Cascade – The better Cardassian
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The better Cardassian
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Mar 13, 2013 @ 1:40pm
Location   Main Sick Bay
Timeline   SD71 1300
Acting Ambassador Hydel Turvan and his attache', A'Dan Galen, entered the medical bay with a certain sense of trepidation. On one hand, the last time the Ambassador and been within the confines of these sterile walls he had been accosted by both the Chief Medical Officer and her Half-breed Boy-Toy. Now he had received a message from Getal himself, wishing to speak with him. Obviously the man had survived surgery and was awake, but was he strong enough to resume his duties within the Embassy. . .hopefully not.

As the two Cardassians entered the room Hydel nodded to the guards posted just outside the doors. "No one is to disturb us." He ordered as he entered the room and cast his gaze upon the prone form of his. . .colleague.

"Tharek! I'm glad to see this unfortunate turn of events did not get the best of you." Hydel said.

"You and I both know that you wish I had not recovered from that blast." Tharek ushered away Hydel's comments with a polite smile. "And I don't blame you. We've been at each others throats for years Hydel, and for what?" Getal asked sincerely. This was a new side of Tharek. He knew Turvan wouldn't be surprised if he thought Tharek's manner to be false.

Hydel felt somewhat relieved. He could drop the charade of concern and compassion for the man lying across from him. "You called me here for a reason, Tharek." Hydel said unceremoniously.

Getal's polite demanour changed instantly. "Once I am recovered I intend to stay aboard the Rakara until this damned mess is sorted. I'm going to need someone station-side to fill my position temporarily." Getal paused as he sat himself forward. "And to await my contact when the Kagor arrives."

Hydel was not moved. "How generous of you, Tharek. But you suffered a concussion and were in a medically induced coma. While I appreciate your temporary offer, but you really aren't in much of a condition to do anything other than receive sponge baths from that colorful consort of yours." He said in response.

The last time they had discussed the arrival of the vessel, it had ended in a fist fight. This time, Hydel had different plans for the vessel and wouldn't put up the same resistance as before.

"More to the point, you can barely protect Cardassians citizens what makes you believe having the Kagor docked here will help you any further?" he asked distrustful.

"Who said anything about the Kagor being docked? I plan to take what is rightfully Cardassia's. The plotting and planning hasn't worked so far for this damned station and it's disgusting inhabitants. Something more drastic is required. It's time to use the sword, and I would rather have you by my side, all differences forgotten, than for us to continue this pointless battle." Getal became more rigid as he finished his speech, waiting for Hydel's retort.

Hydel narrowed his eyes on the Cardassian's rigid form. "What are you planning Tharek?" Hydel asked. He knew that Tharek would not have called on a vessel with such immense power without a reason. "My concern is for Cardassia first and above all, but even I recognize the danger of stirring trouble amongst the Federation's coddled inhabitants." He said with more concern in his voice.

"What is your angle?" He asked.

"My angle is a simple one. We take this station. I've had enough of the Federation lording over us. The almighty, benevolent Federation decreeing what we Cardassian's can and cannot do! Me and you both know that this democratic exscuse of a government isn't letting our people live again, just to survive. Surviving is not enough and I know you agree. The military must be brought back if our people have any chance of being what we once were."

Tharek's eyes were full of passion, full of purpose. "But I cannot do this alone. I need you to help me, to help our people. We were soldiers once Hydel, not politicians. Our place is on the battlefield securing Cardassia's interests. Not arguing in a diplomatic suite over menial things."

Hydel allowed silence to fill the room before responding. ". . .I'm listening." he said encouragingly.

"I did originally plan for Raedheol to form a joint fleet with me. That was wrong. Romulan's and Cardassian's cannot work together. They are too wrapped up in conspiracies and plots. I need someone better. Another like-minded Cardassian. I have several ships awaiting my command near here. Hidden, but ready. Along with the Kagor and Rakara we will have enough military might to secure this sector of space for Cardassia. The Federation, the Romulans, everyone will know that the Empire still lives, and we are still as powerful as we once were."

"Very well, but how do you plan to occupy a Federation installation? The Detapa Council will renounce your actions as soon as the first disruptor blast is fired." Hydel responded.

"That is where Fi'ta Gul Elott Metak comes in. He will handle things publicly back on Cardassia. The people will ultimately side with us. The bombing of our embassy, the killing of our people and the constriction placed on our people by that racist, Gabriel and his ilk. All of these are justification enough for us to respond with force." Getal sat forward, some of the pain from his operation easing off. "We can do this. But like I said; I need your help."

"and just what are your plans for Mr. Gabriel?" Hydel asked. He was familiar with the dethroned Security Chief and his recent racial upheaval.

"The only power Gabriel has at the moment is to incite riots among the Terran population. We take the station and give greater rights for non-Human species and Gabriel will lose all power. The only real threat we would face would be the stations marine corps. As soon as Darson and his thick comrades are dealt with there is nothing to stand in our way."

Hydel nodded. "Very well, it seems that everything is in its proper place. What do you need for me to do until the Kagor arrives?" He asked.

Tharek smiled at his new brother. "I need you to do what you are already doing. Manage the embassy and so on. By the time I have recovered I will move myself onto the Rakara until the Kagor arrives. I will then switch once more onto the Kagor. By then the fleet will have arrived and we can begin the campaign. I have two Keldon's, a Hideki and a Groumall on the way, as well as the Rakara and Kagor. I will lead the fleet, and you, the ground forces. You will have the embassy barracks, my forces here on top of an extra one hundred and fifty with the Groumall."

Tharek paused and took a sip from the water close to him. "Oh, and what Shri'vara we have onboard as well as another fifty enroute."

Hydel straightened his tunic as he stood up. "I'll begin preparing the remaining staff within the embassy." He announced. "There is one last question I have." Hydel stated.

"There is a Cardassian who has just arrived on the station by the name of Atlana Durak." He said.

"I'm aware my friend, don't worry. She appeared not an hour ago." Tharek said, relieved that Hydel shared his vision now.

"Her father was Gul Ferm Durak, I'm sure you remember him, he wasn't much of a fan of the Order. . .or you from what I've heard" Hydel said.

Getal shrugged his shoulders. "Not many people were fans of the Order, but I stood by him as proudly as I shall stand by you. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it appears that in addition to her previous activities within the Order, she has taken up residency onboard the station." Hydel said, carefully choosing to omit the fact that not only was Atlana familiar with Sarish.

"Should I include her in our future plans?" He inquired.

"If possible, then yes, but do so covertly. Agents are creatures more comfortable with shadows and deceit. But her father was a good soldier for me, and Atlana remembers that. She will help us." Getal placed the water back onto the desk near him, before relaxing only slightly into the biobed.

With a nod, Hydel turned on his heels and exited the room. As he left the recovery wing of the Medical Bay he was joined by his attache', A'Dan.

"How was the meeting?" The Glinn asked.

"Informative," Hydel said as he exited the Medical Bay and proceeded towards the turbolift. "It appears our colleague has gone completely mad." Hydel responded. "He intends to lead an invasion force to take over the station." He said as he entered the lift.

A'Dan's eyes widened with surprise. "Do you think he's capable of such a thing?" he asked.

"We'll see, we shall definitely see. . ." Hydel replied as the doors closed.


Hydel Turvan
Acting Ambassador for the Cardassian Union


Tharek Getal
Vi'kar Gul