Beg, Steal or Borrow – A message left behind for my sister and for someone more
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   A message left behind for my sister and for someone more
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Tue Mar 31, 2009 @ 3:48pm
Location   Claire's Quarters
Timeline   SD 8 13:55
Claire made one last sweep through the corridors making sure that all the Romulans were safely in their quarters or in the Embassy. When she couldn't find anyone else Claire ran back to her quarters even though the attack was imminent. She needed to leave a message for least she would be safe back on Earth...she hoped. Not only was she helping the captain during the court martial but Jarred had asked her to gather intelligence for him and look where he ended up! She hadn't even been trained!

=^= Computer start recording this message and deliver to Zorana Kasikova if my death is logged into the system=^= The computer beeped in acknowledgement.

Claire sat infront of the screen and looked into it. "Zor, if you are watching this than it means that when the starbase as attacked I didn't make it. I am so sorry. I know I will have done my best to survive this attack. You are like a sister to me. You and your family took me in when I was orphaned, you protected me and kept me safe...I hope you are safe.

I need you to please find Jarred and what happened to him. If I can't then I need you to. He was sent on a mission before the starbase was attacked. I am not sure if he contacted you before he left but the way he spoke was like the mission was suicidal. It looks like it may have been. Gabriel Dorian told me that the ship he was on was destroyed and that Jarred didn't make it out in time but I can still sense his presence...please find him Zorana.

I love you both...please take care of each other."

=^= Computer end message=^=

Claire sat for a long moment staring at the blank screen. She wanted to leave a message for Jarred but would he ever get it? Was he even alive? She sighed and told the computer to start recording another message for her. She told the computer to deliver it to Jarred Wallace if her death was logged into the system.

"Jarred...If you are seeing this, it is because I didn't make it through the attack. I am so sorry. I am not even sure you will receive this message, Gabriel Dorian told me that you are dead...but I can still sense your mind. Please find Zorana for me, she is my only sister. She will be devastated. Please take care of each other...I love you both.

I have left her a message as well...I hope you find each other. I hope you are safe. I love you..."

=^=Computer end message=^=

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counsellor
NPC'd By Mandy