Time is Fleeting – A New Chapter
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   A New Chapter
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Fri Oct 02, 2009 @ 10:56pm
Location   Dance Studio - Deck 144
Timeline   BACKPOST: SD 13 - 08:00 hrs
Nora was practising as she did every morning, her dancing being her main daily workout. She danced with a lightness this morning that she could only attribute to her total happiness.

Her mind spun back as she pirouetted gracefully, overjoyed that her knee was now better and picturing how every day since the show Ryan had tended to her knee with skill and tenderness that had shown devotion she could never had hoped for in her wildest dreams a week ago. He had told her he felt responsible, but she'd replied that was crazy as it couldn't possibly have been anyone else's fault.

It didn't matter though, because all the time he was fixing her knee, she was spending time in his company and she couldn't imagine any better way to be. She thought of the odd way that Chelsea had disappeared five days ago, re-appearing recently as suddenly as she'd left.

Ryan had found that hard because he'd been worried and had been a bit moody about it but Nora had managed to distract him and yesterday to her delight, he had told her he didn't know what he would have done without her around lately and how he couldn't remember what it had been like before he had her for a friend to talk to and rely on.

Ryan was just changing into his uniform, he knew Nora would be almost finished her morning dance round about now. He doubled checked his appearance. *Perfect* he thought and grabbed the picnic basket from the coffee table and headed out the door and found the nearest turbolift.

Several minutes later he arrived outside the studio, and took in a deep breath. This was the first time he had done this so he was unsure as to how she would react. Without thinking anymore he walked in. The sound of the door alerted her to Ryan's arrival. "Morning" he said to her with a smile.

Nora looked over a little startled, she wasn't expecting anyone but she beamed like a Cheshire cat when she saw who it was who had walked in. "Ryan!" she rushed over to him and hugged him without thinking.

"Oh.... " she realised what she'd done and let him go. "sorry" she apologised.

Ryan smiled. "Don't worry,,,anyway i've brought breakfast" he told her. "Got your favourite coffee too, well i think it is....Columbian?" he asked.

“Oh! You're SOO thoughtful! Thank you" she was thrilled he'd taken so much trouble.

"Not a problem" he set down the basket and sat on the floor and opened it up and took out some croissants and a large flask of coffee and two mugs.

Nora watched with wide eyes. Delighted she sat down beside him and couldn't stop gushing about how wonderful this was and how nice of him to organise it all.

Ryan smiled. "You'd think no one has ever brought you breakfast" he chuckled.

Nora blushed. "Actually... " she smiled gently, a sad look in her eyes. She didn't finish the sentence but just kissed his cheek.

As she kissed his cheek, Ryan's eyes closed, it felt nice...he liked it. He opened his eyes again and she was looking at him. He smiled awkwardly. *She must think im an idiot* he thought.

Nora wondered why Ryan had closed his eyes when she kissed his cheek and she came to the conclusion it must have been because she'd gone too far. She withdrew and apologised again. "Sorry." she blushed, tugging awkwardly at her laces as she undid them clumsily, looking anywhere but at Ryan.

"No...no...i erm...I liked it...actually" he told her.

Nora brightened visibly and beamed again. "Oh.. thank goodness. I thought I'd ... i mean.... "

"You mean what?" he asked as he poured some coffee into her mug as he waited for her to reply.

"I was afraid I'd overstepped the mark. I mean we're such good friends and I really love that. I'd hate to spoil it by doing something daft." she admitted, accepting the coffee. "Thanks"

"No...i don't think your daft" he smiled. "Your far from it actually...." he didnt know how this was going and was unsure how it would carry on.

Nora blushed again. "Most people do" she assured him with a smile. "I don't mind though. Sometimes I think it myself, when I'm around you at least. I'm actually a reasonably intelligent, competent Scientist really. It's just that you .... well... your good opinion of me means so much to me that i try too hard to be whatever I think you'd approve of.... if that makes sense?" she explained very honestly, deep blue eyes meeting deep blue eyes as they looked directly at each other.

"Yeah it does" he smiled. "There's something I haven't told you...remember the night you hurt your knee?"

"how could i forget *that* night?" she grimaced.

Ryan smiled a little. "...I know you kissed me" he told her.

Nora blushed again, this time bright scarlet from her neck to her hairline. "Sorry" she said softly "I couldn't resist, you looked so lovely, fast asleep"

Taking a deep breath she recovered from the surprise of being discovered and began to hurriedly explain. "I knew I shouldn't because you were with Chelsea then and I just wanted to say thank you for everything but I shouldn't have done it that way, I just thought you'd never know and I gave myself that one moment because I knew I couldn't have you for my own and i so wanted to...." she stopped herself, way too late. Now it was all out.

Ryan smiled. "I'm glad you did" and then leaned forward quickly and kissed her passionately for a few seconds and then stopped and looked into her eyes and waited to see her reaction. Maybe he had done the wrong thing?

Nora was taken by surprise at first but as the tears welled in her eyes she reached gently out and cupped Ryan's face in her fingertips and softly drew him back towards her lips. "Please sir, may I have some more?" she whispered, quoting an ancient text from a childhood story.

As their lips locked again, this time Nora was ready and returned his passion with plenty of her own. It was as if her wishes had all come true at once and she felt as if she was melting into a wonderful dream. She didn't let him go for what felt like an age.

A JP between

Lt. Ryan Milarno


CWO Eleanora Martinez
Science Officer