Beg, Steal or Borrow – Violence isn't the answer, I got it wrong on purpose
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Violence isn't the answer, I got it wrong on purpose
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon May 25, 2009 @ 1:51am
Location   Chintauka Prime
Timeline   2377
Jarred and his team materialized rifles at the ready, "ok move!" the group of commandos took off following the locator beacon on their tricorder. Jarred was at a full run, when someone called "down!". A Jemhidar fighter flew low overhead. "move! move!"

As the troops scrambled through the woods and swamp they were weary that it was a given the Dominion knew they were on the planet. "We are inside the transport dampening field now, one hundred meters too the target." a marine said.

Jarred looked at his chronometer, "we have five minutes left." the team resumed its run, as they got closer they saw where the escape pod had crashed. Jarred pulled out a small med kit and ran over to the door. "Lets get the door open we have five minutes before that fighter gets back."

Another marine pulled out a pry bar and pried open the door, an audible hiss followed by a cloud of smoke came from the pod, Jarred looked inside, "everyone ok?" a groan was his answer. Jarred reached in and pulled out the injured Romulan. "three minutes! get to the tree line." a marine called out.

Jarred threw the Romulan over his shoulder and started to run as quickly as he could. As the group got back into the forest they could hear the approach of a Jemhidar fighter overhead, Jarred set the injured Romulan down, and pulled out a medical tricorder, "two broken ribs, and a contusion on his face, no other injuries." he began to stir "do you think you can walk?" the Romulan nodded, "ok we need to move we have five minutes."

The group walked carefully through the bush, the Jemhidar had patrols on foot, most likely looking for the group. As they approached the clearing where they were to meet their transport, it had a patrol of jemhidar troops, a marine signalled there were only 8. Jarred ordered the troops back "we've got to make our shots count, its not worth it getting into hand to hand combat. lock and load."

Jarred and the marines checked their phaser rifles, he looked over at the Romulan "You stay here until we give the ok, I don't need you getting killed after we saved your ass." jarred reached into his pack "take this, and sit until we call for you." he handed the Romulan a phaser. "Lets go!"

The first volley of phaser rifle fire cut down four Jemhidar, the remaining jemhidar returned fire into the trees, splintering the surrounding trees, Jarred stood up and fired a second then a third time incinerating the leading jemhidar, similar volleys followed. The three remaining Jemhidar approached the firing line Jarred fired again the compressed pulse hit the jemhidar in the head, stopping him dead in his tracks.

Jarred saw another Jemhidar getting ready to strike down one of his men he pulled a throwing knife out of it sheath and threw it striking the jemhidar in the back of the right knee he fired killing the soldier another Jemhidar tackled jarred striking him, he could feel the deep gash opened on his side, jarred continued the struggle with the jemhidar when a phaser sounded, incinerating the last warrior. Jarred pushed the burned body off of him he looked at the Romulan, "we are now equal human, no longer an enemy."

As Jarred struggled to his feet, he helped the Romulan up, both men were injured, "we have to make it to the beam out....we only have a few minutes." Jarred was labouring with his injuries, "Lets move!"

The squad of six and the Romulan limped to their extraction point, "Wallace to Asia, seven to beam to sick bay."
the valley filled with bright shimmer of a transporter engaging. As the assault team materialized in sick bay both jarred and the Romulan collapsed, a medic and a nurse lifted Jarred onto a nearby bio bed, nearby the Romulan looked at the man who had saved him, he looked at the doctor treating him "Who is that man?"

The Doctor just smiled "Lieutenant Jarred Wallace, why?"

The Romulan just looked at her "I owe him my life, I wish to speak with the captain when you are done with me."


ENS Jarred Wallace