Unity – *Backpost* "I Don't Need A Counsellor" Part 1
by Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   *Backpost* "I Don't Need A Counsellor" Part 1
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Apr 17, 2010 @ 10:45pm
Location   Ryan's Quarters
Timeline   SD15 1600

Ensign Rimmac found the quarters on the padd and rang the chime. She had been allocated this case as a priority because the patient had been through some major reconstructive surgery and was apparently thought to be in danger of not coping with the results so well. ~How do *they * know he's *in danger*... who gets to say how anyone will react?~ she had asked herself at first. That was until she read the rest of the file.
~Woh!~ she had thought, sweeping all the other pads off her desk and sitting in a bean bag with this one, not stopping reading till she got to the end. The end so far, that is.
Now she was at the door, wondering a) what the man would look like now....nothing like his file image, obviously.... and b) if he'd react as violently as he apparently did when he found out he was Bajoran..... It was a fascinating case and Pia couldn't wait. It was so much more interesting than the sort of stuff she was usually assigned. Boring cases of people-envy or phobias, but not this one. This was a real exam question case.

She waited with baited breath for the door to open.

Ryan was in his quarters sitting un-comfortably on the couch trying to relax with his feet on the coffee table; the journey from Bajor to DS5 was a long one and quite exhausting. He sat with a mug of coffee in his hand and a dish of cold water beside him with a damp cloth inside. Within seconds the door chime sounded. He looked confused. “Enter” he said and as the door opened he sat up a little more and then eventually stood to greet whoever was about to enter.

Pia stepped just inside the door, reluctant to invite herself right in just yet. "I'm the counsellor" she said moving a little closer and holding out her hand. "Ensign Rimmac, Pia. Please just call me Pia" she smiled.

Ryan looked confused but held out his hand and shook hers. "I'm sorry I'm not familiar with new medical personnel onboard I’ve just got back...."

"You were here for a long time I understand, what made you leave, if you don't mind me asking?" she began softly.

Ryan was reluctant to speak about his personal life. "I'm sorry is there anything I can help you with....Ensign?"

"Ah, of course, forgive me. I'm here because the medical staff have recommended we should talk. They seem to think your past reaction to a discovery like this one was one of trauma. I'm here officially, you see, but if you don't want to talk now, we can just make an appointment for some other time?" she apologised.

"No it's fine...so Starfleet and Bajoran medical are in on this then....great...please...have a seat..."

"Thanks. Look we don't have to do this here, if you feel you'd prefer we took a walk?" she offered. "And as for
*in on this* I'm not your enemy, Ryan... if I may call you that?"

"Sure..." he nodded.”And if you don't mind here is fine..." Ryan said and then turned and walked back to the couch and sat back down. He watched her; she seemed to be unlike any counsellor he had ever encountered before.

Pia tucked her legs up under her and looked around the plain room. "Did you prefer not to bring back any decorations or personal effects? Or do you not intend to stay long?" she asked.

"Oh no I'm staying this time I just...don't feel like unpacking now that’s all" he smiled. He looked at the bags on the other couch, so many memories, some he didn’t want to face.

"Are you sure?" Pia's eyes penetrated the white lie and his brown eyes too.

"Yeah I'm sure..." he didn’t think he needed counselling at all, and he knew that she was aware of this. Ryan turned a little and picked up the damp cold cloth beside the bowl of water and put it over the newly formed ridges on his temples that curved around his eyes.

"Can I help you with that?" Pia attempted the carer role as a way around his defences. She could actually see that he was in some considerable discomfort and there was no way he was going to relax and chat while he was hurting. "It's all in the interests of medical science. I trained as a nurse as part of my college course" she explained, taking the cloth from him gently and drizzling cold droplets onto the red ridges to cool them.

Ryan winced as the drops fell onto the damaged skin around the ridges; he turned his head a little. "Thank you...they really do hurt...do you have any idea when the skin will heal? And when the redness will disappear, they have go to their normal colour won’t they?" he asked, rather frustrated.

"Your next session with the regenerator should help. You can have another 4 hrs after the last. If that falls within our time, I'll do it for you?" she offered. "In the meantime, analgesic hypo spray?"

"Sure...thanks. I look like an experiment gone wrong..." he chuckled a little.

"Actually, i think you look very fetching..... " she began but a smirk flickered around her lips and she had to add.
"For a Cardassian" with a smirk.

"Sorry, that was racist of me. I was joking, but i shouldn't. It'd be frowned on in my profession."

"It's ok...its better than the looks I was given when I walked through Jalanda City...I didn't choose this..." he shook his head "And I certainly didn't choose my father..."

"Nobody chooses their parents, but we have to love whatever we are ourselves. Sometimes, if we don't like our parent or parents, we have to look for the good that came out of their union instead." she spoke softly as she used the cool water to soothe his forehead.

"My brothers and sisters...i guess... but we all have the burden of what our father did...killing thousands...possibly millions...no one knows"

"Do you have brothers and sisters?" she asked. "I meant you when I was talking about the good from their union but your siblings count too" she said.

"Yeah I've got three brothers and three sisters, one of my sisters is here on the station, the rest of them are on deep space assignments, four/five year missions that sort of thing...they won’t know about what’s gone on."

"Are you talking about adopted siblings from your human/Bajoran family or siblings by your Cardassian father?" Pia needed clarification

"Human/Bajoran, I was the only one born from him..."

"Did you still share the same mother or were you adopted completely?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, the same mother" Ryan replied. “I don't mean to be rude but what does this have to do with anything?"

"I was about to ask you how you feel about that?" she smiled sheepishly. "Standard question we all ask, it's in the rules!" this time a smirk.

Deciding she'd made him soaking wet and should stop, Pia put the cloth back in the little bowl and dried his neck where the droplets had run down in tiny rivulets. "Sorry, I’m a bit out of practice" she shrugged apologetically.

"No don't worry. So how do i feel about that...well...I’ve always felt like I belonged until I was told that my Bajoran father wasn't actually my father or a Bajoran, he was human, my mother met him after she fled the occupation camps...my brothers and sisters had already been born and were able to get out of the camp...I don’t know how...but when I was born, not long after the occupation ended I was made to look fully human...and then when I was transferred here a virus plagued Bajor and some of the crew here became infected with it and after I had cured it, I had become infected and that’s when I found out I was Bajoran, and I became confused..." he sighed. "I'm sorry for the long story...its just better if you knew it all..."

"No, it's better that I know it all, especially if you’re telling me helps you sort it out in your own head too." she agreed. "How do you feel about being altered and having to find out by yourself?" she asked, carefully picking her way around the points she felt might need working on.

"It was hard; I mean why couldn't they have just told me? I assume now it was to hide and to keep the Cardassian genes at bay, but I’ve been lied too all my life, growing up being who I’ am then all of a sudden that me has gone...its messed me up I’m not gunna lie...it affected my attitude, behaviour and relationships...and now this...I don’t know..."

Pia bit her lip. "We have reached the crux of the matter very quickly. Do you feel you're happy to talk about this one piece at a time? Or shall we bring this back for another session?" she asked gently.

Ryan smiled. Somebody who would actually listen properly for the first time in a week, since this revelation...another. Came about, no one on Bajor really gave him the time of day. “If you have the time? I’m ok to talk about it one piece at a time” he replied


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


Ensign Pia Rimmac
NPC'd By Lt. Cmdr Chelsea Adams