat far away from the table where the food lay. "I was never sick before."

"Ahhhh." Chelsea realised and changed the subject. "No worries, i'm not hungry anyway." she put her plate back into the recycler. "What's in the bag?" She suddenly realised Ekenda was still there, silently standing in a corner like a statue.

"OH, I'm sorry. Would you like a drink? Anyone else? Coffee? Rh'vaurek... a second cup?" Chelsea wasn't usually such a bad hostess but her mind was in a thousand places at once, but in none of them clearly.

"Bathroom," Isha said, rising almost as soon as she sat. "Ekenda, show Commander Adams the jewels," she added as she moved swiftly in the direction indicated.

Rh'vaurek curled his lip then turned to Chelsea, "Has she eaten something bad?" he asked

"er... probably... i didn't see her last night." Chelsea said non-commitally. "I'll go and check on her." She ignored the proferred jewellery and moved towards the bathroom too.

"Stop," Rh'vaurek said as he firmly grasped Chelsea's upper arm as she tried to slip past him. "Did you dare her to eat Klingon food last night?" he asked, he could not think of anything else that made Isha sick.

Chelsea would joke with Raedheol. She would trust him with her life. She would admire him openly and tease him without fear. She would stand up to him if he pushed her into a moral corner again............ but...........what she would NOT do would be to lie to him.

She could not escape his scrutiny and the anguish in her eyes was apparent, due to being impossibly torn between her two loyalties - one to her best friend Isha who had adopted Chelsea into her esteemed family which was no small honour and a moving gesture of sisterhood which meant the world to the Doctor; and the other to Rh'vaurek who in his turn had *adopted* her too, self-appointing himself her *big brother* and protector, again an unprecedented honour and privilege from a Romulan, especially Tal Shiar, which had in turn both moved and inspired a genuine affection and gratitude in Chelsea.

"Rh'vaurek, I truly don't know what she ate last night." she answered honestly, her professional duty to keep her *patient's* medical condition confidential being the final decider in her dilemma.

As he propelled Chelsea into a chair he looked at Ekenda. "Bring her out," he told her before turning back to Chelsea, "Don't play games," he said as they waited, "if she is ill I thought you would be the first person to tell me," he said, his mood and tone tending towards outraged beligerance, "You're nothing but a ..."

"Nothing but a WHAT?" Chelsea stood back up, or tried to... "If she *was* ill or in any danger, I would be at your door before I could blink...... but I'm still her doctor and if she tells me something in confidence, I'm bound by that, even from you......... and how much faith or trust must you have in me if you're so ready to write me off within seconds at the first opportunity without even bothering to give me the benefit of the doubt? Why are you giving me away at my wedding as if you cared for me if you think so readily that I'm a.... whatever you were going to say... and I *know* it wasn't going to be pleasant....! "

Chelsea's eyes were alight with indignation and hurt. She couldn't resist his strength or will to hold her in the chair but she raised her chin and glared at him with spirit. Let go of me, imirrlhhse" she retorted as she failed to free herself despite her efforts.

"Don't use that sort of language with me," he said, "Just tell me why she's ill."

"I'm not ill, Rh'vaurek," unheard Isha had returned and she would not have it ruin the day. "I'm pregnant."

"How can you be pregnant?"

"Doctor Adams, please give the erie'Khrein a basic introduction to mamallian reproduction, he appears a little confused," she said, her flippant tone covering the layers of rage and anger that had built over the last weeks.

"I know HOW," he said, "but how? Who?"

Chelsea rolled her eyes.

As did Isha. Only Isha patted Rh'vaurek on the cheek, "for an intelligent man you do ask some very foolish questions," she said. "Would you please stop bullying Chelsea and accept the fact that in a few months time you. are going to become a father ..."

Rh'vaurek was utterly unprepared for this staggering revelation. He looked between the two woman with a bewildered expression on his face, rather as though someone had just whacked him on the back of the head with an iron skillet.

"... of twins," Isha continued.

As Rh'vaurek let go of Chelsea in stunned, open-mouthed incredulity, the former finally got to leave the chair, rubbing her wrists where he had held her tightly to prevent her stuggling.

She didn't make any comment, it was not her place at this time. She withdrew to a tactful distance and beckoned Ekenda to join her in the Bedroom, signalling her to bring the box of jewellery they were supposed to be exploring, quietly closing the door and leaving the Romulan parents-to-be alone together to talk.

Ekenda followed as bidden. If she thought anything unusual about the exchange she had just witnessed she kept it to herself, for all the emotion that registered in her expression she might just as easily have witnessed a handshake.

She did not know where the Bajoran fitted in to this but her Lady had asked her to bring the jewellery case so that her friend could choose something to borrow, so she did just that.

"Where do you wish me to place this?" she asked.

"On the bed please" Chelsea said. "May I see what's inside?" she moved towards Ekenda but slowly. She had no wish to put the girl in any position that seemed to be contrary to whatever her instructions might have been.

"Of course." Ekenda placed it down as requested and extracted the electronic DNA coded key from a pocket. Then she opened the case out flat and stepped back so that the doctor could see.

The case was filled with the most exquisitely crafted, expertly set, beautifully designed pieces of art that ever was made out of precious metals and priceless stones.

Chelsea gasped and her hands flew to her face, covering her mouth as her eyes seemed to widen to such an extreme as to look completely agog.

"By the Prophets I couldn't wear any of *this*......... any one of those are worth a King's Randsom." she breathed incredulously.

"Oh." Ekenda expressed surprise, her Lady had been so sure that her friend would find something to wear. "I will inform my mistress. I am sure that she will be disappointed that you found nothing to your liking."

"Oh no... it's not that they are not to my liking! Ekenda, they're TOO special. ALL of them." Chelsea tried to explain. "I'm deeply honoured that Isha has chosen such lovely pieces for me to choose from but I'm overwhelmed with how valuable and exquisite they are."

Ekenda really did not understand. "How can they be too special if my Lady has sent them to you? She would not have sent them if she did not deem them appropriate." It had been years since Ekenda had seen the ambassador as stressed as she was now, and she did not want any inadvertant offence to cause her any more distress.

"I know" Chelsea sighed. "You are right of course." She stepped closer, having been keeping a distance as if the jewels might bite her.

There were sets of matching earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. There were some individual items but all had stones that could be matched with others.

Chelsea took in a deep breath and tried several against her neck. She had a Bajoran Earring that was her father's which had a small blueish stone in it, she selected all the necklaces in Isha's box that had blue or blue-hued stones and tried them on, attempting to imagine them with the neckline of the dress. One was too heavily set and one was completely the wrong shade - more of a turquoise - both of which were put carefully back. That left one with a stunning pattern of dark sapphires and bright diamonds, on Corallian white Keratan which shone like Terran gold but with a whiter effect. She held it up and Ekenda nodded approval. It was carefully put to one side as a *favourite*.

Chelsea went on to the next necklace putting aside two more and then matching them with bracelets that either looked like a set or complemented them.

"Before you make your decision you ought to consider these too," Ekenda said prying back a pair of clasps and lifting out the top layer.

Chelsea's eyes widened again. "Woh" she breathed, taking in a long slow breath as she sat staring at the wonders revealed.

"Rh'vaurek has gone to lie down," Isha said touching Chelsea lightly on the shoulder. "May I?" she nodded towards the bed before curling up against the pillows. "I think he's had something of a shock," she added twisting onto her stomach. "Are these the ones you like?" she asked brushing one or two of the pieces with her fingertips.

"Of course." Chelsea replied. "Actually, i *like* all of them... in fact i *love* them. As always you have been much too generous. I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to repay you, even if i live to be 400. You're such a thoughtful, generous friend, Isha. Thank you so much."

Chelsea left the jewellery and approached Isha to hug her but she had to wait a moment for her to sit up to receive this demonstration of overwhelmed gratitude and affection.

Isha sat, she had long given up expecting Chelsea to keep a respectful distance. "One day you are going to squeeze me so hard that my eyes will burst out of my head," Isha said with a warm smile as she accepted the embrace. She could be an entirely different person around this friend which is why she gave no indication that her life had been anything other than perfect since they had last spoken. Isha winced slightly as Chelsea's cheek brushed hers right at the point where it was most sensitive.

"Did I hurt you?" Chelsea wasn't a doctor because she couldn't think of anything better to do. She had an instinct for the work and had noticed the involuntary wince.

"Its nothing," Isha smiled, "a spot under the surface or something." A claim that might have been more convincing if Isha's complexion had not been flawless.

"Who did this?" Chelsea whispered. "Rh'vaurek?" She couldn't believe it. Surely not?

"Chelsea, its your wedding day. Please put the complications of my life aside for these few hours," she protested, "and no. It was not Rh'vaurek. I am obviously a rotten medic, but that's neither here nor there. Please don't ask."

"Isha, I don't care if it's the day a new universe was due to be formed, you are my friend and this is very upsetting. I didn't want to believe it would be Raedheol, I hold him in greater esteem than to think him capable of hurting you, but... whoever did this should be brought to brook for it, and in any case, you should at least have allowed me to heal it and ease the discomfort you are so obviously in." Chelsea marched to the bedside panel and opened it, taking out her medkit. She took out a regenerator and an analgesic hypospray and came back. "May I?" it was more of a rhetorical question as she had already taken out the equipment and medication.

Isha nodded her assent. "He will be," she told her, Isha was certain of that, though she was not sure that Chelsea would appreciate her somewhat precise knowledge of the location of common humanoid arteries. She brought the topic back to the room, "I promise that I will come directly to you if it happens again," she said sure that Chelsea could put the pieces of sky together without a map.

Chelsea administered the analgesic and then worked skilfully on the cheek, restoring it to its proper density and construction, and taking out the bruising as well.

"There. And it had better *not* happen again. I'm nothing in comparison to you, nor my 'ira'v'Dianvm' but my efforts, no matter how insignificant normally, would be intensified into a protective wrath by the strength of my love for you and my debt to my *hru'hfirh*. I hope it might be of some significance." She stated modestly. Her chest tight with emotion at the idea that it had happened at all, let alone that there might be a danger of an attempt to repeat.

Isha could not help but grin, "I thought I did a convincing job, on the surface, anyway," she said as she touched her fingers tentatively to her cheek; she felt nothing, and after only a day was surprised by the abscence of the bite if she pressed too hard.

"Come here," this time Isha opened her arms to her friend, "Nobody I name a friend is insignificant, and your loyalty is both welcome and apposite."

"Like I said, I could never repay your generosity or kindness." Chelsea returned the hug with feeling.

"You already have, many times over," Isha said, it was something she would never forget. "Now will you stop fussing about my tendancy to walk into doors, and show me the dress you chose, then we can choose the perfect jewels to make it shine."

Chelsea got up, muttering about how she *so had not* repaid Isha even the slightest bit and fetched the dress from the closet. "I don't know about this....... " she worried.

"It seemed perfect but now it just makes me nervous to even look at it." she said as she held it up against herself and shivered involuntarily.

"Don't be ridiculous, child," Isha scolded as she returned to lying on the bed on her stomach, "Put it on. Ekenda, help her," she said plucking one of the glittering jewels between her fingers, "Not this one, the dress itself, should emphasise the wearer ... too, too gaudy." Isha tossed the piece carelessly back into the case.

Chelsea looked bemused as she allowed herself to be helped into the dress. Watching Isha toss a King's ransom aside as *too gaudy* she smiled. "Too exquisite for a doctor." she said affectionately, admiring the elegance of the gown now it was on. "You have spoiled me with such a talented dressmaker and you're right, the dress itself should be the focus. It really IS gorgeous. Thank you so much."

The reason the dress made Chelsea nervous was more obvious now it was on. It truly was a work of art. Sleek, flattering yet modestly stylish. It fitted like a glove yet it was shaped so as to leave something to the imagination too.

It was just perfect, swirling across the front in soft ripples that were fitted into the bodice without losing the shape, cut angularly at the hem, giving a sharp, clean finish with the slightest hint of the magic of a lacey lining beneath to soften the outward effect.

The neckline was also modest but with a perfect balance of sharp angles and soft inner hints. The whole was a combination of green and jade shades that brought out the happiness in Chelsea's emerald and amber eyes and it was a dress made to speak volumes about the professional high-achiever that represented the CMO with the softer, more feminine side that Rick had brought out in her.

It made her look so much more gorgeous than she had ever seen herself and it was a step up towards the new *Doctor Chelsea Dunham* who was emerging like a butterfly, the dress seeming to embody her new, beautiful wings as they unfurled. She was moved as she looked at it, blushing at the effect and glancing at Isha, hoping she would approve.

"Don't you think it leaves me too........exposed, naked.... not physically.... do you know what I mean?" Chelsea had hidden behind her tough, self-defensive professional 'doctors' face all her life, except when she was with Rick. This seemed a rather public declaration of the woman within.

Isha chuckled softly, "Of course not. Why would you feel the need to hide what you are?" she asked. "You can be Chelsea Adams, doctor, every day of your life, for this one you have the chance to be the centre of attention, and for that you certainly ought to be properly upholstered. Everyone will be watching you, and you will leave a lasting memory!"

"Well, I know *I* will remember this day for the rest of my life, never mind anyone else, because today is the day I get to be the happiest woman alive in the universe." Chelsea laughed.

"I still can't believe my luck. Rick is so gorgeous. How did you know we'd be soulmates. What made you introduce us?" she asked thoughtfully as Ekenda finished fastening her into the stunning dress.

Propping her chin on her folded hands Isha tilted her head to one side. "You were deeply unhappy, Chelsea, that unworthy man left a hole in your heart and as I saw it, it simply wouldn't stop bleeding. I forget how I met him, my niece, I think, she was his superior after all. I thought him very honest, and I thought of you. The rest, I believe you did yourself."

As she spoke Isha had turned her attention to the jewellery case and had been sifting among the layers. "Try this one," she said, quite suddenly, throwing necklace across the room, silver metal encrusted with sea-green jewels that beaded like drops of dew on the setting.

"OHHHH!" Chelsea breathed amazement as she caught the beautiful piece and gazed at it in awe. "It's perfect." she agreed, holding it up. Ekenda's nimble fingers fastened it quickly and they stood back to take in the effect which was stunning.

"If you want something in your other ear you could wear one of these," Isha suggested, holding up a similarly liquid looking earring on the tip of one finger. "Assymetic, yet balanced," she said, Bajoran jewellery was beyond her, but not to the extent that she would suggest that her friend ought not to wear it.

"Thank you" Chelsea accepted the earring and put it on. It picked up the necklace and it was lovely amongst her dark hair.

"I was going to wear my hair up but with some curls loose around my shoulders, this will go beautifully." she added.

"I suppose I should start getting my hair and face started, then i can put all this back together." She took it all off carefully, searching around for the underwear and shoes and hair accessories she had chosen to include the traditional Terran rhyme *something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue*.

"One can never take too much time to prepare," Isha agreed. "Are you planning to do it yourself?"

"I was hoping my mother would get back in time to do it for me." Chelsea answered, looking at her chronometer.

"Don't be so anxious, Chelsea, I'm sure she'll return with ample time to spare. Now tell me when you need me to arrive, and if this is in the least bit upstaging?" Isha referred to the floorlength dress of pale grey silk that she wore, a flowing and seemingly unstructured garment with sleeves so long that they half covered Isha's hands. "Or should I simply stay? I don't believe I have been introduced to your family yet."

"Please stay" Chelsea begged, more alarmed than ever at the idea that Isha might leave her now. "Oh, that's lovely! But it's so elegant and understated that it couldn't possibly upstage in any other way than your loveliness would naturally do anyway."

"I'd be delighted to," she replied, "I just didn't wish to intrude if you wished to be alone with them. Ekenda, why don't you take all this tat back to my suite, I'll not be requiring you any further."

"Thank you" Chelsea breathed a sigh of relief. "Will she be okay walking about the station with all those priceless jewels?" She asked as an afterthought as the door closed behind Ekenda. "Should Rh'vuarek go with her? I don't like to ..... " she stopped, realising it was not her place.

Isha gave Chelsea a slightly odd quizzical look, "Her world of origin has a far higher gravity than any you're used to, she could take your head off, or Rh'vaurek's for that matter with one hand," Isha said, "she's in no danger. So what do we do in the meantime?"

"A cup of tea?" Chelsea drew in a deep breath and went to the kitchen area. She had the proper ingredients for tea. No nasty replicated stuff where Tea was concerned.

As she brewed a pot of tea she realised her hands were shaking. "I just want this over now." she sighed. "It's all been wonderful and i'm the luckiest woman alive but this is too stressful." she smiled. "If it weren't that you've been so wonderful, Rick and I were tempted to elope" her smile grew to a mischievous grin but it faded to a sad look quickly as she thought of Rick's family.

"I know he's really sad his family were called away." she added thoughtfully, placing the pot of tea, the cups and saucers and a jug of milk onto the table and flopping into a chair beside it.

"I can't imagine what's takin Mum and Gran so long!" she muttered and then, as if on cue, the door chime rang and she popped back up out of the chair again.

"Come in" she called moving towards the door as her mother and grandmother hurried in breathlessly talking non-stop, over the top of one another at first.
"WOAH!" Chelsea cried with her hands up in mock surrender.

The other women stopped and laughed, hugging Chelsea in turn.

"Mum, Gran, this is my Matron of Honour, Ihhei hru'Hfirh Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illialhlae." Chelsea knew her pronunciation left a lot to be desired, in fact it was probably appalling but she did her best.

Her mother and grandmother stood with their mouths open for a moment before Captain Summer Adams stepped forward holding out her hand to shake Isha's and Ellie Adams dropped a respectful curtsey as her daughter moved forward.

"Pleased to meet you Madame Ambassador." Summer said, having managed to extract that much out of Chelsea's attempts at Isha's Romulan title.

Ellie looked at Chelsea seeming nervous and unsure. "It's okay gran, Isha is very important but she's lovely and she won't bite you, I promise." Ellie nodded but didn't look convinced. She smiled politely but didn't attempt to come forward until invited.

"I am ... delighted to meet you all. But on this day, I am sure we all agree that there is only one woman of any importance, so much so that a dear friend thought it worth his while to come back to Deep Space Five just for the experience of seeing me wait on someone," Isha told them, not sure that anyone present would understand why that was amusing. "I am Isha in this room, nothing more, and nothing less. We have just made tea, may I get you some?"

Isha was sure that Chelsea would not mind if she acted as hostess. If this were her own gathering it would only be a politeness for her to offer refreshment to her guests, she had no problem with doing the same on Chelsea's behalf, and besides, if they saw that she had no airs and was willing to serve them drinks, perhaps they would more quickly lose the shocked and slightly frightened expressions.

Summer relaxed immediately. "Thank you Isha." She replied. "Let me help you... " she dropped comfortably into the role of assistant and fetched more cups.

"Have you eaten anything?" the mother's instinct came out as Summer checked that Chelsea wasn't giving in to any nerves she might be having at this *eleventh hour*.

"Yes, thank you. With Rh'vaurek... my *adopted older brother*, earlier." she translated the title Raedheol had given himself, rather than try to use it in Romulan this time.

"I'm sorry you missed him. I'll introduce you later. You'll love him Grammy, he's just your type. Tall, dark, handsome, with deep dark eyes and the promise of even darker secrets behind them. He's.... " she shot a look at Isha for suggestions for adjectives but had to grin at the faces Isha pulled in response.

Chelsea had the smallest idea why Rh'vaurek would like to see Isha *serve* someone tea but her concept of what made him find this so fascinating didn't actually even scratch the surface of the reality because of course, Chelsea saw Rh'vaurek through rose-tinted glasses.

Having no idea how deep this went, she simply took it as far as she recognised it: The pleasantry of a slightly flippant irony.

Affectionately, Chelsea allowed Isha to finish the list of adjectives to describe Rh'vaurek for the benefit of those who hadn't met him and would probably only find themselves discovering the Raedheol as Chelsea saw him, at most. This seemed to please Chelsea, by allowing her to ask Isha to be nice to him.

This gave the bride-to-be a warm feeling, hoping that such a happy occasion might allow Isha and Rh'vaurek time away from their official roles and stances so they could be that which Chelsea longed for on their behalf. Friends on the surface, lovers behind the masks, partners in life and parenthood, and soulmates as she was sure they were deep inside, if only they would one day be able to admit and enjoy that.

Chelsea had made up her mind that it would be for the realisation of that dream that she would wish when she helped cut the cake later. She knew she and Rick would be happy. Now all she wanted was the same for Isha and Rh'vuarek.

"I'm sure that you'll all agree with Chelsea's praising observations of my friend," Isha said, "because I am certain that he will be the epitome of charm for the day. Show them your baubles, Chelsea," Isha suggested, "it will give your mother some time to think about how best to arrange your hair."

Chelsea obliged excitedly, putting the exquisite jewellery against her neck and ears for them all to see, slipping the bracelet onto her wrist too.

Summer and Ellie were in raptures about how gorgeous she looked and Chelsea protested modestly that it was merely the jewels that gave such a grand and etherial impression.

"Of course it isn't," Isha said, "I could dress up a targ in as many jewels as I liked but it would still be a targ. Have a little confidence in yourself," she added.

"Modesty is a virtue too," Chelsea responded with a serene smile as Summer settled her into a chair and collected up the items she needed to style her daughter's hair into an elegant upswept style.

"Yes, yes, but now isn't really the time for modesty, is it? I'm not going to listen to any more of it. Make her look like a princess, Summer whether she likes it or not."


JP Between:

Isha, just Isha
erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol

played by louise



Plus NPCs:
Ellie and Summer Adams
by jools